The Takeover Alert Review – How’s Zach Scheidt Service?

The Takeover Alert newsletter identifies the market’s most compelling takeover targets before a deal is announced to hand you lightning fast and meaningful paydays.It’s a new service that aims to use “M.A.R.K.E.D” methodology to identify stocks that are on the verge of being takeover targets.

The Takeover Alert Review – What’s inside?

If you’ve followed the financial news over the last few years, you’ve likely seen a lot of coverage on mergers and acquisitions.

And if you weren’t following closely, you might wonder why takeovers are such a hot topic…

Well, in the wake of the financial crisis of 2008 — and fueled by ultralow interest rates — corporate earnings took off in a way not seen since the dot-com boom of the 1990s.

But after years of eye-popping earnings growth, the gravy train finally hit a speed bump in 2015. A slowdown in consumption overseas — particularly in China and Europe — hit multinational corporations hard here in the U.S.

But many firms were already hoarding mountains of cash — and had access to even more easy money with cheap credit.

So what do you do as a cash-rich company when growth slows down and you’re not sure when it’s going to pick up again, yet shareholders are clamoring for it?

You do the only thing you can to restore it quickly – you grow by acquiring your rivals and pocketing their sales, profits and cash flow.

Sure enough, we witnessed a record-breaking year for takeovers in 2015, as corporations responded to shareholder pressure to just keep growing.

Around the world, $4.3 trillion of merger deals were made, according to Dealogic.

That’s $4.3 trillion worth of profits for shareholders that were savvy enough to be holding onto shares of a takeover target before a deal was announced.

If you’ve ever owned shares of a company that received an unsolicited takeover offer, you understand the excitement of waking up on a Monday morning and seeing you brokerage account swell instantly by 30%, 50%, even 75% or more.

If you’ve never had that experience that’s about to change. Our sole mission with The Takeover Alert is to identify the market’s most compelling takeover targets before a deal is announced to hand you lightning fast and meaningful paydays.

What do you get for your money when you subscribe for The Takeover Alert Newsletter?

Join now, and take advantage of our strictly time-limited “Charter Member” offer.

– Including your immediate, 100% FREE copies of my newest reports, “Going Vertical: One M.A.R.K.E.D. Play to Own Before September 12th” AND “The ‘Micro-Target’ Memo: 2 Small-Cap Acquisition Bets for 29X Your Cash in The Weeks Ahead.”

-PLUS your exclusive Charter Member “BONUS” report, detailing the “10X” trick you can easily use to supercharge ALL your The Takeover Alert gains…

Delivered straight to your doorstep, along with all these world-class The Takeover Alert benefits…

  • 1 Brand-New Issue… With 1 Brand-New M.A.R.K.E.D. Stock…EVERY Month: The market never goes on vacation—and neither do we. Once a month, we’ll bring you the BEST idea our M.A.R.K.E.D. Money Signal spits out. And if it zeroes in on MORE than one a month? More world-class recommendations—and more shots at making 5, 10, or even up to 15X returns, in a SINGLE day—for you.
  • Timely, Easy-To-Read Buying & Selling Guidance: Because knowing what to buy is only half the battle, you can rest assured that we’ll tell you exactly when to buy…and exactly when to sell.
  • 100% Model Portfolio Access: All of our current and future “buy” recommendations, right at your fingertips.
  • Private Access to the “Members Only” The Takeover Alert Website: Your personal control room for zeroing in on some of the market’s most promising “marked” stock stories and opportunities.
  • COMPLIMENTARY Access to the The Takeover Alert Member Support Team: As a Charter Member, you’ll receive complete access to my support team, which can be reached by phone or email between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. EST, Monday through Friday.
  • Free Unadvertised Bonus: America Uncensored — each day you’ll receive real news the mainstream media and our government officials would rather you not hear. Hard-hitting, reality-check news and advice about the economy, retirement planning and investing, alternative health and lifestyle, and even survival tips.
  • FREE subscription to our e-letters, The Daily Edge and The 5 Min. Forecast.
  • PLUS Weekly Email Updates, Guest Editor Appearances, Master Archives, and so much more!

The Takeover Alert FAQ

Q: “If “marked” investing is so lucrative, why haven’t I heard of it before?”

A: Because before today, this strategy—including the proprietary 6-point methodology of my M.A.R.K.E.D. Money Signal, which I’ve spent OVER a decade perfecting—has NEVER been shown to the public.

In other words, this is “Day 0” in terms of this powerful stock-selection tool being placed in the hands of ordinary folks.

And frankly, I think it could be one of the most important days of your financial life.

Over my years on Wall Street, I personally watched dozens of stocks get “marked” the way I’ve just shown you…

100% of the time, these stocks went UP.

That’s why I took six years to “beta” test a system that would detect these special stocks…

  • When the system gave the “signal” on May 21st, 2004, it led to gains of 634%
  • When the system gave the “signal” on April 1st, 2005, it led to gains of 1,287%
  • When the system gave the “signal” on September 7th, 2006, it led to gains of 209%
  • When the system gave the “signal” on June 18th, 2007, it led to gains of 228%
  • When the system gave the “signal” on November 14th, 2008, it led to gains of 508%
  • When the system gave the “signal” on June 1st, 2009, it led to gains of 599%
  • When the system gave the “signal” on June 4th, 2010, it led to gains of 347%

But even as the “beta” test achieved astonishing results, we knew that still wasn’t capturing the holy grail…

Massive, four-digit gains…

From the “marked” stocks that are guaranteed to go up…

Achieved in UNDER 24 hours….on a predetermined date!

That’s why we took the system “offline”… and spent 7 full years researching and developing the proprietary M.A.R.K.E.D Money Signal system.

Frankly, this is the most important work of many lives. It’s my honor to share it with you today…

And my conviction that it will make you MILLIONS from ordinary stocks in the month ahead.

Q: “Do “marked” stocks really go up that high…that fast? And is your system really built to find them?”

A: Yes…on both fronts.

“Marked” stocks are 100% real…

And I’m willing to bet there is NO type of ordinary stocks that goes up HIGHER…or FASTER…than they do.

Have a look at the charts below—and pay particular attention to where the stocks “go vertical.”

The Takeover Alert Review

Stocks that do that…on a pre arranged “deadline” date—can be quite literally life-changing…

Which is why I developed my M.A.R.K.E.D. Money Signal specifically to find them…

And why I’m so excited to put this tool in YOUR hands, today.

Of course, as I explained above, there is one rather unfortunate “catch…”

In order to maintain maximum upside potential, I can only share my system’s first 3 “buy” alerts

Which I project could net you a stunning 24.7X return in the weeks ahead

With the first 100 individuals who join on as Charter Members of The Takeover Alert today.

To take advantage of this extraordinary opportunity…

Covered by Agora Financial’s first—and FINAL—“Golden Parachute” Refund Guarantee…

(NOTE: Hitting this button will NOT oblige you to make any commitment whatsoever. You will simply be redirected to another page, with additional information about the details and benefits of your exclusive Charter Member invitation.)

Q: “Are these “buy” alerts for actual NORMAL stocks…that I can buy and sell in my REGULAR brokerage account…or is this another one of those complicated “options” schemes?”

A: Correct.

The M.A.R.K.E.D. Money Signal screens exclusively for regular stocks, just like any other you’ve bought and sold in your current brokerage account. These are not futures contracts, currency swaps, junk bonds, or any other sort of “exotic” investment.

Do I need to have a lot of money to invest in order for this system to make me truly wealthy?

Answer: Not at all.

As I demonstrated above, from May of 2016 to January of 2017, you could have rolled your profits to turn a single $1,000 investment into approximately $775,274 in pure profit…

Simply by investing in a string of stocks this system is explicitly designed to detect!

In other words, this system really does screen for the stocks that capture the highest gains in the shortest period of time.

Don’t believe me?

Have a look at this “marked” stock, that hit its deadline just a few weeks back…

The Takeover Alert Review

Those are gains of OVER 1,100%…in UNDER 24 hours!

To put it in perspective, that’s more than Apple, General Electric, and Google COMBINED have returned over the last decade…

From a single stock…

In a single day.

Q:“Remind me again…what exactly are “marked” stocks?”

A: “Marked” stocks are stocks that have been acquired.

Sometimes, the acquirer is another, bigger company…

Other times, the acquirer is a multi-billionaire, or “private equity” firm…

But as study after study shows, when it’s announced that a stock has been “marked” for acquisition by a buyer willing to pay a premium…

100% of the time, the stock goes UP.

The Takeover Alert Review

With a “Dealmaker-in-Chief” in the Oval Office, acquisition activity could well hit record highs.

That’s why I’m unveiling my M.A.R.K.E.D. Money Signal to the public today…so you can have every advantage in hunting down the most lucrative takeover targets on a consistent basis.

Who is Zach Scheidt – the man behind The Takeover Alert Newsletter?

Zach Scheidt - The Takeover Alert
Zach Scheidt – The Takeover Alert

Zach Scheidt is the editor of a library of investment advisories dedicated to finding Wall Street’s best yields. He brings to the table impeccable investment management experience and a solid record of identifying oversized payout opportunities.

In Zach’s flagship service, Lifetime Income Report he has given readers over ten positions with 80-145% gains — as well as yields of up to 8.7% on KKR Group. And most recently he holds a stunning 96.5% success rate in his options advisory, Income on Demand.

Zach is also the editor of Family Wealth Circle, Zach’s Weekly Squawk Box, and co-founder of The Dollar Trade Club with Alan Knuckman.

Zach’s work has also appeared in Seeking Alpha, Motley Fool, and The Wall Street Journal.

He had started his career as a cost accountant for SunTrust Bank before he left for a more exciting career as an analyst for an Atlanta-based investment advisory. The company catered to wealthy clients with a minimum account balance of $1 million. It also ran two hedge funds with combined assets above $100 million. Zach was personally responsible for $20 million of the firm’s money, as well as $20 million in individual client accounts.

Zach graduated with honors from Lee University, a small private university in Cleveland, Tennessee. Upon entering the investment business, Zachary simultaneously worked full-time as an analyst and portfolio manager and earned his MBA from Georgia State University.

When he is not scouring Wall Street for ultra-high dividends, Zach enjoys running, playing poker and spending time with his wife and seven children.

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