The Great Barrington Project Review – Is George Gilder’s Service Legit?

George Gilder’s brand new publication – The Great Barrington Project – is where you’ll hear about the private tech companies George is most excited about. It’s your chance not just to hear about breakthrough technology companies before anyone else – but to invest alongside George as and take early stakes in the next “game-changing” tech.


Man Who Foresaw 2020 Crash Expects “Turn of The Century Event”

Top billionaires have already made $292,000,000 by spotting this trend.

Here’s what they know.

The Great Barrington Project Review – What Is It?

The Great Barrington Project is George Gilder’s latest project. It’s a dedicated publication where you’ll hear all about some of the best private access opportunities in America.

Every opportunity you hear about will meet two over-arching criteria:

  • It’ll involve an emerging technology George thinks could change not just a single market but the entire world – just as we’ve seen with the rise of the internet, personal computing and the blockchain.
  • And it’ll have the potential to make early investors a lot of money.

To do this critical work, George Gilder teamed up with two world-class investment analysts, John Schroeter and Steve Waite.

John and Steve have the kind of connections that many people would pay handsomely for…

Steve was an independent researcher for Harris & Harris Group – a NASDAQ listed venture firm. In that time, he researched and advised many million-dollar startups – like D-Wave Systems, a leading quantum computing firm partnered with Google, NASA, and Goldman Sachs. Or IoT startup Adesto, which was acquired by Dialog Semiconductors for $500 million last year.

For twenty years, he was an advisor to the Future in Review tech event – dubbed “the best technology conference in the world” by The Economist. Elon Musk spoke at the event to showcase Tesla before it went public. And one of the companies Steve found – NanoXplore – went public in 2017. It is now worth more than $450 million.

Plus, Steve literally wrote the book on venture investing in “Deep Science” technology. Andrew W. Lo, from the MIT Sloan School of Management, dubbed the book “required reading for all entrepreneurs and investors”.

John Schroeter is even deeper into this technology…

John co-authored the best-seller Moonshots. Billionaire businessman Richard Branson wrote the foreword. And venture capital legend Tim Draper put it, “Humanity does indeed have a bright future–but only if enough of us read this book”.

He edited the After Shock collection, with contributions from people like Google engineer and futurist Ray Kurzweil and artificial intelligence expert Aubrey de Grey.

And perhaps best of all, John’s an inventor as well as a well-connected analyst. In fact, he helped invent a key piece of 5G technology. (If you don’t believe me, go check out US Patent number 10,516,606 B2.)

During his time with a company co-founded by Carver Mead, John’s patented work in eliminating counterfeit drugs from the supply chain (using RFID) was recognized with Frost & Sullivan’s Technology Innovation of the Year Award.

And by the way, if that all isn’t enough, John is also an award-winning music producer – having worked with artists like Paul Simon and Les Paul.

Between them, John and Steve will focus on the business model, deal terms, and financials and leadership teams of the companies. And they’ll make the final call as to whether a company is a BUY or not.

And George Gilder focuses on the big picture technology…

And when it comes to the final recommendations, John and Steve are in total control.

If an opportunity meets those two criteria above, you’ll hear about it in The Great Barrington Project.


Alex Green just dropped this BOMBSHELL in brand new O’Reilly interview

He makes a BOMBSHELL prediction about how investors will perform through the first half of the Joe Biden Presidency.

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The Great Barrington Project – Is It For You?

Look. Let’s be grown-ups. I want you to come into this with your eyes open. Private investing isn’t all sunshine and unicorns. To succeed as a private investor you need to be daring. You need to be prepared to take risks. Above all you need to be patient.

So if you’re looking for a way to make millions of dollars overnight, this isn’t it.

There are plenty of people online who’ll promise you instant riches from the markets. If that’s what you’re after, lots of luck with that.

Investing in private companies isn’t the same as buying publicly listed shares. It’s high potential reward. But it’s also much higher risk.

This means you should only invest capital you’re comfortable losing if things go wrong.

It’s part and parcel of this way of investing. This isn’t normal stock market investing. These are early-stage companies, often without a longstanding track record of revenue.

When things go wrong, you can lose your whole investment.

If you understand that risk, and you’re happy to take it, then I think you’ll love The Great Barrington Project.

It’s your chance to put yourself right at the heart of some of the biggest tech stories in the world today.

Every opportunity you hear about will be fully researched, vetted and pass through Steve and John’s filters:

  • Is there a potential to make 100 fold or more? There’s no other way of putting it: if Steve and John don’t think a company has the potential to deliver transformative returns, you’ll never hear about it. On the other hand… when they find a company with 100x potential, they’ll research it and show you how to get in.
  • Is the company at a trend “convergence point”? Often they’ll start with the macro picture. They want a company at the sweet spot of not just one but multiple key trends. They ’re spoiled for choice right now. As you’ll know, the Cryptocosm involves everything from blockchain to artificial intelligence to the Internet of Things – and a hundred other colliding technologies. They’ll hunt down companies poised to capitalize on as many of these trends as possible.
  • Is the technology truly disruptive? The great Carver Mead coined the phrase “listen to the technology”. In other words: nothing beats truly disruptive technology. George Gilder will dig into the detail of the tech and ask all the big questions. How is this technology going to affect other adjacent technologies? What will it converge with? What will it disrupt, enable or enhance?
  • Do they trust the leadership? George, Steve and John want to bet on jockeys as well as horses. So they’ll get to know the leadership behind the technology. They’ll understand how they think and what their plans are. They’ll make sure their thinking is sound and rigorous.
  • What does the data tell them? In the public sphere, you have a LOT more information about the company. But then, it’s information everyone has access to so it’s hard to get an information edge. But in private companies, information is held close to the vest. This is where it is helpful to have a good network, and even better to have access to the founders.
  • What are the risks? Everyone knows investing – all investing – is risky. Private access investing is high risk. George, Steve and John will carefully assess the business risk so that you know exactly what you’re getting in to.
  • What does the exit look like? If you decide you want to cash out of a public company, it’s easy. You sell it on the open market. Not so with private companies. That’s why it’s crucial you consider your exit strategy BEFORE you get in. Not all private companies list on the stock market in an IPO. Some are bought out by bigger companies as they grow. Some list on the stock market. Others stay private. John and Steve will analyze company plans and try to anticipate a potential future exit.

Bottom line: The Great Barrington Project is the perfect way to discover opportunities in some of the highest potential private tech companies in America.


Man Who Picked Bitcoin in 2016 Issues NEW Buy


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What Do You Get For Your Money?

Here’s everything you’ll get:

A subscription to The Great Barrington Project

This is your chance to hear about the private technology companies that George, John, and Steve are most excited about. You’ll get a minimum of two fully researched, opportunities a year. And you’ll ONLY hear about an opportunity if George believes the tech is revolutionary – and the company passes John and Steve’s due diligence process.

Some of these deals will be Reg A, which anyone can invest in. Others will be for accredited investors only. But whatever the legal status, George will invest his own capital alongside you.

In short, this publication is designed to:

  • Find the next breakthrough tech stock, before it goes public…
  • Share the research and insights you need to decide whether you want in…
  • And to keep you up to date as we build a model ‘VC-style’ portfolio of private tech companies

Access to the “Online Boardroom” recordings

These videos, which are recorded as needed throughout the year, are your chance to hear George, John, and Steve discuss existing opportunities – and look forward to what may be to come. It’s your chance to “look under the hood” of the research the team are doing.

Also included in your subscription are the following bonuses:

BONUS #1: “George Gilder’s #1 Edge – Private Access To Early Stage Tech”

In this brand new, member-only briefing George delves into greater detail on what he calls his #1 edge. It distills more than half a century working with entrepreneurs, Silicon Valley startups, and politicians. It’s a great introduction to the new and exciting world of private tech investing.

BONUS #2: “Five Golden Rules For Investing In Private Companies’’

In this report, John and Steve lay out their process for researching and vetting a new company. Don’t worry, they’ll do all the hard yards for you. This report gives you a crucial insight into what they’re looking for in a potential opportunity.

BONUS #3: A Free Ticket to the next COSM event

Currently scheduled for November 2021, this is your chance to meet with George, and your fellow members, in person. We’ll spend a little time socializing – and invite a few tech insiders along too. Usually entry costs $499.


Why I Sold ALL My Stocks for Bitcoin?

Expert reveals how he made over $1 million on a single investment… then left the stock market for something much, much more exciting. This true story led to a 500%-potential crypto strategy that he’s now sharing for free today.

Click here for details

The Great Barrington Project Pricing

You can get one year subscription to The Great Barrington Project for USD $4,000.

Final Word

The Great Barrington Project is your chance to invest directly in some of the most exciting private tech companies in America – with George Gilder at your side.

It’s the culmination of more than half a century of hard work.

George has spent the last 56 years writing about and investing in breakthrough technology. In that time he’s written 19 books, recommended some of the top performing tech stocks of all time, and developed extraordinary connections along the way.

For instance, he’s a Founding Partner of Peter Thiel’s 1517 Fund. He’s worked directly with people like Rupert Murdoch, Steve Forbes, and UFC owner and venture capitalist Ari Emmanuel.

As George explained on camera, those connections can be priceless. Through his holding at 1517, George was recently part of a deal that made 160x, on the breakthrough LiDAR firm Luminar.

In other words… when it comes to private technology stocks, George is the man you want in your corner.

His brand new publication – The Great Barrington Project – is where you’ll hear about the private tech companies George is most excited about. (So excited he’s investing his own capital in them.)

It’s your chance not just to hear about breakthrough technology companies before anyone else – but to invest alongside George as and take early stakes in the next “game-changing” tech.

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