The Freeport Investor Review – Louis Navellier Prediction

In this Louis Navellier Freeport Investor review, we examine the state of America’s economy and explore the necessary measures to safeguard your financial assets.

The Freeport Society new presentation – “Last Republican President” –  is about their flagship publication: The Freeport Investor.

The Freeport Investor recommends diverse strategies that hedge against inflation. It teaches its members that they hold the power to safeguard their savings.

Often Freeport’s recommendations include investing in companies with growth potential despite political changes. Members learn how to maximize investment returns and enjoy the personal freedom it brings.

The Freeport Investor Review Key Takeaways

  • Who Is Louis Navellier and what’s his track record? With decades of experience in converting strictly academic methods into practical applications for the market, Louis Navellier believes that disciplined, quantitative and fundamental analysis can allocate the stocks that will significantly outperform the overall market. He was invited to join the Freeport society’s board because of his incredible track record.
  • What is the “Californication” of America? California, the state Newsom governs right now, is essentially like a country of its own. California is a microcosm of what Navellier believes America will become once Gavin Newsom takes over for Biden heading into 2024. Despite all sorts of natural splendors: resources, amazing weather, booming entertainment, and technology sectors, nearly 40 million citizens California has unfunded pension liabilities, many homeless people, Newsom is pushing to ban all natural gas appliances… Getting ahead as a California citizen is becoming near impossible…
  •  “The Last Republican President” Prediction The Freeport Investor focuses on the possible results of the 2024 presidential election, particularly how the investing environment would be affected by the “Last Republican President” prediction.
  • Millennials and Gen Z Shaping the Future: The Freeport Investor emphasizes how the preferences and ideals of the younger generations may lead to a change in favor of more progressive legislation, referred as the “Californication of America”
  • Aligning Investment Strategies to Political Changes: The Freeport Investor offers recommendations to its members on how to modify their portfolios in reaction to current market conditions often as a result of changing political environments, impacted by electoral forecasts and demographic shifts.
  • Charles Sizemore’s role in The Freeport Investor: Charles is investment director of The Freeport Investor. He will reveal the money opportunities he is seeing.

Last Republican President & The Californication of America – Watch the presentation here

Who is Louis Navellier?

Louis Navellier is one of Wall Street’s most well-known growth investors. He has advised tens of thousands of individuals on investments for over thirty years. During that time, he has developed a reputation as an expert stock picker as well as an outstanding portfolio manager.

Navellier is also a knowledgeable insider on Wall Street. Through his fund management company, Navellier & Associates, he and his team of over fifty analysts and staff oversee over five billion dollars in mutual funds and institutional accounts.

You might’ve seen him on Fox Business, CNBC, Bloomberg, in the New York Times, The Wall Street Journal. He participates in many conferences, where he speaks to thousands of liberty-loving Americans about how to be financially prosperous and live free life.

Louis Navellier ‘s Track Record

Billionaire Steve Forbes once said Louis Navellier has the most enviable long-term track record of investment recommendations. For more than three decades Louis has been a private advisor to the financial elite. Helping them avoid losses by giving them heads up months before major financial shifts such as the Black Monday crash in 1987 and the dot-com crash in 2000.

Because of his career and achievements, he had the opportunity to interact with some of the world’s most well-connected politicians, megadonors, and other influential people.

Louis was able to call out the 2008 financial crisis before the market tanked.

Now he is coming forward to pull back the curtain on the radical left’s attempt to turn our country into a socialist nightmare.

What is the “Californication” of America?

“Californication” of America is a major national trend toward laws and social norms that are believed to be prevalent in the state of California. Navellier believes that Biden will be the nominee in the 2024 election, but the next President of the United States could be California governor Gavin Newsom. Right now, he isn’t directly challenging Biden. But he’s waiting in the wings for Biden to back out.

This will be the first step towards Californication of America. It will lead to major economic shifts. Investors need to start preparing now for the upcoming changes like:

  • High gas, food, and housing prices
  • Radical socialism
  • Rising crime
  • Insane spending and borrowing
  • Walking towards WWIII

What is “The Last Republican President” Prediction?

This election is unlike any other in American history because of two demographic forces that will play major role in America in 2024 and further.

The first demographic force are millennials, and the second force is Gen Z.

Together, these two generations make up the largest voting group outside of the Baby Boomers.

These voters will not only keep Donald Trump from reclaiming the White House but also keep a republican from EVER becoming president again. Here is Navellier’s explanation why.

Millennials and Gen Z’ers are burdened with excessive student loan debt, too little income, and too few assets to get ahead. These will be the first American generations whose lives will be worse than their parents.

These generations are expected to make up the majority of voters in the United States by 2028.

Once they take the majority, anyone promising less government, less handouts, and less benefits will never see the White House again.

These voters will prefer Gavin Newsom’s socialist policies:

  • student loan forgiveness.
  • Free healthcare.
  • Free universal childcare.

They’ll want everything that costs money for free…

As everyone leaves California to avoid Newsom’s changes, if he takes office and turns America into California, where would people escape to?

The good news, there is a safe harbor… Navellier outlined some important steps to take now.

How To Prepare for Financial Changes? Key Investment Strategies.

Navellier believes there will be aggressive attacks on your freedom over the next 12 months. Here are the steps he thinks you should take:

Step #1: Dump These 3 “Flagged” Election Stocks. Get Into These 3 Election Stocks Now

There is no need to panic if you know how to position your portfolio. Get Navellier’s free report called “The 2024 Election Blueprint” and you will find the names of the companies you should get rid of right away.

Then, you will get the names of those he believes will soar over the next 18 months as the 2024 election drama unfolds.

After you’ve positioned your portfolio, you’re going to want to take one of the most profitable and patriotic steps you can take with your money.

Once your portfolio is positioned, you should make one of the most profitable and patriotic financial decisions you can make.

Step #2: Profit Off Of The “Green New Scam”

The report you will get next is on the industry that has the most potential to grow rapidly over the next three to five years as a result of The Democrats’ insane manipulation of our economy.

It is already happening.

You’ve probably read about the left-wing ESG movement. ESG stands for Environmental, Social, and Governance. In essence, liberals are pushing big financial firms to invest their money—as well as yours—in green initiatives.

Because of the ESG trend, oil stocks were avoided. But the reality is we need oil and natural gas to survive.

Navellier is confident the oil sector is just warming up… and soon profits could gush higher and higher. As a result, oil corporations might make even more record-breaking profits. Louis identified five that can make you rich.

You’ll get the names of five oil companies in his report “Oil Stocks Set To Rocket Up: How To Profit From Insane ESG Policies.”

Step #3: Inflation-Proof Your Financial Life

Everyone believes that inflation has ended at this time. However, look at the current trend of federal spending:

The Freeport Investor Review

America’s spending and borrowing are making our debt grow much faster than the economy is growing.

That debt spiral will be even worse under a Newsom administration.

That indicates that inflation will surge back and establish itself as the new normal.

Here is what you can do for protecting yourself. There is a sector of the economy that has proven to be the best hedge against long-term inflation that Navellier has ever seen in his 40+ year career.

The best part is that his algorithms are signaling this is the perfect time to invest in this sector. Details exactly how to invest in this trend are revealed in the report called “The Inflation Solution: How To Make More Money As Inflation Screams Higher.”

How can you claim all three of these reports? Well … all this information is just a small part of a much bigger project. It’s called The Freeport Society.

The Freeport Society for People Like You

The Freeport Investor Review

People from The Freeport Society believe that free minds, free speech, free enterprise, and free markets made America the greatest country in history.

Their board includes two investment data scientists that have proprietary algorithms for scanning all major social media apps to monitor trends and consumer behavior in America.

Among the members are: one millionaire who runs the largest independent financial research network, CEO of a major public company, hard assets expert that helps high-net worth clients protect themselves using precious metals, former Goldman Sachs executive, medical doctor, and connections to turn to for tax insights… insurance… alternative assets… and much more.

Members of the society look to each of these professionals for advice on gaining greater autonomy in all spheres of life.

At Freeport Society you can learn exactly how to take advantage of off-the-radar investment.
Your next step should be to try a no-risk trial subscription to The Society’s flagship publication:The Freeport Investor.

Overview of The Freeport Investor

Charles Sizemore, the investing director of The Freeport Investor, will send you a letter each month outlining the best financial opportunity he is seeing.

Think of Charles as the chair of The Freeport Society.

You’ll also be able to read the latest ideas and opportunities from other experts in Freeport Investment Advisory.

What Is Included with The Freeport Investor?

Here’s everything you get when you become a charter Freeport Society member:

  • 12 monthly issues of The Freeport Investor full of investment recommendations.
  • Bonus report #1: The 2024 Election Blueprint.
  • Bonus report #2: Oil Stocks Set To Rocket Up: How To Profit From Insane ESG Policies.
  • Bonus report #3: The Inflation Solution: How To Make More Money As Inflation Screams Higher.
  • Bonus report #4: Off The Radar Income.
  • Free Book: Investing in The Age of Chaos.
  • Full access to the Freeport Society’s online member’s clubhouse, including regularly updated look at their experts’ model portfolios and ideas.

How Much Is To Become A Member?

The Freeport Society is running a sale for The Freeport Investor.  It offers a charter membership package for $49, discounted 75% off from $199 retail price. It includes few bonus reports and a free book. This offer has a 90-day risk-free trial for new members.

Is Freeport Investor Legit?

The Freeport Society membership isn’t suitable for everyone. Many people will feel offended by Navellier’s opinion and the position he reveals.

The 2024 presidential election has the potential to drastically change America because of the odd combination of polarizing candidates… banana republic strategies used by powerful politicians, new demographic trends, and a shadow campaign the democratic party is currently running to keep the control for the next four years.

This society is insulating itself from it all. Their goal is to use their knowledge to set themself up for financial prosperity, and live free.

Our Verdict of The Freeport Investor and The Freeport Society

We analyzed the potential value The Freeport Investor and The Freeport and what they can offer to the investors. Here is an unbiased verdict:

The goal of the Freeport Society’s experts is to help their members to find freedom no matter what’s happening with geopolitics, interest rates, the stock market, the business cycle, tax changes, disruptive technologies, consumer trends, geopolitical and other important events.

It is quite simple to read, and you will always be able to decide which ideas to act upon.

I’m not aware of any other research advisory that offers as much access and insight into every aspect of our life as this one does.

Ready to Try The Freeport Investor – Click Here For The Best Price

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