The Currencies in Crisis Summit – Is Larry Benedict Currency Prediction Legit?

Banks are collapsing… stocks are whipsawing… China, Russia, and Saudi Arabia are dumping dollars… What’s more, Larry Benedict – who accurately predicted the 2020 and 2022 crashes – is warning investors: “Brace yourself – it’s about to get even more crazy.”

But instead of running to cash or gold or speculating in stocks, Larry’s advising a completely different approach.

He’s sharing all the details in the Currencies in Crisis Summit on April 19th at 8 PM ET.


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The Currencies in Crisis Summit Recap

Did you catch last night’s Currencies in Crisis Summit?

I hope so because Larry Benedict explained why now is the perfect time to get started in the currency market.

This is the one corner of the market that’s actually benefiting from all the chaos in the financial world.

It’s helping Wall Street make “enormous fortunes” right now, according to Barron’s.

What’s more, during a 7-week beta test earlier this year, Larry Benedict showed his testers how to average $566 every week.

That translates into tens of thousands of dollars a year.

Now Larry wants to show you how to position yourself to make money too.

That’s why, for a limited time, you can catch a full replay of last night’s event.

Larry Benedict reveals:

  • Why this is the best time in ten years to trade forex
  • How to use his trading strategy
  • The name of his #1 currency to trade now
  • And more!

Just click here to watch it immediately.

Please don’t wait. An upcoming financial event – which is less than two weeks away – could trigger some of the biggest currency moves yet.

If you want the chance to not only protect your portfolio but also potentially see some of the biggest gains – you need to act now.

The Currencies in Crisis Summit – What Is It?

We’re entering a “chaos window” like we haven’t seen in years.

As banks collapse… stocks whipsaw… and bond prices plummet…

China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, and others are moving aggressively against the dollar…

And the Federal Reserve is declaring its intent to end money as we know it – with the launch of a new digital currency as soon as July.

These are truly unprecedented times. And according to Market Wizard Larry Benedict: “Brace yourself – it’s about to get even more crazy.”

But instead of running to cash or gold… or speculating in stocks… Larry’s advising a completely different approach.

He’s sharing all the details during the Currencies in Crisis Summit on Wednesday April 19 th at 8 PM ET.

You see, one corner of the financial world is delivering record profits – precisely because of all the chaos we’re seeing today.

  • This unique market has nothing to do with stocks, options, crypto, or bonds
  • It’s never had a broad market crash in its entire 100-plus-year history
  • And it’s helping Wall Street make “enormous fortunes” right now, according to Barron’s

In fact, big banks have started turning to this market to make up for losses in other divisions.

While Larry and his Wall Street colleagues have traded this little-known investment arena for years… most retail investors don’t know the first thing about it. Let alone how to trade it.

That all changes now…

What will Larry Benedict share through The Currencies in Crisis Summit?

When you attend The Currencies in Crisis Summit, Larry will:

  • Explain why an event that’s less than two weeks away could trigger a whole new era of chaos
  • Walk you through his trading strategy – which he used to make millions for his hedge fund clients the last time we were in a “chaos window” like this
  • Give you the chance to access a series of how-to videos that will show you how to trade this market
  • Reveal the name of the #1 asset to take advantage of what’s coming
  • And explain how you could start collecting thousands every month – precisely because of the looming chaos

If you’re looking to escape the stock market mayhem and potentially make thousands every month… in a way you probably never have before… this is a must-attend event.


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Click here for full details.

Who Is Larry Benedict?

Larry Benedict is a 35-year trading veteran. Starting from the pits at the Chicago Board Options Exchange, Larry’s skills grew along with his wealth until he was running a world-class $800 million hedge fund – where he regularly traded position sizes in the millions of dollars. He even went 20 years without a single losing year… putting his hedge fund in the top 1% of Barron’s rankings.

That’s because, from 1990 to 2010, Larry’s hedge fund never had a single losing year. (It wasn’t until 2011 that he had a losing year, and even then, the fund was down less than 1%.) In 2008, when the financial world was in upheaval, Larry and his partners had their best year ever, making $95 million for their clients.

Now though, Larry fully devotes himself to bringing his trading secrets to everyday investors – with actionable, profitable options plays and a peek behind the curtain at the secrets that made him a massive success.

Larry Benedict’s Research Services

The Opportunistic Trader

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The S&P Trader

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One Ticker Trader

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The 2/20 Report

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When Is The Currencies in Crisis Summit scheduled to take place?

The Currencies in Crisis Summit has been scheduled to take place on April 19th at 8 PM ET.

How To Sign Up for The Currencies in Crisis Summit?

To get access to Larry Benedict Currencies in Crisis Summit, all individuals have to do is enter their respective emails here.

Here’s what you get for registering:

3-Part Video Series:

  1. The Biggest Myths About Currency Trading
  2. The #1 Currency in This “Chaos Window”
  3. Larry’s Currency Prediction

Full Details on The Chaos Window: For the first time in a decade, a chaos window recently opened in the currency market. Wall Street is already making “enormous profits,” according to Barron’s. And during a seven-week beta test earlier this year, Larry delivered gains like $521, $969, and $1,893 in a matter of days – using just three currencies. Larry believes the coming weeks could see the biggest gains – he’ll explain why.

On-air Trade Demonstration: You’ll see Larry trade one of his favorite currencies on camera.

The #1 Currency to Trade Now – With Larry’s strategy, you only need to trade three currencies to potentially make thousands every month. Larry will show you how – including the name of his top currency.

In-depth Q&A Session – You’ll have the chance to ask Larry your most burning questions. He can’t give personalized investment advice, but he’ll go as long as it takes to cover everything.

To make sure you don’t miss a thing, I strongly encourage you to become a VIP by signing up for the The Currencies in Crisis Summit free (and optional) text message reminder service.

When you do, you’ll gain access to Larry’s Currency Trading Training Site.

Here, in a series of videos, you’ll discover how to open a forex account, how to place a trade, how to manage risk, and more.

Normally the videos on this site are behind a paywall, but for a limited time, it’s all yours when you become a VIP.


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Following his stunningly accurate “Melt Up” prediction, investing legend Dr. Steve Sjuggerud breaks his silence with news that could deliver multiple 1,000%-plus winners… or cripple your wealth for decades to come. Don’t miss this incredible new update…

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Bottom Line: Should You Attend The Currencies in Crisis Summit?

The stock market is down… banks are folding… and bond prices are plummeting…

It feels like there’s no safe place to hide your money!

That’s where the currency market comes in.

It’s your chance to escape the ups and downs of the stock market and potentially make money every week.

What makes this market so special?


Every day, there is 200 times MORE money traded in this market than in the stock market.

It’s also largely unaffected by bad news. In fact, bad news can actually make it better.

Over the past 12 months, while the stock market has been in shambles, big-name currencies have hit 20-year highs.

Best of all, it offers crash protection.

It’s never had a broad market crash – not in its entire history.

Broad sell-offs in the stock market have happened four times already this century. Yet the forex market has never had an across-the-board crash.

Wall Street would love to keep this market to itself. To this day, most people don’t know the first thing about it. Let alone how to trade it.

Not anymore.

Now you have the chance to start profiting alongside Wall Street – with the help of a true currency trading expert.

You’ll get all the details during Larry’s Currencies in Crisis Summit on Wednesday, April 19, at 8 PM ET.

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