The Casey Report: What Is Nick Giambruno’s “Dollar Reset” All About?

Nick Giambruno is out with a new warning presentation “Dollar Reset” of America for The Casey Report. Learn how to protect yourself, your wealth, and assets through this planned “Great Reset” of America.


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What Is Nick Giambruno’s “Dollar Reset”?

Most people think the dollar will collapse because of the Fed printing trillions of dollars overnight.

They’re WRONG!

Our research shows a much darker force behind the dollar’s demise… So we turned to one man for answers… His name is Nick Giambruno.

He’s a former banking professional who’s worked in New York, Dubai, and Lebanon… And met with heads of state… central bankers… and presidents and prime ministers.

Nick has unveiled a presentation about a disturbing plot by an elite group of globalists to “Reset the U.S. Dollar”.

Average Americans are already standing on food lines, facing power shortages, and going broke. A dollar reset would only deepen America’s problems and even disrupt the lives of folks who seem comfortable.

If you have any money in the bank, are on a fixed income, invest in a 401(k), or own a house or any asset…

You need to see this breaking story and learn how to protect your livelihood… before it’s too late.

Click here now to know what could happen to the dollar in your pocket.

Don’t have time to watch the presentation? Here’s what is all about….

Unelected bureaucrats at the IMF and the World Economic Forum, along with radical environmentalists are rolling out an alarming plan called the “Great Reset,” to potentially control your life and destiny.

Soon, the elites could issue their new world reserve currency and take down the U.S. dollar. Americans who worked all their lives could wake up and realize that their 401(k) and savings are slashed. You could be stripped of the right to own property or pay higher property and income tax and a new “World Tax.”

Remember what the World Economic Forum said:

You’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy… Whatever you want, you’ll Rent.”

Two years ago, Nick Giambruno, predicted the “Great Reset” was coming.

Today he believes this is rapidly unfolding, just as he forecasted. You still have time to fight back and to control your life and protect all you’ve worked for and your freedom.

You must act while there is time, however.

Nick will rush you his urgent research guides showing you exactly what steps to take to protect and grow your wealth as the reset unfolds.

These research guides are valued at $590. But Nick will send them to you free of charge when you subscribe for Nick’s premium research service, The Casey Report.


Forget Bitcoin: THIS Crypto Could Make You Rich

There’s one crypto investment that a top expert recommends you get into first – and it’s NOT bitcoin. He calls it an “unstoppable computer” that’s already made a $100 million fortune for its founder. Early investors could make a small fortune… but the window is closing soon.

He explains everything, right here.

What Is The Casey Report?

Led by multi-millionaire speculator and New York Times Best-Selling author Doug Casey, The Casey Report is one of the world’s most respected investment advisories.

Dubbed the ‘International Man,’ roughly four decades ago, Doug Casey has not only established residency in nearly a dozen countries, he’s visited 175 nations, and has been a major investor in businesses around the world.

He’s participated in several televised debates with Presidential candidates and served as an economic advisor to the leaders of six countries. He’s been a regular guest on national television when people want to know what’s going on in the global financial markets—including spots on CNN, Merv Griffin, Charlie Rose, Regis Philbin, and NBC News. Phil Donahue even devoted an entire show to his work.

Every month, Doug and his team of analysts provide specific, actionable ideas designed to help you make money in stocks, bonds, currencies, real estate, and commodities. This analysis is informed by boots-on-the-ground research and the highest-level contacts.

Doug and his staff have an extraordinary track record of getting big picture calls correct… and helping readers make huge returns.

For example:

In late October 2006, Doug Casey warned readers of a coming credit and housing bubble… long before the meltdown. He advised readers how to short two companies about to drop – a bank specializing in condo loans and an insurer of mortgage-backed securities. These netted gains of 90% and 93.3% at a time when most investors were losing their shirts.

He recommended gold when it was $270 per ounce (now trading at around $1,200 an ounce, off its high of almost $1,900 per ounce).

In the late 1990s, he predicted uranium would go to $100/lb. At the time, it was selling for less than $10/lb. But he was dead right. When uranium hit $107/lb a few years later, Doug’s readers pocketed gains as high as 1,400%.

More recently…

In 2013 and 2014, Doug’s team took advantage of volatility in gold prices, correctly called which direction it would move, and netted gains of 133%, 107%, 181%, and an incredible 430%!


Alex Green just dropped this BOMBSHELL in brand new O’Reilly interview

He makes a BOMBSHELL prediction about how investors will perform through the first half of the Joe Biden Presidency.

O’Reilly was blown away. I have no doubt you will be too.

Click Here For Details

Who Are Doug Casey and Nick Giambruno?

Doug Casey

Best-selling author, world-renowned speculator, and libertarian philosopher Doug Casey has garnered a well-earned reputation for his erudite (and often controversial) insights into politics, economics, and investment markets.

Doug is widely respected as one of the preeminent authorities on “rational speculation,” especially in the high-potential natural resource sector.

Doug literally wrote the book on profiting from periods of economic turmoil: his book Crisis Investing spent multiple weeks as #1 on the New York Times bestseller list and became the best-selling financial book of 1980 with 438,640 copies sold; surpassing big-caliber names, like Free to Choose by Milton Friedman, The Real War by Richard Nixon, and Cosmos by Carl Sagan.

Then Doug broke the record with his next book, Strategic Investing, by receiving the largest advance ever paid for a financial book at the time. Interestingly enough, Doug’s book The International Man was the most sold book in the history of Rhodesia. And his most recent releases Totally Incorrect (2012) and Right on the Money (2013) continue the tradition of challenging statism and advocating liberty and free markets.

He has been a featured guest on hundreds of radio and TV shows, including David Letterman, Merv Griffin, Charlie Rose, Phil Donahue, Regis Philbin, Maury Povich, NBC News, and CNN; has been the topic of numerous features in periodicals such as Time, Forbes, People, and the Washington Post; and is a regular keynote speaker at FreedomFest, the world’s largest gathering of free minds.

Doug has lived in 10 countries and visited over 175. Today you’re most likely to find him at La Estancia de Cafayate (Casey’s Gulch), an oasis tucked away in the high red mountains outside Salta, Argentina. Cafayate most resembles the isolating beauty of Bryce Canyon, Utah combined with the lush vineyards of Napa Valley. Residents enjoy economic and social freedoms not found in the US and some of the best wine and golf on the planet.


Why April 27th Could Set Off A “Tech Boom” In Stocks

Thanks to the rare convergence of three economic triggers, the clock is ticking down for a once in a lifetime wealth building opportunity.

Here’s how to play it.

Nick Giambruno

Nick Giambruno is Doug Casey’s globetrotting colleague. He’s also the Chief Analyst of Casey Research’s flagship advisory, The Casey Report and its premium “value investing” advisory,Crisis Investing.

Nick Giambruno knows that the best time to buy—as Baron Rothschild correctly observed—is “when there’s blood in the streets.”

He writes about geopolitics, value investing in crisis markets, the global cannabis market, international banking, second passports, and surviving a financial collapse, among other topics.

In short, Nick’s work helps people make the most of their personal freedom and financial opportunity around the world.

He’s lived in Europe and worked in the Middle East, most recently in Beirut and Dubai, where he covered regional banks and other companies for an investment house.

Nick is a frequent speaker at investment conferences around the world.


Man Who Picked Apple Under $2 Issues NEW Urgent Buy


He picked Apple back in 2003… BEFORE shares skyrocketed almost 48,000%.

He picked Bitcoin when it was trading for just $428. Since then, it has exploded over 9,000%.

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What’s Included With Your Subscription?

Once you accept your risk-free invitation, you’ll
have immediate access to:

One-Year Subscription: The Casey Report

You get 12 monthly issues, each with a brand-new investment recommendation with comprehensive analysis far beyond anything you get anywhere else. Plus, frequent updates on the best asset protection steps to take and dozens of past special reports and back issues.

Nick Giambruno wants to show you the exact steps he’s taking to protects his family as the Great Reset unfolds. That’s why he put toghether 3 brand new reports.

Step 1. You Should Own the World’s Hardest Currency

The first step is to insulate and decentralize your wealth. Get it out of central planner’s grips. Nick will give you details on a relatively new asset that helps you move as much money as you like…

Completely out of the U.S. banking and financial system… And potentially grow it at the same time. It has nothing to do with gold, silver, or any precious metals. And it’s not any other paper currency you’ve heard of.

This asset is simply “hard money” that liberates you from government control. No central authority controls it. No country’s sanctions or laws can affect it. It’s not available in a central location for a SWAT team to raid, either.

While this asset is perfect for folks who believe in financial freedom… You do need to have an open mind. It’s a relatively new way to protect and grow your wealth… safely, legally, and secretly. Folks who put their money into this hard currency have seen their stake grow more than 900% in 21 months.

Now nothing is ever certain in the market.

But Nick Giambruno believes you have a small window to get in and see even bigger potential returns. And the great thing is you can get started with as little as $100. It could well be the best investment you’ll make for the next few years.

So you can sleep easy at nights as the Great Reset unfolds.

You’ll get full details in a brand new research report:

Special Report #1: The Great Reset: How to Own the World’s Hardest Crisis Currency


Tech Expert: “S.A.V. Will Be Huge”


S.A.V. – that’s Elon Musk’s next big project that will shock the world.

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This is all part of a $30 trillion trend that’s set to dominate this decade.

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Step 2: Safeguard Your Assets and Privacy from the Feds

It’s no secret that the central authorities will stop at nothing to create a surveillance state. Every day, the elites drum up new laws and solutions to limit your privacy. For instance, the U.S. authorities now own a COVID-19 contact tracing app.

They use Google and Apple products to deploy it. And can tell where you’ve been and who stood next to you at the grocery store. This type of surveillance is now making its way into our financial system.

The Fed recently announced they have plans to create a digital dollar. On the surface it sounds innovative… But it’s dangerous for individuals like us.

That’s why Nick Giambruno outlined 7 steps you can take right now to safeguard your money from the Fed’s surveillance scheme. That includes the best place to keep your money in case your debit or credit card becomes useless.

You’ll also get a golden tip on how to lock out central planners, including your local bank, from your spending habits. And if you hold any stocks or use a broker, please, please

Take this one simple step Nick Giambruno outlined, immediately…

If not, you could lose your stocks or any holdings, should a crisis hit. Also, you’ll want to put a portion of your money into this one asset to help diversify your portfolio.

Nick Giambruno will also show you a simple solution to lock-out centralized companies like Google and Facebook, and retain your privacy.

These are critical steps Nick Giambruno believes you won’t find outlined anywhere else in the world.

They’re all covered in detail in a second new report:

Special Report #2: The Ultimate Privacy Guide: Protect Yourself From the Surveillance State

Step 3: Buy the World’s Safest “Hold in Your Hand” Asset

As the U.S. dollar resets, Nick Giambruno predicts gold could smash its all-time high. He thinks $5,000 per ounce is a conservative prediction. In any case, Nick believes you’ll also want to leverage gold’s upside…

To potentially grow your wealth as the reset grips the market.

It’s all covered in a third report called:

Special Report #3: Profit From the Next Gold Mania

Click Here To Get The Casey Report + Nick Giambruno’s Special Reports

The Casey Report Subscription Fee

The regular price for a one-year subscription to The Casey Report is $199. But as a part of Nick Giambruno’s “Dollar Reset ” presentation offer, you can subscribe for $49.

The Casey Report Refund Policy

You’ll have the opportunity to try The Casey Report research for the next 60 days – completely risk-free.

If you don’t find The Casey Report perfect for you in every way, simply contact Customer Service team at 888-512-2739 within the first 60 days of your membership. They will issue you a full refund, no questions asked.

Closing Remarks On Nick Giambruno’s “Dollar Reset”

It’s important that you secure the livelihood and safety of you and your family during the Great Reset. Remember: when you join The Casey Report at today’s steep discounted rate…

You risk nothing, but gain so much by checking it out for yourself.

This could be your best chance to take matters into your own hands, before you miss out.

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