The Big Lie – Is TradeSmith Event Legit?

The Big Lie Event is where On September 20th at 8 pm ET, TradeSmith CEO –  Keith Kaplan is partnering up with the Most Wanted Man on Wall Street. They will expose the elite’s $9 TRILLION conspiracy: One of the biggest schemes EVER levied on everyday investors…

Biden to Replace US Dollar?!

The Big Lie Event – What Is All About?

On September 20th at 8 pm ET, for the first time ever, TradeSmith CEO –  Keith Kaplan is partnering up with the Most Wanted Man on Wall Street.

They’re joining forces to expose the elite’s $9 TRILLION conspiracy: One of the biggest schemes EVER levied on everyday investors…

And quite possibly the ONLY chance you have to claw back your share of the king’s ransom.

On September 20th at 8 pm ET, you’ll learn the shocking truth about America’s new overlords… The empire of one-percenters who just stole $9 trillion right out from under you.

More importantly, you’ll meet the one expert, who, after 20 years of helping the rich get richer…

Is now helping to swing the pendulum of power into the hands of the people.

So, I hope you’re ready to come with an open mind…

Because once you see who is REALLY pulling the strings…

And how America’s Overlords have taken control of our country…

Our stock market… resources institutions… schools… roads… homes… and even our farmlands…

Your preconceived notions will be absolutely shattered.


How I Made $100,000 Overnight

It began with a mysterious phone call from a billionaire hedge-fund manager… desperate for access to Joel Litman’s stock market rating system before the next opening bell. What happened next would unlock a stock market phenomenon that spits out 10-, 20-, and even 30-baggers a few rare times per year. And right now, it’s happening again.

Just make sure you see this incredible story before tomorrow’s opening bell.

What Will You Learn Attending The Big Lie Event?

During this eye-opening event, you’ll discover…

  • How billionaires have taken control of stocks since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic.
  • How politicians are leveraging their own power to achieve unfair, sinister gains.
  • How CEOs use the media to badmouth businesses so they can deflate prices and buy shares for dirt cheap.
  • How to track which stocks the elites and “overlords” are moving their money into, and when, in real-time.
  • The EIGHT companies being secretly subsumed by the world’s most powerful people at this very moment.
  • The name of the one company this Wall Street insider would personally stake $20 million on today.

Most importantly, you’ll learn how to game the system, and win.

You won’t pay a cent for any of this either. You will only be enlightened, empowered, and emboldened to make money in a way you never thought possible.


Huge Recession Loophole (See These Charts)

Amid today’s market turmoil, THIS is one of the biggest and most bullish opportunities today: a red-hot sector with almost unlimited pricing power and a history of outperforming in recessions. It’s also the sector where our good friend Dr. David Eifrig spent half his professional life – meaning he’s extremely qualified to spot world-class opportunities today.

Take a look at the evidence here.

When Is The Big Lie Event schedule to take place?

The Big Lie Event has been schedule to take place  on Tuesday, September 20th at 8 pm ET.

Very soon, you’re going to see the shocking truth that’s been kept hidden from you for well over seven months now…

A deliberate sabotage of the U.S. economy and markets that has affected nearly 150 million Americans…

All of which was orchestrated by a syndicate of multi-millionaire elitists who have used fear and intimidation to manipulate our lives for their own gain.

To that I say — NO MORE!

No more lies. No more secrets. No more games.

You’ve been bamboozled and you need to know how it’s happened.

And why fighting back against these “overlords” hinges on a secret, $5 trillion infusion of capital that is set to crack the market wide open in the months to come.

Everything will be revealed in due time.


Economic Reckoning Coming to America

For most people, what’s coming will prove challenging. But while the majority of Americans will be caught off guard, one senior analyst says following a few clear steps today could position you to make triple-digit gains over the next six months.

See his brand-new prediction and what it could mean for your money right here.

How To Attend The Big Lie Event?

To get access to TradeSmith The Big Lie Event, all individuals have to do is to tune in on September 20th at 8 pm ET here. Upon entering, those residing in the U.S. (or have a U.S.-based phone number) will also be presented with the chance of becoming VIPs.

As a VIP, you’ll receive:

  • The Big Push: Three Stocks Big Money Investors are Buying Right Now. This report details 3 under-the-radar opportunities for making money that have only been shared with mega-wealth institutions.

The Big Push: Three Stocks Big Money Investors are Buying Right Now

  • Exclusive VIP reminders for the event.


Former Goldman Sachs Trader Shows Retirees How to Instantly Collect Thousands

With a 94% win rate, it’s the most successful moneymaking strategy at Stansberry Research… and DOES NOT involve buying stocks up front. If you want to learn how to collect thousands of dollars in extra income (in a way that’s usually FAR LESS RISKY than buying stocks)…

Click here for details

Bottom Line: Should You Join The Big Lie Event?

If you think you know what this is about, I assure you — you don’t.

This is a $9 trillion farce arranged by the seven most influential people in America…

…people so powerful they can snap their fingers and instantly disrupt our entire economy, stock market, and financial ecosystem for their OWN benefit.

In the last 12 months alone:

  • Stocks lost $9 trillion
  • Cryptocurrencies lost $2 trillion
  • U.S. households lost $5 trillion

As of today, nearly 150 million Americans have been affected by this BIG LIE and the power brokers who orchestrated it.

But on Tuesday, September 20th at 8 pm ET

You will learn the ONLY way to game their system and win.

For the first time, a Wall Street icon whose predicted the rise of countless blue-chips, will share key intelligence that’s typically reserved for mega-wealth institutions.

He’s also going to reveal how he tracks where the elites are moving their money in real-time — a skill he’s used to achieve a portfolio that rivals that of even Warren Buffett.

And he’s going to expose why the elite’s BIG LIE could end with a $5 TRILLION infusion into one ultra-specific corner of the market.

You can access this information for free.

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