The AI Predictive Power Event: Is Keith Kaplan An-E Project Good?

The CEO of TradeSmith and the leader of the team of programmers behind the An-E Project, Keith Kaplan, is going to put on a special presentation called The A.I. Predictive Power Event to give you the full details.


Keith Kaplan Just Revealed His Brand New Profit Multiplier – An-E 2.0

Predictive Alpha Prime

Trader extraordinaire Keith Kaplan just showed the world An-E 2.0. Where An-E 1.0 would’ve shown *monthly* returns of 5%, 10%, or even 11%… An-E 2.0 could’ve done MUCH better.

300% from The Shyft Group… 493% from Azenta… 500% from Alteryx… 900% from Marqeta… or 1,800% from Moderna. These are all examples from our backtests showing the power of using a predictive system like An-E 2.0.

And you can begin using it today on 3,000 stocks.

Click here to see it in action

Predictive Alpha Prime: A Massive upgrade to TradeSmith’s new A.I. research service released today

On Tuesday, the team at TradeSmith launched a brand-new, A.I.-driven research service called Predictive Alpha Prime.

And even though it’s incredibly new, this service is already revolutionizing the investment world.

And that’s because Predictive Alpha Prime puts the incredible power of A.I. directly into your hands.

It does that by giving you access to stock price predictions made by new machine learning-based forecasting system which they call An-E (pronounced Annie, short for Analytical Engine).

An-E’s one-month predictions of stock prices are incredibly accurate, often spot on to within a percentage point or two.

And this enables you to essentially have next month’s likely stock prices, today.

With that kind of information, you can target winner after winner and avoid the losers.

It’s an investors dream… and it’s finally become a reality through advanced mathematics and A.I.

Well, when the team at TradeSmith launched Predictive Alpha Prime two days ago, they said folks who became members would have access to An-E’s stock price predictions for around 500 stocks (the most popular stocks on the market).

But, they also said An-E’s continually getting smarter. And, as a result, it’s only a matter of time before its forecasts for many more stocks would pass their strict criteria in terms of accuracy…

Well, that didn’t take very long…

Because their team of data scientists just determined that An-E’s forecasts have just passed their criteria for accuracy on an additional 2,000+ stocks.

And today, they’re releasing those additional stocks as part of a massive upgrade to Predictive Alpha Prime.

That means if you sign up to Predictive Alpha Prime today… you’ll be able to access An-E’s forecasts not on just 500 stocks… but on nearly 3,000 stocks.

And it’s only a matter of time before there’s another upgrade and even more stocks are available.

When that happens, and you’re a member, you’ll receive that upgrade FREE as well.

To learn how to take advantage of today’s massive upgrade and receive An-E’s predictions on nearly 3,000 stocks, click here.

What Is An-E Project?

Imagine knowing — with an extremely high degree of certainty — what the price of a particular stock will be a month from today.

That’s the promise of TradeSmith’s newest innovation

A predictive A.I.-driven stock system, six years in the making, called An-E (pronounced Annie, short for Analytical Engine).

TradeSmith is the company that’s developed some of the financial world’s most accurate market algorithms…

But from early tests, it’s clear that with An-E, TradeSmith has brought its “predictive power” to the next level.

The A.I. Predictive Power Event – What Is All About?

This week, the CEO of TradeSmith and the leader of the team of programmers behind the An-E Project, Keith Kaplan, is going to put on a special presentation called The A.I. Predictive Power Event to give you the full details.

Now, just imagine if you had access to the forecasts in advance.

If you knew that in one month Expedia would be worth 10% more than it is today…

Would you buy shares?

Of course, you would.

What if you knew that two months from now, oil was going to be down 8%?

Would you sell?

Perhaps. You’d certainly be more informed.

And what if you had this predictive data for all the major stocks or ETFs on the market?

What would you do with this kind of predictive power?

With this level of certainty, even the worst investor could start with a modest sum and grow their wealth in no time.

Not to mention, you could avoid punishing losses.

Market crashes… inflation…

Not having enough money for retirement…

Outliving your current nest egg…

These would be worries of the past.

In fact, this could be a complete retirement game changer.

And you can get the full details on how TradeSmith’s brand-new A.I.-driven stock system — An-E — can help transform your financial future by attending this The A.I. Predictive Power Event.

Just check out what An-E is capable of…

An-E Project – How it Works?

Would you trust stock analysis from A.I. (Artificial Intelligence)?

For most Americans, the answer’s not so simple…

But, before you make up your mind, take a look at this chart…

Keith Kaplan An-E Project

It’s a stock chart of a company called Broadridge Financial Solutions.

Now, notice the red “X” at the beginning of this year.

That’s when a new artificial intelligence stock picking program called AN-E (pronounced Annie, short for Analytical Engine) made a prediction of what was going to happen to Broadridge’s stock price in the near future…

Those blue circles represent where An-E thinks Broadridge’s stock price will be two weeks, one month, and two months from its prediction date.

So, how did An-E do?

Well, here are the results…

Keith Kaplan An-E Project

The green line represents what actually happened in real life.

This is how Broadridge’s stock actually played out over the next two months…

And, as you can see, An-E was almost spot on!

Here’s another one… this is a company called Air Products and Chemicals…

This is what An-E predicted would happen to the stock’s price…

Keith Kaplan An-E Project

And this is how it played out in real life…

Keith Kaplan An-E Project

Again, almost dead accurate.

And these are just two examples… there are thousands more like it.

And this week the man behind An-E, one of the lead programmers of the team that developed the A.I. responsible for these predictions – Keith Kaplan – will be sitting down with top financial journalist Chris Hurt to reveal all the details behind An-E for the first time to the world… how it works, how it’s so accurate, and how it’s forecasts can help you make huge gains to come.

It’s all part of a big event called The A.I. Predictive Power Event…

Who Is Keith Kaplan?

Keith Kaplan is at the CEO of TradeSmith, a financial technology firm. Keith and the TradeSmith team deliver on their promise to empower individual investors to find their winning edge in the markets with cutting-edge risk-management and stock-screening tools to help investors risk less in their efforts to make more – and keep the odds on their side.

As an active investor, he is dedicated to providing individual investors with software that makes market-beating strategies accessible and easy to implement. Keith has 20 years’ experience as a software architect.

Is It FREE To Attend The A.I. Predictive Power Event?

Yes. It’s free to attend The A.I. Predictive Power Event.

When you sign up to attend The A.I. Predictive Power Event, you’ll receive access to a special website where you’ll be able to enter the names of three stocks you’d like to see An-E predict.

The team at TradeSmith will then take the top three most requested stocks and show An-E’s predictions of those stocks during the event (these predictions will be one month into the future).

Want to know what An-E predicts Tesla’s stock price will be in one month?

How about Amazon, Microsoft, or AMD?

Simply sign up for The A.I. Predictive Power Event… and you’ll be given access to a special website, where you can enter your requests.

Bottom Line: Should You Attend The A.I. Predictive Power Event?

This week, the CEO of TradeSmith, Keith Kaplan, is going to reveal his company’s brand-new predictive A.I.-driven stock research system to the public.

The system is called An-E (pronounced Annie) and the name is short for Analytical Engine.

Market analytics, however, are just a fraction of what this system is capable of…

It’s true breakthrough lies in its predictive power.

And that power comes from the latest advances in A.I…

Which enables An-E to forecast stock prices one-month and two-months into the future with astonishing accuracy (often accurate to within a tenth of a percent).

So, what is An-E saying about some of today’s biggest stocks?

Where is its cutting-edge A.I. algorithm predicting they’ll end up?

Well, for a limited time, you can find out for FREE.

The team at TradeSmith is giving away An-E’s one-month stock price predictions for three of the most widely held stocks on the market.

All you need to do is enroll in TradeSmith’s (optional) free VIP reminder alert service… and you’ll receive them at absolutely no cost to you.

When you do, you’ll also receive complimentary text alerts about this event.

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