The 1450 Club Review – Is Andrew Keene’s Service Legit?

According to Andrew Keene, his new investment technique –The 1450 Club – can add $250,000 to your retirement nest egg without requiring you to invest too much of your time – only four hours per week.

The 1450 Club strategy is based on shadowing the moves that insiders make.

When Andrew realized that insider trading is alive and well – insiders regularly make moves that allow them to see their initial investments soar within a couple of days, sometimes hours – he knew that if he could spot their moves, he can make money off of similar investments.

He focuses on one pattern that appears between 9:30 to 10: 30 AM, every day from Monday to Thursday.

With his recommendations, you do not require a big investment beforehand; even a small $50 trade is enough to earn substantial returns.

The 1450 Club Review

What IS IT?

The 1450 Club is based on S.C.A.N.

S.C.A.N. is Andrew Keene’s proprietary algorithm. It crunches through the millions upon millions of seemingly unconnected trades…

Hunting for a small cluster that may, in fact, be connected. To everybody else, these trades are lost in a sea of millions.

But S.C.A.N. finds the connection.

It detects when small groups of possible insiders make mysterious trades, shortly after the market opens.

And it reveals how you can take a tiny amount of money – hundreds of dollars at a time – to shadow these investors for massive profits.

As the creator of S.C.A.N., Andrew Keene knows better than anyone how powerful this is…

He deposited $100,000 into an account… Less than two years later, he was $5 million richer.

And he’s shown others similarly transformational results, all thanks S.C.A.N.:

  • “I made $250,000 in one year thanks to Andrew Keene. My kids – their college funds are fully paid for.” Steve Wilton
  • “$706,000 in one year.” Mark Befano
  • “In one year, I made $1.2 million.” Jack Ruiz
  • “I’ve made $60,000 with one trade before. This is beyond my imagination.” Kerri Vann
  • “I had a week where I made $83,000. Of course, I did make another $117,000 the week before that as well.” Phil Campbell

Now, Andrew is bringing the power of S.C.A.N. to a brand new audience as part of his breakthrough initiative: The 1450 Club.

The 1450 Club goes further than any other service out there to truly change the lives of its readers for the better.

If you spent decades working hard, playing by all the rules, and saving for the retirement you rightfully earned – but you came up short — this can transform your life.

If right now, you are putting in overtime and weekend hours at your job and still fighting to pay off credit card debt, student loans, your mortgage – this can transform your life.

If you’re tired of other people being in control of your time and you want to take that control back – so you can spend more time with your family, friends, and living life on your own terms – this can transform your life.

Click Here To Get Andrew Keene’s Project 303 – Best Offer + Bonus Here

Transform Your Life Summit

We knew demand for the Transform Your Life Summit would be sky-high, but even we could’ve never predicted such an extraordinary response.

We hired Andrew Keene for one reason: This guy really knows how to make money.

Quite frankly, he makes so much cash it blows our minds.

And we’ve been lucky enough to be a part of some of the biggest money-making strategies of the last 20 years.

Just this past Monday, he made 104% in one day on Boston Scientific.

A few days before…

40% in 35 minutes on Equitrans Midstream.

That same day, he also pocketed 86% on World Wrestling Entertainment from a trade he set up the prior morning.

Earlier he made 900% in six days on Cree Inc.

Now you know why over 100,000 people went crazy over this.

Most people would be lucky to make that kind of return in 30 or 40 years.

This guy did it in less than a week.

In just one year one of his followers netted $706,000…while another took home $1.2 million.

But please remember two things:
1. The numbers are real
2. Anybody can do this (all it takes is an hour a day)

What do you get?

As of moment of writing, you can secure a Founder’s membership for $1,450 a year.

Every Monday through Thursday from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m., you ’ll meet Andrew Keene online in his Virtual Trading Room. He will quickly boot up S.C.A.N., and it’ll go to work.

That’s when the real fun begins.

3 Chances for 3 Fast Windfalls per Session

During each live session, you’ll watch as S.C.A.N. uncovers small groups of investors making large, identical trades… in real time.

It will analyze their activity and hunt through the news and company announcements… in real time.

Finally, the Ichimoku cloud will confirm the signal… in real time.

Once a trade target passes the test, Andrew will quickly present his research and analysis to you.

His goal is to deliver 3 opportunities for you to collect triple-digit windfalls from each session.

Just Follow Andrew’s Simple Instructions

When it’s time to strike, you can watch over his shoulder as he shows you how to set up each trade to…

Automatically go live if and only if every condition is met…
Automatically cash you out when the time is right, and…
Automatically deposit any winnings into your account.

This means you don’t have to lift another finger to grow your net worth. And while it’s impossible to eliminate risk from investing, this is how we’ll lower it dramatically.

Plus, once a live session is complete, Andrew will email you his Daily Action Plan. It has a streamlined summary of the newest trades, his research, and simple-to-follow instructions.

And if you miss a live session, don’t worry. He will record every one. You can access his On-Demand Archives to fast-forward, rewind, pause, and go at your own pace.

Net Worth Boosted!

When it’s time to check to see how much money you’ve made, Andrew will send you a Net Worth Boosted! Alert.

If you had followed his Target trade, the very next day you would’ve been alerted about your 200% windfall.

With Andrew’s CNX Resources trade, your Net Worth Boosted! Alert would’ve arrived 13 days later, but it would’ve been worth the wait.

Andrew made a 600% windfall on that, and you could’ve as well.

Plus, every morning, you can log in to view your Daily Payday Forecast. S.C.A.N. will analyze our model portfolio to help predict how much you could make that day.

Freedom to Make Money Whenever and Wherever You Want

I’ve taken S.C.A.N. with me everywhere – from the beach to the dog park to over 60 countries.

It’s easy.

You can participate in the live sessions, review and set up the trades, and access every benefit from your cell phone.

And I highly recommend you take advantage of Andrew’s text message reminders. The average length of each trade has been two days. However, they will often move much faster.

For instance, I made 114% in the afternoon on a Costco trade that I had entered into that morning. Lululemon Athletica handed me a 400% payday in one hour.

I even remember making 116% on Fox Corp. in 20 minutes.

From a Beginner to a Pro at Light Speed

If you’re new to options trading or just investing in general, you are going to love Andrew’s Fast Track to Financial Freedom training series.

Each video is short and focuses on the essentials and nothing more.

Any Guarantee or Refund Policy?

The 1450 Club Strategy goal is in the name.

1 hour a day… 4 days a week… 50X.

If you reach your one-year anniversary and you haven’t hit the halfway mark, meaning you haven’t been given the chance to make 25X, call Andrew’s team, and you’ll receive a 100% refund.

Who is Andrew Keene?

Andrew KeeneAndrew Keene is President & CEO of AlphaShark Trading, which he originally founded as in 2011. Previously, Andrew Keene worked as a proprietary trader at the Chicago Board Options Exchange. He began his career in the prestigious Botta Capital ‘clerk-to-trade’ program, and would eventually co-found KATL Group.

Andrew currently actively trades futures, equity options currency pairs, and commodities. He is a regular guest market commentator on such networks as Bloomberg TV, CNBC, and Fox Business.

Keene’s first love will always be trading, but he is arguably even more well known for building a trading room. Andrew is especially proud of having taught his personal strategies to over 50,000 students over the past 4 years.

In 2015, Andrew began appearing as a regular guest on CNBC’s Trading Nation, where he focuses on educating viewers on equity options markets and the trading insights they provide. You can also find Andrew’s contributions at Nadex and Money Show.

Click Here To Get Andrew Keene’s Project 303 – Best Offer + Bonus Here

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