TBUZ Text and Trade Review: Tom Busby Sunday Night Trader

TBUZ Text and Trade: Tom Busby Sunday Night Trader – What Is It?

TBUZ Text and Trade service targets high probability setups for stock options for routine double and triple digit profit opportunities! This service allows you to take advantage of high probability trade setups with Tom Busby’s professional guidance. The best part is you don’t need a large amount of money to start to grow your account.

Most of Tom Busby’s subscribers are one-lot traders.



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The clock is ticking on the biggest financial event in 20 years.

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What is Tom Busby’s Sunday Night Battleplan?

Thanks to the Sunday Night Battleplan, you could be on your way to getting ahead of fast moves – 5 days before they happen.

Right after you subscribe for TBUZ Text and Trade service, you’ll receive your first invitation to the Sunday Night Battleplan.…

You’ll want to open it and secure your seat right away because…

In the past, Tom Busby’s Sunday Night Battleplan has allowed him to secure gains like:

  • 23% from Crispr Therapeutics
  • 51% from the Dow Jones
  • 161% from the SPX
  • 87% from Apple
  • 76% from Amazon
  • 112% from United States Steel Corporation
  • 86% from Ali Baba
  • 61% from the SPY
  • 121% from Lockheed Martin
  • 500% from Kodak
  • And more…

And they all produced hundreds even thousands literally OVERNIGHT.

Meaning your money is never at risk in the markets for months or even weeks. That’s because he’s taking advantage of a predictive but limited-time window which opens up every Sunday Night which allows him to spot huge moves – a full five days before they happen.

Many folks have no idea this kind of advantage even exists… As the FED buried this study proving the existence of this Sunday night window in the middle of the tech craze in the late nineties.

But, thanks to getting his hands on one of the earliest Globex Terminals – a rare trading machine which was only given to 50 people around the world – Tom got access to this kind of life-changing information.

And ever since, he has been perfecting his trading methods surrounding this rare Sunday night window which allows him to see which stocks are set to explode a full five days in advance.

These are some of the fastest and safest opportunities that exist.

In fact, if the trade he’s targeting doesn’t hit Tom’s strict criteria…

He doesn’t even risk it.

You never have to take unnecessary risks because thanks to the Sunday Night Battleplan, Tom Busby is spotting new opportunities every single week!

That’s exactly why he created this service: TBUZ Text and Trade.

Each week, Tom will be sending you anywhere from three to five trades with a chance to potentially double your money – OVERNIGHT.


The Extra Income Project

Want the chance to put $2,500, $5,000, $10,000, or more in your pocket every Thursday?

Don’t Just Ask Me…SHOW ME!!!

Who is Tom Busby?

Tom Busby is a founder of the Diversified Trading Institute, and he has been trading the markets for over 40 years.

He started trading options for Merrill Lynch in 1980 before becoming Vice President of Smith Barney in 1984. He also traded the S&P 500 and NASDAQ futures since their inception and was uniquely selected by the European Eurex exchange to travel around the U.S. to introduce trading the German DAX Index to high-net-worth individuals.

In 1996 Tom Busby started the Diversified Trading Institute (DTI) to help investors of all types learn how to grow their “nest egg,” and about 8 years ago he began what has become DTI’s premier text and trade service – TBUZ Text and Trade.

What Do You Get For Your Money?

52 Sunday Night Battleplan sessions

Here Tom Busby will lay out the market preview for you to get a lay of the market before the opening bell on Monday morning. Then, he looks for the “primed stocks” ready to go on an explosive run within the next five days. And finally, he will alert you whenever these stocks break “terminal velocity.”

3-5 trades per week sent directly to your text and email inbox

These alerts will also be writing in plain English instructions to make it easy for you to follow along.

52 LIVE Tuesday Trading Sessions

Here Tom Busby will review his stock targets to make sure you’re still on track to make quick money. Not only that, he’ll also change course if there’s any world-altering news like the COVID-19 shock we saw in March. Plus, here’s where Tom will often issue his trade of the week.

The Trader’s Roadmap

This is one of Tom Busby’s crowning achievements. This personally designed software executes Tom’s Sunday night battleplan to perfection. Beginner traders say “they can’t imagine trading without it.” And once you use it, I’m sure you’ll be saying the same thing while collecting the fastest profits of your life.

Your own personal log-in key to our trading headquarters

This is Tom Busby’s central HUB. You can log-in to this private website anytime you like.Here you can access Tom Busby’s portfolio and his trading recommendations.

The Sunday Night Trader Guidebook

If you don’t know how to handle a loss, it could break you.
But that’s why, Tom Busby created the Sunday Night Trader Guidebook to show you the best attitudes and practices to take whenever a challenge arises. Take these practices to heart and you’ll be well on your way to the most profitable year of your life.

The TBUZ Text and Trade Masterclass

And last but not least, you’re also getting The TBUZ Text and Trade Masterclass. This will take you deep inside into Tom Busby’s methods, showing you the ins and outs of how he secured over 251 OVERNIGHT winners over the past 6 years.

VIP customer service

And of course, year-round VIP customer service. Any questions, any concerns, just call Tom Busby’s team up on the number you’ll see in your emails.


843% in 24 hours!?

If you’re aggressive trader looking to make triple-digit returns… but don’t want to deal with current market uncertainty, you need to get the details of this strategy now

“Blitz Tracker” shrinks your exposure by controlling your time spent in the market and regularly delivers powerful 24-hour gains.

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As of moment of writing, you can have access to 52 Sunday Night Battleplan Sessions and all these bonuses for $1,500.

Is there any Guarantee or Refund Policy in Place?

Tom Busby is offering you his top of the line, double-tiered guarantee.

  1. First, Tom is guaranteeing you will see the chance at 50 OVERNIGHT winners. That’s 50 chances to multiply your money overnight.
  2. Second, if you don’t become breakeven or even profitable within the first 10 trades, Tom Busby is setting you up for a FREE 1-hour private coaching session with your own personal trading consultant.

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