Strategic Trader Review – Is Casey Research Service Good?

The strategic trader always has a plan of attack. His strategy involves 4 steps: 1) Assess 2) Consolidate 3) Position 4) Speculate.

Doug Casey wrote the book on Strategic Investing in 1983. As Doug said, a strategy is an overall plan for accomplishing an objective. It’s a word with military connotations…and that’s appropriate, since you are engaged in a battle—at a minimum, a battle for trading survival. That’s never been more important.

What is Strategic Trader?

The financial markets are changing.

The bull market of the last eight years is under threat.

In fact, all signs point to this being the last bull market of our lifetimes.

That’s why Dave Forest just created Strategic Trader , to give you more options to profit in a time of uncertainty.

Most traders ignore these warning signs today…

In fact, most can’t see them at all. They stick their money in an ETF and call it a day. Then they don’t understand why they’re perpetual losers.

Value investors… trend followers… they also have blinders on.

With Strategic Trader , you’ll have a specific plan of attack to emerge a victor from the financial battlefield of the future.

As a subscriber to Strategic Trader you’ll have access to the most exciting and potentially profitable strategic trading situations that can be found… from world-class companies trading at bargain prices to the tiny, explosive resource speculations most people are completely overlooking right now.

This strategy follows the same process laid out by Doug Casey, in his classic book about investing, Strategic Investing.

What do you get for your money?

As of moment of writing you can get 12-month subscription for just $2,000.

When you sign up, you’ll be enrolled in our automatic renewal program. That way, you’ll never miss a single issue. At the end of your initial subscription term, you’ll be automatically charged $1,750 for your next year. You’ll always receive an email before being charged.

Here’s everything you’ll get when you subscribe for Dave Forest Strategic Trader:

Full years of high-end research service, Strategic Trader

Around the third Thursday of every month, you’ll get Dave Forest latest ideas—each idea is meant to give you the chance at triple- and quadruple-digit gains.

Frequent Updates

Delivered as needed, typically once or twice a month.

Report: The Complete Guide to the World’s Most Explosive Securities.

You’ll get the names and tickers of Dave Forest’s top picks, along with his full analysis and a complete breakdown of his strategy.

Video Training: Dave Forest’s Complete Warrants Crash Course.

You’ll get a series of videos that will show you everything you need to know to start trading.

Bonus Report #1: Pro Options: The Secret Playground of Wall Street Insiders.

This report will show you how these special options work, and how to trade them.

Bonus Report #2: Home Run Stocks: The Only Way to Get Rich Through the Stock Market

You’ll get the name and ticker of Dave Forest’s top home run stock, including a full write-up.

Plus: 1,000% Guarantee

“I guarantee that my track record will give you the chance at 1,000% total gains over the next 12 months. If it doesn’t, then I’ll work for free. You’ll get an additional year of membership at no cost whatsoever. There are no strings attached. As long as you sign up today, this guarantee is yours.” — Dave Forest

And if that weren’t enough, they ’re offering double protection by including:

90-day Ironclad Guarantee

You’ll have 90 days to try out Dave Forest’s research service…

You can give Strategic Trader a complete test drive. If you’re not 100% satisfied, just give their member services team a call in the next 90 days. They’ll give you a $1,750 credit toward one of their other high-end research services… or one of the high-end research services of one of their corporate affiliates—Bonner & Partners, Palm Beach Research Group, and Jeff Clark’s Delta Report. And you’ll even get to keep all the special reports.

Who Is Dave Forest?

Dave is a geologist who has worked professionally in mining and petroleum over a 20-year career. He has also bridged his technical expertise into the finance and investment sector, originally joining Casey Research in 2004 when he founded the Casey Research’s International Speculator dedicated to finding high-potential investment opportunities in oil, natural gas, uranium and renewables globally.

He has founded his own mineral exploration and development companies, raising over $80 million in equity financing from some of the most well-known resource investors in North America. His past successes include the development of a 10-million-ounce gold deposit in Colombia, as well as becoming the first to be granted a modern exploration license in the emerging economy of Myanmar, Southeast Asia. He also served as Managing Director of Notela Resource Advisors, an advisory firm analyzing and designing global investment opportunities in the natural resource sector.

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