Strategic Investor Review – Dave Forest $4 stock company on the verge of a multi-billion dollar deal with Tesla?

Dave Forest believes Tesla could be on the verge of a multi-billion dollar deal with a tiny $4 company. Everything Tesla touches turns to gold. They are one of the hottest stocks on the market. And that spreads to associates as well. A billion-dollar deal with Tesla would send this $4 stock soaring.

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What is $4 Company About to Sign a Billion-Dollar Deal With Tesla?

$4 Company About to Sign a Billion-Dollar Deal With Tesla by Dave Forest is a pitch for his Strategic Investor newsletter.

Electric cars are on the verge of mass adoption, led by Tesla.

Nearly 8 in 10 Americans believe electric cars – powered by lithium-ion batteries – are the future. Electric vehicles made up just 2.5% of US car sales in 2018.

JP Morgan says they will account for 30% of US sales by 2025. Automakers have committed a collective $225 billion to electric car production.

Tesla is the industry leader.

And they spent $4.5 billion to build a giant lithium-ion battery factory – called the Gigafactory. Their goal is to make 500,000 batteries a year. And each of those batteries requires 63kg of lithium. That’s over 34,700 tons a year. Very few mines even have that in reserve.  In fact, lithium supplies are in deep trouble.

But according to Dave Forest, Tesla won’t have to do the mining themselves.

There’s been a massive new discovery of lithium right here in America. And it could be enough to supply Tesla for the next 46 years…

At today’s prices, that’s worth a projected $35 billion.

But because of the supply crunch, it could be worth five times more in a couple of years.

And one $4 company holds the rights to this massive bounty…In time, Dave Forest thinks this company could become a blue-chip stock.

In the coming years, this mine could reach production of 60,000 tons of lithium a year according to expert estimates. At current prices, that would mean $750 million in revenue per year.

That’s three times the company’s current market cap – every year.

Any kind of agreement with Tesla would make this company multiply almost overnight.

All of the details you need to educate yourself and invest in the company are in Dave’s report, The American Lithium Boom: How to Invest in Silicon Valley’s Fuel Source. You can get this report for free when you subscribe for Dave Forest’s Strategic Investor Newsletter.

Dave Forest expects shares of this tiny company to soar rapidly in the months ahead.

If you’re interested in this opportunity, it’s important you act now. That’s why Dave Forest is offering Strategic Investor at the lowest price ever – $49 per year.

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What is Strategic Investor Newsletter?

Entry-level newsletter designed to look for “distortions in the market.” Dave Forest plans for the letter to “include the most explosive stocks in the resource markets as well as core positions in world-class businesses trading at bargain prices.”




Here’s how to prepare for the biggest stock market event of the decade.

Including the name and ticker of the best-performing stock of 2020.

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What is included with Your Strategic Investor Membership?

One-Year Subscription to Strategic Investor

12 monthly issues with Dave Forest’s recommendations on how to best play the American tech metal mining boom. You’ll also get complimentary 24/7 access to the members only website, featuring Strategic Investor’s model portfolio and full archives of past issues and reports.

Bonus Report 1 – The American Lithium Boom

How to Invest in Silicon Valley’s Fuel Source

Bonus Report 2 – The #1 Copper Investment in America

Bonus Report 3 – The Nickel Explosion

How to Multiply Your Money on Tesla’s New Battery

Extra Bonus Report 4 – The 5G Master Key

Strategic Investor Pricing

As of moment of writing, you can get 1 year One-Year Membership to Strategic Investor for $49.

Like many subscription-based services — including The Wall Street Journal, Time Magazine, The New Yorker and Sports Illustrated — Casey Research uses automatic renewal.

At the end of your initial subscription term, your membership will automatically renew at $129 per year. To cancel your subscription without incurring such renewal fee, you must do so at least one day prior to the renewal date. Annual subscribers will receive a reminder before their subscription is renewed. If you have any questions regarding your subscription, please contact Customer Service team at 888-512-2739.

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Who is Dave Forest?

Dave is a geologist who has worked professionally in mining and petroleum over a 20-year career. He has also bridged his technical expertise into the finance and investment sector, originally joining Casey Research in 2004 when he founded the Casey Research’s International Speculator dedicated to finding high-potential investment opportunities in oil, natural gas, uranium and renewables globally.

He has founded his own mineral exploration and development companies, raising over $80 million in equity financing from some of the most well-known resource investors in North America. His past successes include the development of a 10-million-ounce gold deposit in Colombia, as well as becoming the first to be granted a modern exploration license in the emerging economy of Myanmar, Southeast Asia. He also served as Managing Director of Notela Resource Advisors, an advisory firm analyzing and designing global investment opportunities in the natural resource sector.

Dave continues to travel extensively — particularly in Latin America and Asia — reviewing resource projects and investment opportunities. His recent visits including Brazil, Mongolia, Myanmar, China, Russia, Colombia, Peru, Nevada, Laos, Zambia. Madagascar, Indonesia, Portugal and the Czech Republic.

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