Smartest Investment Strategy of All Time With Bill O’Reilly and Alex Green

Smartest Investment Strategy of All Time Summit Details

It’s a rollercoaster. In total, the Dow dropped 10,000 points in the pandemic sell off… Then it shot back up 5,000. Enough to make you dizzy.

Now, people are asking one very important question:

Is the time to buy now?

The Oxford Club Chief Investment Strategist Alexander Green is on a mad rush to get some important information out to you.

He’s discovered that the world’s top CEOs and multimillionaires are doing something very strange with their money.

It doesn’t happen often.

But in a crazy market like this, all bets are off.

This situation is so important… and so rare… that Bill O’Reilly is joining Alex to help alert you.

Together, they’re putting on an urgent online event on June 17.

They’ll show you where the smart money is going… and why following it could help save YOUR retirement in the coming weeks.

But you have to act NOW

Join Bill O’Reilly and Alexander Green for The Smartest Investment Strategy of All Time Summit

What You Gonna Learn?

What you discover at the event could go down as, “The Smartest Investment Strategy of All Time.

That’s exactly what Alex Green is calling it. And Bill O’Reilly is investigating whether that’s true.

Attend “The Smartest Investment Strategy of All Time” to learn:

  • The next three MUST-BUY stocks this strategy indicates will rise next
  • Why Alex’s use of an SEC website can give you a major advantage over regular traders
  • How this method allows you to see through the DECEPTIONS of Wall Street and the bumbling gaffes of the mainstream financial news media to find the FULL TRUTH behind a company’s stock.
  • Why now more than ever – during volatile markets – this is THE strategy to turn to for best results.

Plus, you can receive a number of valuable bonuses by attending.

Join Bill O’Reilly and Alexander Green for The Smartest Investment Strategy of All Time Summit

Who is Bill O’Reilly?

A trailblazing journalist, Bill O’Reilly achieved unprecedented success on cable television, hosting its highest-rated show for 16 years.

He’s also authored 15 national No. 1 bestselling nonfiction books. There are currently more than 17 million books in print from his Killing series.

He holds a master’s degree in broadcast journalism from Boston University and a master’s in public administration from the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University.

He currently hosts No Spin News on and The O’Reilly Update on 180 radio affiliates across the country.

Who is Alex Green?

Alexander Green has arguably the best track record in the history of the financial publishing industry.

For 16 straight years, the independent Hulbert Financial Digest ranked Alex’s newsletter The Oxford Communiqué, in its Top 10 for maximum return and minimum risk.

Since he took over as Chief Investment Strategist of The Oxford Club in 2001, Alex’s recommendations would have turned a $150K portfolio into approximately $1,082,241.

Alex also worked as an investment advisor, research analyst and portfolio manager on Wall Street over the course of his 35-year career in finance.

He is a New York Times bestselling author and has penned four national bestsellers: The Gone Fishin’ Portfolio, The Secret of Shelter Island, Beyond Wealth and An Embarrassment of Riches.

Join Bill O’Reilly and Alexander Green for The Smartest Investment Strategy of All Time Summit

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