Shah Gilani Financial Survival Summit – Is It Legit?

Shah Gilani Financial Survival Summit is where Shah will reveal a 3-Step Survival Plan that will show you how to get rid of 10 toxic stocks before they create massive losses to your 401(k) or portfolio.


Huge Recession Loophole (See These Charts)

Amid today’s market turmoil, THIS is one of the biggest and most bullish opportunities today: a red-hot sector with almost unlimited pricing power and a history of outperforming in recessions. It’s also the sector where our good friend Dr. David Eifrig spent half his professional life – meaning he’s extremely qualified to spot world-class opportunities today.

Take a look at the evidence here.

Shah Gilani Financial Survival Summit – What Is It?

According to Shah Gilani, three disastrous events are converging at once, threatening to send America’s financial system into a crash of historic proportions.

That could put your job, house, and savings at risk.

So you need to take three actions now to survive over the next few months.

Shah Gilani will brief you about this catastrophic situation at the Financial Survival Summit on Tuesday (the 18th) at 8 p.m. and give you the solutions – so you can survive during these harsh times that are approaching.

This summit is so critical that Shah Gilani made a request to his publisher…

That anyone who attended the Financial Survival Summit event would receive a special gift valued at $229 that will help during these dark times.

You don’t want to miss this event on October 18 at 8 p.m…

Because Shah believes we are on the verge of an epic market crash – one that could result in devastating financial losses similar to the dot-com crash of 2000… and the subprime mortgage crash or Great Recession of 2008…

Both of those life-altering crashes sent markets spiraling out of control, culminating in billions in lost wealth… because of ONE central cataclysmic event.

During the dot-com crash, it was the Silicon Valley tech bubble bursting that sent the Nasdaq down by nearly 80% of its value…

During the subprime mortgage crash, it was faulty loans made by overleveraged banks that sent the S&P down nearly 60%…

But in this current crisis, it’s not just one cataclysmic event – it’s three. And all three are on the verge of spiraling out of control right now.

In fact… taken together, these three disasters could:

  • Crush the S&P 500 by 25% or more before November 30…
  • Tank some of the biggest, most famous companies in America…
  • And decimate 401(k)s, pensions, and the life savings of millions of Americans.

And yet the mainstream media hasn’t grasped the situation or how dire it truly is…


How I Made $100,000 Overnight

It began with a mysterious phone call from a billionaire hedge-fund manager… desperate for access to Joel Litman’s stock market rating system before the next opening bell. What happened next would unlock a stock market phenomenon that spits out 10-, 20-, and even 30-baggers a few rare times per year. And right now, it’s happening again.

Just make sure you see this incredible story before tomorrow’s opening bell.

Who is Shah Gilani?

Shah Gilani is a former hedge fund manager who has spent 40 years in the trenches.

He was part of the team at the Chicago Board Options Exchange that created the fear gauge – otherwise known as the VIX… the single-most important indicator of market volatility. From Goldman Sachs to JPMorgan, BlackRock, and Fidelity…. none of them would survive without it.

What does this tell you? It tells you Shah understands how to navigate market crash situations like very few others.

That’s why on October 18, he’s going live to tell you the harsh truth about the markets…

So you can know exactly how bad it
could get… and be prepared.

WARNING: This event is NOT going to be a happy one. But if you care about your money – you must attend.


Major Announcement From Dr. Steve Sjuggerud

“This is what I’m doing with my own money right now. I recommend you do the same”.

In a brand-new update, Dr. Steve Sjuggerud explains his No. 1 recommended sector that could reliably make you hundreds-of-percent gains in the coming months, no matter what the market does next.

See Steve’s urgent new message right here

What will Shah Gilani share through the Financial Survival Summit?

During this event, you’ll see firsthand:

  • A single chart proving why we’re only at the tip of the iceberg of a harsh three-to-five-year stock market winter…
  • A secret list compiled by top Wall Street researchers revealing dozens of iconic American companies facing an immediate threat to their existence…
  • New data indicating that the value of American homes could plummet by 30% or more… before New Year’s…
  • A secret Fed plan to send unemployment skyrocketing, putting everyone’s job – even yours – on the line…

How will we survive all this?

During the event Shah will reveal a 3-Step Survival Plan that will show you…

  • How to get rid of 10 toxic stocks before they create massive losses to your 401(k) or portfolio.
  • Avoid the one thing the “dumb money” always does when markets tank. (It’s a huge mistake!)
  • Implement Shah Gilani’s unique strategy that turns losing companies into winning profits – the same technique that made him a millionaire from trading in down markets.

In fact, Shah will also be giving attendees details on three trades you can make immediately… to capture triple- or quadruple-digit gains from these events.

When Is Shah Gilani Financial Survival Summit?

Shah Gilani Financial Survival Summit has been scheduled to take place on Tuesday, October 18, at 8 pm ET.

Is It Free To Attend Shah Gilani Financial Survival Summit?

Yes, it’s FREE to attend Shah Gilani Financial Survival Summit, but registration is required.


Severe Stock Warning: A New Financial Crisis Is Underway

It doesn’t matter if you have money in the markets right now, or you’re waiting on the sidelines. The short period we’re about to enter could have the power to make – or destroy – fortunes. And what you do in the coming days could determine your wealth for the next decade. Here’s what’s happening and how to prepare.

Click here for details

Bottom Line: Should You Attend?

Listen – withdrawing all your money from the market and putting it into cash might NORMALLY be a good idea.

But when inflation is at 9% or higher – it’s suicide.

For true advice on what you need to do right now, just listen to Shah on October 18. He knows better than 99% of all Americans how to survive and make money in this kind of market…

Just rewind back almost exactly 36 years ago – to Black Monday… October 19, 1987. It was the worst day in the history of the stock market. In fact, $1 trillion of wealth was wiped out.

Shah was working at his trading desk at the firm Roosevelt & Cross – founded by President Teddy Roosevelt’s family.

While everybody was running for the hills, he famously made a $100 million WINNING bet on America’s recovery – targeting bonds.

And he made enough from that single move to last a few lifetimes.

Shah’s spot-on predictions have also become legendary.

Time and again, Shah has nailed some of the biggest market predictions in history.

That’s why Stuart Varney – from Varney & Co. – nicknamed Shah “the man who calls it all.”

He accurately called the death of retail and the rise of e-commerce…

European market upheaval… huge stock splits… buybacks… dividend increases… cyberhacker threats… Brexit… manipulated low interest rates… the dominance of the Fed…

The rise of Alibaba… Microsoft doubling…

His Dow predictions are equally legendary.

When the Dow was trading for a mere 11,000… he called it soaring to 15,000… 17,000… 20,000… 21,000… 22,000… 23,000… 26,000… 27,000… all the way to the all-time high of nearly 30,000.

Even after the pandemic sent financial markets into a death spiral… Shah predicted a record turnaround dominated by work-from-home stocks.

He was right…

Anyone who listened to his recommendations could have seen their profits multiply exponentially.

And now Shah is making his biggest prediction ever.

Tune in here to watch Shah Gilani Financial Survival Summit.

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