Scott Bauer’s Power Picks Review: The Secrets of 6 Figure Income Trading Options

Scott Bauer of Prosper Trading Academy has been promoting a live training session – “The Secrets of 6 Figure Income Trading Options” – where you will discover how to easily figure out which stocks will make you the biggest profits without any previous trading experience. on his options-trading strategy. He claims to have a working strategy – Bauer’s Power Picks Options Trade Alert Service – that he wants to share how to use it on ‘auto-pilot’ so you can trade anywhere, part-time.

In this article, I will walk you through Scott Bauer’s Live Online Masterclass to highlight what you can expect from Bauer’s Power Picks Options Trade Alert Service.

“The Secrets Of 6 Figure Income Trading Options” – Live Training – Claim Your Spot Here

What Is Scott Bauer’s “The Secrets of 6 Figure Income Trading Options” Live Online Masterclass?

In this live training Scott Bauer is planning to completely open the books on the system that he used to go from losing $20,000 in a day to making more than $2.1 Million in a single month!

That’s Scott Bauer’s Power Picks System.

Scott Bauer says that many of his students have gone on to generate 6 figure profits from their trading using that system.

So he’s planning to share every secret you need to create a 6 figure income trading options

During “The Secrets of 6 Figure Income Trading Options” Live Online Masterclass, Scott Bauer will show you things like:

  • How to find the best stocks to trade the options of. This is key: you only want to trade options on certain stocks

  • The one pattern that he uses to determine the direction a stock is about to move. This is the Holy Grail for a lot of traders and the pattern is extremely simple

  • Wall Street’s ‘dirty little secret’ that tells you how much a stock is about to move. Finding the direction of the stock is just one part of the battle. The size of the move is just as important

  • Why trading calls and puts by themselves is a rookie move. You’ll see exactly how Scott Bauer always uses spreads to target massive results without massive risk

  • Scott Bauer’s favorite ‘stupid simple’ option spreads. You can use this spread tomorrow and start generating insane profit!

  • Scott Bauer’s “safety net” spread that will make you money even if a stock moves the wrong way. aka how to make money when you think a stock is going to go up but it goes down

“The Secrets Of 6 Figure Income Trading Options” – Live Training – Claim Your Spot Here

Who Is Scott Bauer?

Scott Bauer is the CEO of Prosper Trading Academy and a frequently featured coach on TD Ameritrade with 25 plus years of professional equity and index options experience at the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE), Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME), and as a former Vice President/trader for Goldman Sachs.

He is also a respected market commentator often seen on Bloomberg, Fox Business, CNBC, and other major financial networks. Scott graduated with Honors from the University of Illinois Business School and has taught classes both at his alma mater and at the CBOE.

With over 25 years of professional trading experience, Scott’s career spans every aspect of the trading world including trading a variety of equity and index options. He began as a clerk on the Chicago Board Options Exchange in 1991. In 1997, Scott was the only market maker on the CBOE to trade options. He has also traded and made markets in such notable names as Coca Cola, Bank America, U.S. Robotics, American International Group, Rambus, and Delta Airlines. Most recently, Scott traded S&P 500 options at the CBOE and was employed by Goldman, Sachs & Co. as Vice-President/Equities Division.

Scott Bauer’s Power Picks Options Trade Alert Service – What Is It?

Bauer’s Power Picks is an advisory service Scott Bauer offers via Prosper Trading Academy where he shares real-time alerts via SMS and email with his subscribers.

You can become a better, more confident trader by leveraging Scott’s Real-Time Trade Service.

Scott Bauer will send up to 8 real-time options trade alerts by email and text including entries, management and exits.

You’ll also get access to Scott’s tools for training and investor updates. Take the guesswork out of your trading, sit back and leverage the knowledge and expertise from a real professional trader as Scott delivers his best trades.

How to Sign Up for Scott Bauer’s “The Secrets of 6 Figure Income Trading Options” Live Online Masterclass?

There are three “subscription plans” and their charges are as follows:

  • $29 where you watch the live training in its entirety and they send you the full recording (You won’t get the recording if you fail to attend the training in full).
  • $57 where you get everything the $29 gets you plus Scott’s trading layout.
  • $250 and you get full access to the training whether you attend it live or not.

“The Secrets Of 6 Figure Income Trading Options” – Live Training – Claim Your Spot Here

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