Rob Booker’s Fresh Start Summit: Is It Legit?

Rob Booker’s Fresh Start Summit has been scheduled to take place on
January 26th @ 7:30pm EST when Rob is going to show traders exactly how he’d start over again with just $750, by teaching them his top 3 trading strategies for the year ahead.

A Perfect Method for Small Account Investors

Rob Booker’s Fresh Start Summit – What Is It?

20-year trading veteran Rob Booker has spent the last few weeks laid up, but that’s given him plenty of time to think about one thing:

How would he start over if he only had $750 to risk?

That’s why he created the “Fresh Start Summit,” a special LIVE event airing Tuesday, January 26 at 7:30 PM ET.


A Personal Profit of $7,600 PER DAY?!

Dr. Kent Moors, has unveiled his powerhouse algorithmic trading system…

The result was a win streak of 44 triple digit gains… 129 winning trades… and a win rate of 93%.

Kent averaged a personal profit of $7,600 per day.

In fact, over the last 6 weeks, he has nailed down 17 more triple digit wins.

Click Here For Details

What You’ll Get Attending Rob Booker’s Fresh Start Summit?

In this Fresh Start Summit, he’s going to show traders exactly how he’d start over again with just $750, by teaching them:

  • His top 3 trading strategies for the year ahead
  • The 7 rules of trading and life that have been critical to his success
  • The 1 stock he’s obsessed with trading right away

Buy This One Stock in 2021

Who is Rob Booker?

Rob Booker has been trading for the past 20 years. He has hosted the Traders Podcast, which has over 500 episodes destined to help traders live better and trade more profitably.

Rob is one of the trading gurus of this time who teaches effective ways of trading along with sharing his own trading secrets that made him a millionaire.

In the past few months, Rob Booker has shifted his trading from manual to algorithmic, by relying on robots to enter & exit his trades. This has been one of his great challenges, but Rob accepted it, and now start seeing the benefits of using robots to accomplish his trading on a daily basis.

People in the trading circles knows and respects him.  His podcasts are all about trading schemes and tips. Since Rob Booker began his career and business in trading, he has hosted many podcasts covering a diverse range of market topics.

Rob Booker is an editor of few popular trading and investing newsletters.

Rob Booker shares his strategy for bear markets right here in this Rob Booker’s Bear Market Class – Click Here To Learn more

Is It FREE To Attend Rob Booker’s Fresh Start Summit?

Rob Booker’s Fresh Start Summit is FREE. Registration is required. You can claim your spot here.

You won’t want to miss the announcement Rob is planning to make (he says his publisher is not pleased!)

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