Rob Booker’s Crypto Capitalist Review – What Is Rob Booker’s Omega Crypto?

Rob Booker and his crypto expert Michael Ambrosino have a new presentation for Rob Booker’s Crypto Capitalist group. There Rob reveals what crypto is going to be the most fun to trade, has the most potential, and is getting almost $50k of his money. He calls it “Omega” crypto.

Get Rich Off This Crypto? (Hint: Not Bitcoin)

What Is Rob Booker’s “Omega” Crypto?

There are times when you see a trade coming. And you plan it.

And you take it. Boldly. You smash down that “buy” button with rock-solid confidence.

And Rob Booker’s crypto expert Michael Ambrosino says that he got one of those trades.

  • He’s a millionaire.
  • He lived in a “crypto castle” in San Francisco.
  • He build an astounding portfolio.
  • And he’s got a trade he wants to share with us.

Rob says that he’s in the trade. He dropped 14k of his own cold,  hard-earned trading profits into it. And Rob Booker thinks that it has the potential to move – and big time.

Maybe as much as 9,000%.

He just bought $14,000 worth of an obscure, unheard of coin. And he’s about to buy another $30k worth in the next week. But time is running out, because it’s starting to move.

To learn the name and all the details of this “Omega” crypto – you have to enroll in Rob Booker’s Crypto Capitalist group.


One of Crypto’s First Millionaires Is Giving Away His #1 Pick for Free

Charlie Shrem was one of the first bitcoin millionaires in history and has made a massive fortune by being an early backer of the most popular cryptocurrencies in the world.

Today, he’s revealing the next big crypto to buy … for FREE.

What’s Included With Your Crypto Capitalist Subscription?

As a founding member of my Crypto Capitalist group, you’ll get:

READY TO WEALTH — The 9,819% Growth Crypto, “Omega”

Sign up now and in the next few minutes you’ll get an email including the full details of “Omega” — the crypto undervalued by 9,819%.

The Simple Man’s Crypto Handbook

Rob Booker and his crypto expert Michael Ambrosino will send you the handbook Rob made for his 87 year-old grandma to help her buy crypto. She barely speaks English. So if this guide made it easy for her, then it’ll help you too.

Up And Up — How to Find and Rank Profit Gaps

3 Steps to find profit gaps on your own (for free). See what you can find and let’s compare notes!

Profit Gap Calculator

The same dollar store calculator Rob Booker use to find the real value of every crypto — shipped to your address free of charge.

Crypto Capitalist

Twice a month Rob Booker will send you two vetted cryptos with Profit Gaps of 3 or higher. That’s 24 opportunities over the next year. Keep in mind that Rob will only share recommendations that he will buy along with you. You’ll go into every trade together.


Missed buying bitcoin in 2015? It doesn’t matter…

This is your rare second chance to get in early on world-changing crypto tech – without touching a crypto exchange or “digital wallet.” This potential market is 1,400% bigger than bitcoin, Ethereum, and Ripple. It’s all part of a bigger trend you must understand before it goes mainstream – click here for the full story.

Rob Booker’s Crypto Capitalist Subscription Fee

You can get your Founder’s Privilege Package for $997.

Here’s what’s inside:

  • READY TO WEALTH — The 9,819% Growth Crypto, “Omega”
  • Crypto Capitalist Newsletter, 1 year subscription
  • The Simple Man’s Crypto Handbook
  • Up And Up — How to Find and Rank Profit Gaps
  • Profit Gap Calculator

Why I Sold ALL My Stocks for Bitcoin?

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