Rob Booker’s Automatic Income Review

Rob Booker is the best on-camera financial guru in the game. Totally natural, insanely credible, and 100% sincere and believable.

Go ahead and look at any one of the hundreds of videos on his YouTube channel with almost 48,000 subscribers.

When he talks, people listen, they believe…

So what is Rob Booker’s new service AUTOMATIC INCOME?

Rob Booker's Automatic Income
Rob Booker’s Automatic Income

Automatic Income – What Is All About?

To truly understand the story behind The Automatic Income, you have to watch these 4 storytelling and emotional videos.

Larry Benedict's Opportunistic Trader Review

Rob Booker’s Automatic Income Video 1

Rob Booker is on a Skype call with world renowned hedge fund manager and Jim Cramer’s volatility expert, Mark Sebastian.

They begin to argue over how easy it is to make money in the stock market. Mark says only smart, rich people on the inside can do it. Rob says it’s easy and he can show anyone how. Mark challenges Rob ($10,000 to charity) to do just that. But with one condition.

Rob can’t pick the people he shows how to make money. Mark gets to do that. And he picks the people of Gadsden, Alabama. The small, blue collar town where Rob’s family grew up.

Rob agrees, and with the challenge accepted, he and the team head to Gadsden, Alabama to show regular folks how to make instant, automatic income in the stock market.

Watch Video 1 Here

Rob Booker’s Automatic Income Video 2

Rob is outside the home where his father grew up. It’s as middle America as you can get. Maybe even lower income. Rob reminisces. Hot summers spent catching fireflies in the yard. And his dad working and working and working and never getting ahead.

But this is what makes America so great. Just one generation later, that father’s son, Rob Booker is well off. He makes thousands of dollars in just seconds online every Monday morning.

And so he sets out to show these regular, hard working folks how to do exactly that.

Watch Video 2 Here

Rob Booker’s Automatic Income Video 3

Rob Booker goes H.A.M. all over Gadsden, Alabama, grabbing complete strangers and showing them how to make automatic income.

NOTE: You may think you’ve seen videos like this before. Well, you may have seen something similar… “Man on the street”, instant income videos.

But you’ve never seen anything like this.

Rob Booker went legitimately ROGUE and genuinely approached absolute strangers, got them to click his phone a few times, and then he paid them THOUSANDS of dollars in cash.

Just wait until you see these REAL people making REAL money and giving their honest, unscripted reactions.

When they tell you what they’ll do with the money you almost won’t believe it.

And with that, Rob seems to have won his bet with Mark Sebastian. He’s shown regular folks how to make automatic income, easily in the stock market.

Watch Video 3 Here

Then, the crew heads back to the hotel to get some sleep and catch their flight the next morning.

But you won’t believe what happened next…

Larry Benedict's Opportunistic Trader Review

Rob Booker’s Automatic Income Video 4

The production crew gets a frantic phone call from Rob. We can’t tell what’s happening but it’s something big. Cameras rolling, they race to the scene.

Rob was downtown again, the same place he went rogue the day before. He just wanted to get a coffee before his flight home.

But in this tiny town, word has spread fast about a guy going around showing people how to make money with stocks and handing out wads of cash.

Those people all showed up hoping to bump into Rob. And when they did, they essentially demanded he show everyone how to do this.

It was a mess.

Even the cops were there!

The team scrambles. They decide to book a conference room at the nearest, local, rundown hotel, and do an “on the fly” presentation to the town.

And so the folks follow Rob as he walks down Main Street so they can learn this secret they wish they knew about years ago…

Watch Video 4 Here

What Do You Get For Your Money With Automatic Income?

As a moment of writing, you can get AUTOMATIC INCOME for $1,995 for LIFE.

Larry Benedict's Opportunistic Trader Review

What’s included?

  • 104 “Monday Morning Paydays” a year.
  • A “Trading Journal” to plan and track trades. (It’s what the most successful traders on earth do)
  • An “Insider’s Kit” with tons of SWAG… including a numbered membership card.
  • Free Access to the DOZENS of AUTOMATIC INCOME in-person meet ups. Rob Booker is traveling the country all next year hosting events for members in towns all over America. (He might even go to Europe and Asia too)
  • A special “No Taxes Due” briefing. Rob Booker’s personal financial planner wrote this report. It tells you everything you need to do in order to make sure you don’t overpay the IRS — and members could very well be in a new tax bracket by this time next year. (Rich people problems!)
  • Another free report revealing the best stocks to buy and hold so members don’t just make more income… they make more income and pass on generational wealth to their heirs.

Ready To Try Rob Booker’s Automatic Income? Click Here

Rob Booker’s Related Services

Rob Booker’s $100 Challenge – Click Here To Learn More

Rob Booker’s Exotics Club – Click Here To Learn More

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