Predictive Alpha Prime Review – Legit A.I.-Driven Research

The team at TradeSmith recently held The A.I. Predictive Power Event where they revealed their Predictive Alpha Prime research that helps investors understand the brave new world of artificial intelligence. Is A.I. just a fad? Or is it here to stay? What’s the best way for investors to take advantage of it? Read our Predictive Alpha Prime review to find the answers.

New A.I. Stock Market Algorithm “Learns” like ChatGPT

You’ve probably heard the name ChatGPT…

But if you’re not familiar with exactly what it is… essentially, ChatGPT is the largest, most powerful A.I. language model ever created.

And what makes it so revolutionary is if you ask it a question… it can give you an appropriate response all in context… such that, if you didn’t know ahead of time, you wouldn’t know whether you were talking to a person or a machine.

And it can also do complex tasks like: explain Newton’s laws of motion…

Write a poem in the style of Walt Whitman…

Even summarize the book “Pride and Prejudice.”

Well, how does it do that?

Machine Learning.

But, more specifically, through a process called “pre-training.”

The ChatGPT A.I. algorithm is fed billions of words.

It then reads through those words with billions of parameters… and can process them all in seconds.

This primes it or “pre-trains” the A.I. algorithm ahead of time… so when presented with a scenario in the future… it will know what to say.

That way when the program is asked a question in real time, it can give an appropriate response in context.

And it found its way to that answer all on its own… it didn’t need a human, because it was “pre-trained” in advance.

It taught itself.

Well, the team at TradeSmith just put the finishing touches on a revolutionary A.I. algorithm of their own they call An-E (pronounced Annie, short for Analytical Engine) that does the same thing

Only, instead of words… they “pretrained” it with numbers and data.  And, instead, of language processing, it analyzes financial data to predict stock prices.

And its backtested predictions are incredibly accurate — sometimes spot on one or two months into the future.

Last night they revealed Predictive Alpha Prime research based on An-E to the world for the first time at The A.I. Predictive Power Event.

Join Predictive Alpha Prime and leverage AI to grow your wallet!

Predictive Alpha Prime – a new cutting-edge AI tool

Last night, the team at TradeSmith debuted their latest AI investment product – Predictive Alpha Prime – and it has everyone buzzing.

I write “latest” because TradeSmith has been a leader in the algorithmic investment space for years. They are the polar opposite of “deep fake.”

TradeSmith is — and always has been — in a constant state of R&D (research and development) to make their quant-based products better.

They’ve spent over $19 million and over 11,000 man-hours developing their market analysis algorithms.

They have a staff of 36 people working on developing and maintaining their software and data systems. Their systems run day and night, processing information and spotting major opportunities.

All that work, all that time, and all that expense is devoted to a single goal: Leveling the Wall Street playing field.

And years ago, they saw AI was the way to do that. So, developing a predictive AI algorithm was really their next logical step.

And what they debuted last night was extraordinary.

Let’s better understand what it is, what the cutting-edge of AI and investing looks like today, and what investors need to be wary of as everyone tries to jump aboard the AI investment train in the coming months.

Understanding what AI investing is – and is not

I would guess that your idea of AI-enhanced investing is a bit like mine was until very recently.

You have high-powered computers that run detailed, hand-designed algorithms, scouring the market for the quantitative “fingerprints” of a homerun investment.

Now, I’m not knocking this. This approach is vastly more advanced than what the investment research process looked like even 10 years ago.

But AI is flipping this on its head.

To understand why, ask yourself…

What if all those hand-designed algorithmic inputs didn’t actually do a good job of finding the right stocks?

Or what if the algorithms were effective for a while, but then market conditions changed and the type of stock the computer identified no longer produced the same returns?

The reality is that your investing output is only as good as your data/algorithm input.

And so, if humans are behind the inputs, then there’s the potential for human error in some way, at some point.

The latest generation of AI has a better way – machines that learn how to customize the right inputs and parameters to achieve a stated output.

In other words, you don’t tell the computer to look for specific “data clues” that you believe are suggestive of a stock that could climb higher.

Instead, you tell the AI program your end goal (a climbing stock price) and it does the heavy lifting of figuring out the right input parameters to achieve the goal.

For more on this, as well as how it looks in TradeSmith’s new AI tool, let’s turn to TradeSmith’s CEO, Keith Kaplan:

“With incredible computing power and AI at our fingertips, our team embarked on the most important research project in our company’s history… one that could help you make much bigger stock market returns than you’re making now, while taking less risk…

We call this “Project An-E” (pronounced Annie).

But, here’s the key: Not just anyone can create a program like this…

You need a lot of money, and you need access to a tremendous amount of data.

Then you have to make sure the data is accurate before you feed it into the machine.

Not only that, but once the machine finds a useful model, you have to run that model through every type of market in the past to “train” the system to work in all types of scenarios.

It took us a while to get to the point where we could reliably trust An-E to predict a stock’s future price action.

But it was all worth it, because what makes An-E so powerful is that through all this training and development, humans aren’t the ones setting the parameters. Humans are prone to errors and bias, and our fallibility can skew the results.

An-E doesn’t have biases.

It’s designed to create its own optimal parameters based purely on getting a desired result: helping folks make money and avoid taking unnecessary risks.

Predictive Alpha Prime: What can this cutting-edge AI product actually do?

To better understand how An-E works, let’s look at a test case.

The image below is a stock chart for the manufacturing company Vontier Corp. (VNT).

The red “X” is when An-E made a prediction of what was going to happen to the stock price in the near future, and the blue circles are the predicted returns:

Vontier Corp chart

So, how did An-E do?

Marked by the green line in the image below is the actual stock price movement of VNT, along with An-E’s predictions:

Vontier Corp chart

Here’s Keith with the results:

…As you can see, An-E’s predictions were strikingly accurate.

Even two months out, An-E was nearly spot-on.

Look at the rightmost circle. An-E said Vontier would go up 14.7%.

It went up 13.5%.

It’s not an exaggeration to say that this is a new edge most investors have been lacking.

While the potential of this is extraordinary, there’s a dark side of AI and investing to watch out for

Younger investors might not recall this, but in the late 90s, the term “Dot Com” was magic. It promised vast riches from companies that had found a way to leverage the power of the internet.

Any company possessing even the faintest scent of “Dot Com” in the late ‘90s was investment gold.

There are countless stories of companies that added “Dot Com” to their name purely for the stock-price tailwind.

For example, in January of 1999, MIS International hadn’t seen one dime of profits, and its stock traded well below $0.50 per share.

But MIS saw the “Dot Com” frenzy and changed its name to

From less than $0.50 a share, – which again, had never turned a dime of profit – soared nearly 1,000% to $5 a share.

Get ready for history to repeat itself.

As just one example, back in March, VERSES Technologies decided to trumpet its exposure to AI.

It did this by changing its name to VERSES AI.

Here’s a chart of its stock price for the month of March.

Verses Technologies Inc. chart

Now, I’m not saying VERSES AI isn’t an authentic AI company, but this underscores the need for investors to be aware of the impact of branding.

Are you investing in real AI stocks, or just AI-branded stocks?

But that’s only half of the problem…

The other issue is that you’re about to be inundated with claims from countless investment services that they’ve incorporating AI into their market approaches

Be skeptical.

How have they done this? How much money have they invested into their technology? How does it work? It is based on human inputs or does machine learning optimize the inputs/parameters themselves?

Bottom line: The opportunity presented by the synthesis of AI and investing is enormous with the potential to create lifechanging investment wealth – but it’s also an opportunity to get duped.

Keith’s team just gave a free presentation about the technology. Give it the same rigorous analysis I’m suggesting you do for all such AI-promoted services.

The reality is that AI has arrived and it’s about to change the investment landscape. The investors who harness it correctly are going to have an enormous advantage over everyone else who’s still relying on yesterday’s market approach.

AI is revolutionizing our entire world. Should we not expect it to revolutionize investing?

Let’s learn more about TradeSmith and its An-E AI tool: Predictive Alpha Prime.

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Discover the future of investing with Predictive Alpha Prime. Get 64% off!

What’s Included with your Predictive Alpha Prime Subscription?

As a member of Predictive Alpha Prime, you’ll have access to all of An-E’s predictions for nearly every stock on the S&P 500 as well as many popular ETFS and funds.

But, tomorrow, that number will be expanding… and by a huge amount.

This is how fast A.I.’s developing, this is how much “smarter” An-E’s becoming already.

During the broadcast, Keith mentioned they’d be adding more stocks to Predictive Alpha Prime.

Well, you don’t have to wait very long for that to happen…

Already, they’ve been noticing An-E has been making incredibly accurate predictions on more than 2,000 additional stocks.

They’re doing some final testing on the algorithm right now… and tomorrow they’re rolling out a huge upgrade to this service and making those 2,000+ stock predictions available to anyone who signs up for this service…

Which means very soon you’ll be able to access An-E’s predictions for nearly 3,000 different to stocks, funds, and ETFs.

So, 500 predictions are available now…

And nearly 3,000 will be available tomorrow…

A new prediction is generated for each of these stocks every day. Looking them up and understanding them is as easy as reading a chart.

And don’t forget… An-E is getting smarter all the time… so new stock predictions will be continually added throughout your membership. Eventually predictions will be available for nearly all stocks on the market.

Not only that, you’ll have access to research from a team of the top market analysts and data scientists in the country who will be interpreting An-E’s findings and issuing a new stock recommendation every week.

Massive One Month Moves: Four A.I. Predicted Trades for Huge Gains

Massive One Month Moves: Four A.I. Predicted Trades for Huge Gains

TradeSmith team of analysts just identified four stocks An-E is predicting will soar over the course of the next month and they put all of these brand-new recommendations in an easy-to-read special report with the name, ticker symbol, and buy-up-to price of each stock.

That’s four trades “locked and loaded” , ready to go… so you can get started right away!

The Predictive Alpha Playbook

The Predictive Alpha Playbook

This “playbook” is the ultimate starter guide to begin investing using An-E’s recommendations.

It will tell you step-by-step how to use TradeSmith’s predictive software, how to interpret their recommendations and how to place your trades.

It doesn’t matter if you’ve never bought a stock before in your life… you can use this service.

And this report will guide you through every step of the process.

A.I. Investing Revolution

A.I. Investing Revolution

This brand-new special report all about what’s going today on in the world of A.I. and machine learning.

It dives into the history of A.I. with interesting stories and anecdotes of early breakthroughs in this cutting-edge field…

Taking you all the way up to the present day, bringing you up-to-speed on the latest news, tech, and behind-the-scenes projects that are in the works today… especially in the field of finance.

One Year Access to the Trade Booster

The Trade Booster is a tool that enables you to find options trades on virtually any stock on the market, including any of the recommendations TradeSmith’s team issues as part of Predictive Alpha Prime.

And it’s drop dead simple to use.

You simply type in the ticker symbol of the stock you want to trade an option on, hit one button… and the system will produce a few options trade ideas, each with a high chance of being a winner.

Predictive Alpha Prime Subscription Fee

You can get one full year membership to Predictive Alpha Prime for $1,799.

Predictive Alpha Prime Refund Policy

If you’re unsatisfied with your purchase for any reason, simply call TradeSmith customer care team within 90 days and they’ll issue you a credit in the amount of your purchase price to any one of their other products. Sorry, there are no cash refunds for this offer.

Predictive Alpha Prime Review: Final Words

What would you do if you had next month’s stock prices, today?

That’s the investor’s dream… isn’t it?

To know what’s going to happen in the markets in the near-future with a high degree of certainty.

If you had this kind of information, you’d be able to target winner after winner… and avoid the losers.

And it wouldn’t be long before you stacked up some serious profits.

Well, now TradeSmith, the company behind some of the world’s most cutting-edge financial innovations, is turning that dream into reality.

They’re putting the power to predict stock prices with incredible accuracy squarely in your hands!

And they’re doing it using some of the most revolutionary technologies to come along in decades… A.I. and machine learning.

TradeSmith is now rolling out its brand-new A.I.-driven stock forecasting system called An-E (pronounced Annie, short for Analytical Engine).

An-E has the power to predict stock prices one-month into the future with incredible precision, often accurate to within a tenth of a percent.

This is a Wall Street caliber A.I. stock system… designed specifically for the everyday person.

And now you can access An-E and all of its predictions through a brand-new research service by TradeSmith called Predictive Alpha Prime.

By giving Predictive Alpha Prime a try, you’ll be able to use the predictive power of A.I. to target some of the most explosive stocks on the market… and avoid stocks that are poised to crash…

Putting yourself on the fast track to a rich retirement.

Join Predictive Alpha Prime Now. Don’t miss out!

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