Porter Stansberry The Big Secret on Wall Street Review – Is It Legit?

We found out that Porter Stansberry is coming back from his retirement with exciting new research advisory called The Big Secret on Wall Street (This Week). Here we wrapped up all the important details for our readers that followed his work in the last couple of decades.

Porter Stansberry The Two Men Destroying America – What Is It?

Porter Stansberry starts his new presentation with the question that we are all pondering:

What the hell is going on in America?

How did it come to the point that politicians now support the destruction of cities in the name of “social justice”?

Where the middle-class, white suburbanites with college degrees are insisting the police to be abolished…

Where millions of Americans consider capitalism, physical autonomy, and free speech to be dangerous ideas…

We see political corruption at every level of government. We see an accumulation of socialist power unseen in American history.

In his “The Two Men Destroying America” presentation Porter shares his position that these changes are not an accident. He believes that it is a plan created and meticulously followed by two of the world’s most powerful men over the last 20 years.

And their plan for the future is terrifying…. It could result in tens of millions of Americans being wiped out financially.

I know that sounds paranoid. Even ridiculous. But if you watch his video, he actually has a point.

Porter goes further by sharing with his audience that he has evidence that these two men want to “cancel capitalism” and essentially control every American corporation.

He comes back from his retirement to do more than just forewarn you of what’s coming – he can assist you in setting yourself up for success.

Who is Porter Stansberry?

Almost 25 years ago, Porter started financial research firm with $36,000 and a laptop. His firm now has millions of members. It rose to fame by revealing many of the ugliest secrets of the financial sector that the major media would never dare to air.

During all these years, they claim they remained 100% independent.

They never handled anyone’s money, received outside investment, or accepted advertising.

This is the reason why, while mainstream media plants disinformation on a global scale, Porter and his team were able to warn their subscribers of:  The Great Financial Crisis…  the downfall of General Electric… the collapse of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac… the bankruptcy of GM… and the collapse of General Growth Properties…

In July of 2021, he arranged to sell his firm in a $3 billion IPO.

He’s been known with leading libertarian thinkers, writers, and investors. Over the last 30 years he had built relationship with many of the greatest free market thinkers and leaders.

Now that you know more about Porter Stansberry, read further to get familiar with his point of view what is going on, and what it means for you and your family.

Who Are the Two Man Destroying America?

You probably noticed all these changes happening around us. The soul of our nation is being destroyed by the progressive political ideology’s growing dominance.

But what will shock you is Porter’s discovery of who stays behind this relentless drive to the far left. He believes that it has been crafted by two of the world’s richest men:

  • First one is world’s largest investor who manages $10 trillion worth of assets.

No one else has ever controlled so much of our nation’s wealth before. The power he has, allows him to dictate corporate policies across the Fortune 500.

He is the one pushing radically liberal political views on America’s corporations.

  • The other man owns one of the largest financial media businesses in the world.

The news that the top media and business leaders read each day comes from his newsroom.

His business is responsible for “framing” the stories that currently shape our economy.

Their perspective is influencing our country’s agenda.

They have also been forcing their radical ideals on the public for almost 20 years.

They want to replace capitalism with “fairer” economic system called “stakeholder capitalism”.

Porter believes that this new system combines radical environmentalism with fascist forms of income distribution.

As a result of their combined efforts, we see dangerous trends in young Americans:

  • 54% of young adults today have a negative opinion of free market capitalism.
  • 38% of all Americans hold a favorable opinion of socialism.
  • The majority of Americans—six out of ten—believe that racism is ingrained in our society.
  • ​Almost 40% of the country believes in the quote, “wealth should be taken from the rich and given to the poor.”
  • Fewer and fewer believe in the values that made America great country to live.

The most troubling of all…. Many people no longer believe in freedom of speech, biological gender, or the right to bear arms.

What Is Porter Stansberry’s “ESG“?

You probably heard of Larry Fink – the CEO of BlackRock – the largest asset management company in the world.

BlackRock’s ETFs and mutual funds hold over $10 trillion in assets. It is the biggest, richest, and most powerful firm in all of capitalism.

Larry Fink has been writing to the CEOs of every publicly traded firm he controls, urging them to give up “shareholder” capitalism, and adopt “stakeholder” capitalism instead.

Stakeholder capitalism is the belief that companies shouldn’t only be accountable to their shareholders, but also to:

  • The Environment
  • ​A progressive Social agenda
  • ​A new form of corporate Governance

This “ESG” movement transfers authority from the REAL owners to numerous experts and political interests, taking away control from them.

In a nutshell, stakeholder capitalism is socialism. Porter believes that this is a new method for the elites to seize control of all American public companies.

Is This the End Of Capitalism?

America’s credit rating agencies are crucial in deciding which businesses can receive credit and at what cost.

They assign ratings to every bond that’s sold in the U.S.

Compared to the stock market, the bond market is far larger. When a company needs to borrow money to fund operations or expansion, they go here.
It is essentially impossible for any significant corporation to grow or simply continue operations without access to the bond market.

Because of this, the bond market has a much greater impact on capitalism than most people realize. The economy would collapse without the bond market.

The three leading credit rating agencies have all recently added a new kind of rating to their credit reviews — an “ESG” rating.

This implies that almost every company in the globe will be required to “toe the line” and promote progressive ideas on the environment, social advancement, and “awake” government.

Bottom line: An ESG-dominated capital market is the end of freedom in the United States.

Mr. Stansberry also believes that Michael Bloomberg is on a mission to destroy America’s free market system to built his far-left fantasy.

Except Michael Bloomberg is manipulating YOU, the general people, whereas Larry Fink is trying to influence corporate boards and the C-suite executives.

He owns 88% of Bloomberg LP, a sizable global financial media conglomerate with 176 locations worldwide.

Bloomberg’s “Terminals,” which cost $22,500 per year, per user, sit on virtually every desk on Wall Street and connect all of the world’s markets.

Porter believes that almost all of the mainstream ideas about climate change and the imminent dangers it poses can be linked to Michael Bloomberg.

To be clear, he doesn’t dispute climate change; however, he clearly states that he rejects climate alarmism and predictions that the world will end within the next 12 years.

Larry Fink and Mike Bloomberg’s decade-long joint efforts have already had negative effects on the economy and the financial system.

According to Ronald Stein, the Pulitzer Prize-nominated author:

“Trying to live without fossil fuels could “result in billions, not millions, of fatalities from diseases, malnutrition, and weather-related deaths.”

The middle class’s share of wealth has decreased from 36% to 28% since 2002.


While the wealth of the wealthiest 1% of Americans has increased… and there are no indicators that this worrying trend will stop.

Porter Stansberry’s Biggest Prediction Ever

For almost a year now inflation has been hovering around 8%. That is four times the Federal Reserve’s 2% target.

The Federal Reserve now acknowledges that this target won’t be reached until at least 2025.

Porter is confident that early indications of economic distress that we are already observing will soon grow into a full-fledged, multi-year recession.

Simply put, you need to get ready for a sudden spike in food prices around the world coupled with skyrocketing electricity, heating, and utility rates.

What are Porter Stansberry’s Profitable Ideas?

America needs to produce and export much more natural gas — by around 50% more — in order to prevent a full-scale energy disaster both domestically and internationally.

Fortunately, we can produce at those rates, and we have enough reserves to sustain for at least 50 years.

Our energy infrastructure may be used to boost output significantly, contribute to price reductions, and guarantee our allies’ access to reliable energy.

Large-scale new natural gas export capabilities can now be put into construction. Additionally, it is possible to transport gas across the Atlantic to power the electric grids from London to Istanbul.

The reason Porter wrote this research is in part because natural gas production and infrastructure investors will profit greatly along the road.

There’s only one catch…

Before the Biden administration changes its tune and acknowledges that radicals like Larry Fink and Mike Bloomberg are wrecking the American economy, none of these things will take place.

The solution are America’s vast natural gas resources.

Porter is confident that over the next six to twelve months it will become evident that using American natural gas is the best, safest, and cleanest method to expand the global economy.

That means, the number one way to protect yourself from “stakeholder” capitalism, America’s descent into socialism, and the recession is to invest in the most important and best positioned U.S. oil and gas companies.

How To Invest in Porter Stansberry’s Ideas?

Porter is not the only one who has seen this opportunity.

Warren Buffett, arguably the best investor in the world, has made unprecedented investments in oil and gas.

His firm, Berkshire Hathaway, has increased its stake in Occidental Petroleum to 27%.

This is only the beginning, as the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has given Buffett approval to buy up to 50% of available OXY stock.

In fact, Buffett’s investments in oil and gas this year are among his biggest bets ever…

What Is Porter Stansberry’s The Gods Of Gas?

Porter uncovered a little Pittsburgh company will soon be one of the world’s most powerful energy companies.

The company’s growth over the last three years has been explosive.

Here are the numbers:

The business generated $250 million in free cash flow in 2019—profits that may be paid out to shareholders.

The company’s cash flow almost doubled to $495 million in 2020. And free cash flow increased 22% to $607 million in 2021.

But the major growth is still to come…

In the first half of 2022, the company returned $1.3 billion in capital to investors. And it raised its free cash flow estimate for the full year by 50% to $2.35 billion.

The company announced another spectacular agreement at the beginning of September 2022 to purchase around 15% more production, an additional 11 years’ worth of reserves, and miles and miles of priceless pipelines.

The assets were acquired for cash on hand and some stock; no new debt was added.

Porter and his team expect the company to produce more free cash flow over the next four years – $5 billion a year.

This is a great investment – as good as an investment as he has ever found in his 25-year career.

You can find all details in his latest investor’s briefing that covers this opportunity in details. It’s called THE GODS OF GAS.


Porter Stansberry’s The Next LNG Giant – Is It Legit?

Currently in the U.S, there are only 8 LNG export terminals. The newest is Venture Global’s Calcasieu Pass in Louisiana – and it is privately owned.

However, two other new LNG plants have been authorized and are now being built. And both of these are traded publicly.

One belongs to a partnership between super-major oil company ExxonMobil and Qatar. Called “Golden Pass,” it’s located along the Gulf Coast at Sabine Pass, Texas.

You can, of course, invest in ExxonMobil.

However, due to its size, even if it significantly increases its profits with this new LNG project, it is unlikely to “move the needle” for Exxon’s stock price.

This new corporation, which energy industry insiders refer to as “Driftwood,” has a distinctive business plan created specifically to meet the needs of global energy markets.

Its strategy is to purchase natural gas wells in the Haynesville shale, which is in northeast Louisiana, and pipe the production to a new LNG plant it is constructing on the Gulf Coast.

When significant funding for the project’s next phase is announced, the stock’s next significant move will occur.

After that, you might see the market capitalization climb past $10 billion, or roughly 5 times the present share price.

An announcement like that could come at any time.

Hopefully you’ll talk with your investment advisor and acquire a stake that’s appropriate for your portfolio.

For more information about LNG, read “The Next LNG Giant” report.

The Next LNG GiantAnd you can get in right now…

Before this company becomes the next juggernaut of the global energy market.

All you have to do to gain access to these two crucial opportunities, THE GODS OF GAS and THE NEXT LNG GIANT, is join up for a free trial of Porter’s new research service: The Big Secret on Wall Street.

Porter Stansberry The Big Secret on Wall Street Review

Porter Stansberry invites you to become a Founding Member of The Big Secret On Wall Street (This Week).


This is Porter & Co’s flagship financial advisory service. As a Founding Member you will get instant access to the two special briefings: THE GODS OF GAS and THE NEXT LNG GIANT.

You will also receive:

  • Bi-weekly investigative reports – every other Friday afternoon, The Big Secret on Wall Street will reveal the best opportunity in the markets. These are research reports and investment ideas of hidden or overlooked opportunities you cannot get anywhere at any price.
  • The Big Secret Library – in addition to the 24 per year reports, you will gain access to their entire backlog of The Big Secret on Wall Street with many other investment ideas, including:

– The Goldman Sachs of White Trash
– The Secret Behind T-Boone’s Fortune
– Grab a Bucket: It’s About to Rain Gold
– The End of America

  • The Big Secret Portfolio – each one of their recommendations are logged and tracked in their model portfolio. You will receive updates and alerts on each position.
  • Private Invitation to Porter’s farm (estimate value $5,000) – Every year Porter will host a private (members only) conference in his farm in Baltimore County. At this event you will have the opportunity to connect with market experts who will be giving private presentations. If you are not able to attend, you will get recordings of the entire event, so you won’t miss valuable information.
  • Bonus Report: Energy Royalties – It presents a special energy investment opportunity that is secure from the sector’s volatile nature. This company has no operating or capital expenses, unlike other energy companies. It is the owner of the mineral rights of oil resources.



This firm is currently paying out a distribution of $3.24 annualized, or a yield of nearly 11%.

How Much Is Membership to Porter Stansberry The Big Secret on Wall Street?

The annual membership price of THE BIG SECRET is normally $1,425, but as a special deal for new members, you may join for just $1,000.

It comes to a pitiful $41 for each biweekly issue, which is a complete steal given that each of our recommendations might yield returns of ten times that amount.

Porter Stansberry The Big Secret on Wall Street Refund Policy

For all the readers that have a doubt, Porter gives you an opportunity to “test-drive” his The Big Secret on Wall Street research for 30 days before you make a final decision. You will have a full 30 days to check out Porter’s work with no strings attached.

If you decide that Porter Stansberry The Big Secret on Wall Street is not for you, send them an email, and they will issue you a full refund.

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