Phil Anderson The Signal Review (The Eleventh Hour)

Phil Anderson launched The Signal – his first-ever service in the U.S. to guide you through a rare period known as the ELEVENTH HOUR (which involves an unexpected bull market from 2023-2026).

Phil Anderson says markets are entering a rare period known as the ELEVENTH HOUR (which involves an unexpected bull market from 2023-2026)…

If you play it right, you can leapfrog your wealth forward.

On the flip side, if you get it wrong, you’ll be caught in a “desperate game of catch up”… trying to claw back the gains you missed by getting in late…

It could put your entire retirement at risk…

That’s why Phil launched The Signal – his first-ever service in the U.S. to guide you through this treacherous – and potentially profitable – time… So what’s exactly Phil Anderson The Signal?


Marc Chaikin Prediction 2023Claim Marc Chaikin’s Top 10 Stocks for 2025

When this 50-year Wall Street legend releases his “Top Stocks” list for the year ahead, experienced readers drop what they’re doing and go grab a pen and paper. Marc Chaikin’s stock system would’ve helped you identify 44 of the top 50 stocks last year. In 2023, it flashed “bullish” on 44 of the top 50. Today, he wants to hand you two tickers for free.

Click here to claim them.

Phil Anderson The Signal – What Is It?

The Signal is legendary economic forecaster Phil Anderson’s elite product, in which he demystifies the stock markets… connects the dots on how the stock market always tells us what to do using his 18.6-year real estate cycle… and positions his readers to grow their wealth by using his “right stocks, right time” system, paired with 30+ years of experience in chart analysis.

Who Is Phil Anderson?

Imagine you could see – with clarity – what will happen in the U.S. housing, stock, and commodity markets over the next few years.

You’d know exactly the right time to buy a house, apartment, or investment property. You’d know the ideal time to profit from a stock market sell-off, and you’d have the confidence to invest in assets when most people are running scared.

Well, now you can. Phil Anderson is a legendary economic forecaster, and the world’s foremost authority in business, real estate, and commodity cycles.

Few economists can traverse across stocks, bonds, and real estate like Phil can. With his 34-plus years of experience in forecasting markets, graphs and chart analysis covering everything from hemlines (believe it or not), to skyscrapers, he has kept audiences in a state of economic intrigue over the last decade.

And best of all, he’s kept his readers calm and confident over every single market turn over the last 30 years. He’s truly the north star among the noise of the markets.

He’s also the author of the best-selling book, The Secret Life of Real Estate and Banking, in which he demystifies centuries of market activity, and shows how – when you understand economic cycles – you can predict the markets.

As editor of Cycles Trading with Phil Anderson and The Signal at Rogue Economics, Phil Anderson brings his wealth of knowledge to a U.S.-based audience for the first time.


Brad Thomas Wide Moat ConfidentialUrgent Warning About the ‘Magnificent Seven’

Across his 35-year career, investor Brad Thomas has appeared on Bloomberg and Barron’s… interviewed more than 100 CEOs and high-net-worth investors… and acquired a deep contact list of multimillionaires and billionaires, including Kyle Bass and President-elect Donald Trump. Now, he’s warning that today’s economic environment is set for a major rotation out of popular stocks like the “Magnificent Seven” – and those unprepared could be blindsided by the fallout.

See the full warning here.

The Eleventh Hour: Last Chance Post Event FAQ

The response to Phil Anderson ELEVENTH HOUR: Last Chance event has been huge…

Already, thousands of people have watched it…

Of course, given the number of viewers, it means Phil Anderson had a lot of questions coming in that he didn’t have time to get to during the event.

So let him answer some of the common ones now:

Q1. I know Phil is recommending a banking stock in his portfolio and saying banking stocks are a buy. But I’m hearing so much bad news about banks at the moment… how can we be sure?

I hear you…

The mainstream media is blasting fear messages on the banking system nonstop…

But I covered multiple reasons why the banking system is healthy during last night’s event.

But here’s two more things you can do personally to reassure yourself…


Open Google and just type in “banks earnings beat USA 2023…”

And just see what comes up…

You’ll see how many banks are beating earnings…

This doesn’t make it onto the front page because it doesn’t fit the fear narrative…


Search the performance of bank stocks from 2002-2007 (during the prior ELEVENTH HOUR period)…

You’ll see banks soared…

Even large-cap banks like Goldman Sachs went up over 250%…

Smaller ones can do even better…

Bank stocks have always done well in the final stage of the Real Estate Cycle (i.e. the ELEVENTH HOUR)…

And that’s what we’re looking for…

Remember: during the prior ELEVENTH HOUR period (from 2002-2007), I picked nine out of nine winners with an average peak gain of 485%…

And now, with The Signal portfolio, we’re already nearly TRIPLING the S&P 500 since inception…

So I know how to play this market…

And as the bull market heats up, I believe that’s just a taste of what’s to come…

Q2. Everyone says you’re not supposed to be able to predict future market events with the level of accuracy you do Phil. What are they missing? 

The big thing you need to understand is that the role of land has been systematically written out of the economics profession over the last century.

You won’t find it in modern economics textbooks…

But land — and credit creation around land — is the foundational element of the economy…

It’s why the economy seems so random to most “experts”…

Even trained economists…

Because they’re missing the biggest piece of the puzzle…

And it’s why they can’t see the Real Estate Cycle…

So why was it written out of the profession?

Well, that’s a huge topic…

And that’s the kind of stuff we do in The Signal during my weekly updates…

I not only make market forecasts, I share the knowledge I’ve gained studying this stuff for more than thirty years…

And when you join, you also get The Signal Manifesto, which gives you a breakdown of the Real Estate Cycle… and goes into this in more depth…

Q3. If it’s so apparent, why can’t more people see the Real Estate Cycle?

Great question…

But see the answer above on the role of land being written out of economics…

But another thing…

There’s no continuous data set for real estate prices across the U.S. for more than two centuries…

It’s something you have to piece together from multiple sources…

Most economists aren’t looking to do something like that because they don’t include land in their models anyway…

It took me years of work to compile… and a lot of this data is not even on the internet…

But I compiled it all in my book, The Secret Life of Real Estate and Banking


Marc Chaikin Smart Money TraderMarc Chaikin: ‘A historic disconnect in today’s stock market will open the biggest “rapid-fire” money-making opportunity of my 50-year career’

A new way to spot potential buying sprees on 5,000 stocks – before they occur – for the chance to double your portfolio over the next year.

Click here to watch (includes free recommendation).

Q4. Why don’t you give away access to The Signal for free if you’re so wealthy?

Someone got up on the wrong side of the bed!

Of course, people do ask things like this from time to time…

So let me address this…

As you know, I’m from Australia…

And one of the things I love about the U.S. — that we don’t have in Australia — is a love of business, capitalism, and the idea that making money is admirable if you’re providing value…

And that’s what we’re doing here — running a business…

The group I’ve partnered with to publish my work — Rogue Economics — has a large staff of expert financial analysts, editorial writers, video producers… the works…

What’s more, I believe The Signal is already providing immense value…

FAR more than what we’re charging…

I’ve used the Real Estate Cycle to predict all the major turns in the market for the last thirty years back-to-back…

Now, I’m sharing my forecasts with subscribers of The Signal

And my research and recommendations are helping people make investments on top of that, and anyone who has acted on my stock picks is nearly tripling the S&P 500 so far…

That’s something most Wall St hedge funds can’t achieve…

And if they can, you’ll likely need huge wealth just to buy in and you’ll get charged a 2% flat fee and 20% on profits… which adds up to an unholy amount of money…

What we’re asking for in return for access to The Signal is extremely reasonable…

The per-day rate for a membership to The Signal is less than what it costs to buy a Big Mac…

Our margins aren’t crazy…

But we expect to make a profit and retain subscribers if we do a good job…

Just like any other business…

That’s the American way…

And it’s why I love this country.

What’s Included with your Phil Anderson The Signal subscription?

Here’s everything that comes with your subscription:

Your First Three “ELEVENTH HOUR” Picks


During the last ELEVENTH HOUR period in 2003, Phil went nine for nine:

  • ARL: 1,306%
  • AUN: 1,145
  • TNE: 176%
  • AJL: 338%
  • ANE: 139%
  • MAQ: 114%
  • CND: 356%
  • FEA: 419%
  • YTS: 368%

Win rate: 100%. Average gain: 485%

Now, for the first time in twenty years the market has entered the final, explosive stage of the Real Estate Cycle, and Phil is already posting amazing results…

His current 11th Hour portfolio — including all positions, open and closed — is already nearly TRIPLING the return of the S&P 500…

Yet this is just the beginning. Phil believes there is much more to come.

And you get Phil’s favorite 3 stocks to buy now (including his top housing play, banking play and semiconductor play) the moment you sign up. If these picks do even half as well as last time (485% avg. peak gain) they could send your portfolio soaring…

ONE Full Year of “Right Stock, Right Time” Picks to Squeeze the Most out of the ELEVENTH HOUR

ONE YEAR of Recommendations (& Instant Trade Alerts)

Unlike most investment research services, we won’t send picks on a regular schedule. You’ll receive an alert from Phil when the time is exactly right to enter a stock. We’ll average around one trade alert a month. Yet some months, you may get two or three trade alerts. And others none.

The volume and timing of when you receive these alerts will be dictated by the market. This ensures you get the best results possible.

INSTANT Mobile Buy Alert Notifications

This special app sends you a push notification the moment Phil recommends a new pick.

ONE Year of “Postcards from the Cycle” — Your Signal Amongst the Noise of the Market

Each week, Phil will send you a video or email update on the markets — guiding you on the turning of the Real Estate Cycle — from wherever he is in the world… France, the UK, Australia, Indonesia… or even the Great Pyramid in Egypt!

You’ll get ongoing forecasts you can use to guide all your investment decisions — while knowing exactly where we are in the Real Estate Cycle and what’s likely to come next. With this guidance, we believe you’ll feel a new sense of calm and conviction in the markets… and find it easy to tune out the misleading “noise” that stops most investors from making good decisions.

Your “Remember the Future” Starter Pack…Along with a suite of member benefits

Full “Remember the Future” Product Suite

Everything you need to get started—From understanding Phil’s “right stock, right time” strategy to the hidden secrets of the world’s #1 market oracle!

The Signal Manifesto

Discover the secrets of the 18.6-year real estate cycle — and make forecasts that will astound those around you…


A simple guide for what you can expect over the final years of the real estate cycle, from 2023-2026. We’re talking key dates, key indicators to watch for… and the investments to look at for each stage of the cycle…

On-Demand Model Portfolio

It’s an easy-to-read list… featuring the up-to-date performance of each recommendation. As well as all buy and sell guidance for each pick.

Members-Only Website

All of your resources are conveniently located for you on a private, members-only website.

Access to Florida-Based Customer Success Team

Simply call or email them any time Monday–Friday, 9 AM–7 PM ET. Just keep in mind, however, that they are not allowed to give individual investment advice.

Instant Delivery of an URGENT 4th Stock Pick

Phil’s throwing in a sweetener. You’ll find a surprise 4th stock pick at the bottom of your “Top 3 Stocks” report. This is an urgent opportunity to get into another one of Phil’s favorite “ELEVENTH HOUR” stocks.

This exciting stock has been quietly climbing higher over the last month, and Phil believes now is the right time to get in. It’s in a sector that most people are still wrongly avoiding (banking), because they don’t understand this sector soars during the final stage of the Real Estate Cycle. Most will be late to the party and miss out on all the profits. But not you. If this stock fulfills the potential Phil believes it has and turns into a multi-bag winner… you’ll not only be right against mainstream sentiment, you’ll be richer to boot.


AI’s Jump to Lightspeed is Here

Eric Fry The Road To AGI

Elon Musk says the ‘point of no return’ may only be 24 months away. Futurist Eric Fry shows you how to target maximum profits and ‘future-proof’ your life while you still can…

Click Here To Get All The Details

Phil Anderson The Signal Pricing

The retail price for The Signal is $4,000 per year.

However, for a limited time you can get it your 56% discount…

That means, you get 1 YEAR of The Signal for only $1,745!

That’s a saving of $2,255.

Phil Anderson The Signal Guarantee and Refund Policy

No Crash in the Next 90 Days” Guarantee

Phil is guaranteeing the market won’t crash for the next 90 days. We’re defining a crash as a 20% drop on the S&P 500 from the date you purchase. We haven’t heard of any service that’s guaranteed the editor’s market predictions before. Ever. Phil is inviting you into a world where you can feel true conviction in the direction of the markets. If the market does crash, contact Rogue Economics customer service team, and you’ll get a FULL CREDIT good for any service on the expansive roster of Rogue Economics, or any of their affiliates.

90-Day, 100% Credit Guarantee

Phil believes the next year will be exhilarating—and he can’t wait to have you along for the journey. However, if you’re not fully satisfied with The Signal… simply contact Rogue Economics team within the first 90 days of your membership. You’ll receive a full credit, which you can apply towards any other Rogue Economics service. Please note: They do not offer cash refunds.

Bottom Line: Should You Join Phil Anderson The Signal Service?

One thing seems to have intrigued people — and shocked others — is the fact Phil Anderson is promising we won’t have a crash over the next 90 days and staking his entire service (The Signal) on it.

As he said last night:

“If markets crash, you get a FULL credit refund.”

I can understand why people think this is a crazy gamble with all the market threats being touted in the mainstream media…

But as Phil said last night, in THREE CENTURIES of history we’ve never had a crash at this point in the Real Estate Cycle.

And after following the Cycle, you learn to trust in it…

Phil Anderson has called the last thirty years of turns in the U.S. economy — back to back — with this tool…

And used it to enrich his life.

As you may know, he travel 100,000 miles a year between his homes in Australia, the UK, Indonesia… and his vacation home in the French countryside…

And he get to fly up at the pointy end of the plane too…

It’s a life Phil never could have imagined growing up as a young boy in the suburbs of Melbourne…

Yet it’s not because he’s smarter than anyone.

It’s because Phil Anderson has used the Real Estate Cycle to guide his investment decisions…

In particular, during the prior ELEVENTH HOUR period (from 2002-2007)…

That was an incredible time to build wealth…

And now the ELEVENTH HOUR period is here again…

Which means we’ll see an unexpected bull market from 2023-2026…

Get into the right stocks now and you could leapfrog your wealth forward and shore up your retirement…

Or potentially even retire early…

Yet this chance only comes once every twenty years…

And it’s here NOW…

Will you wait until the 2040s for this opportunity to come around again?

That’s why I encourage you to join The Signal now while this offer is still available …

Remember: the stocks Phil Anderson recommended in The Signal are already crushing the market nearly 3-to-1…

And Phil believes this is just the beginning…

Plus you’ll get instant access to Phil Anderson’s 3 top stock picks as soon as you join The Signal (his top housing play, his top banking play, and his top semiconductor play)…

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