Penny IPOs: The “4X Window” FAQ + Company Name of Jeff Brown’s Next Top Penny IPO

Watch the replay of Jeff Brown’s Penny IPOs: The “4X Window” event. Find the answer of your most common Penny IPOs: The “4X Window” questions. Learn the name of the company which is Jeff Brown’s Next Top Penny IPO.


#1 Tech Stock for 2021?


Viral Tech Genius Makes Next Big Prediction

Jeff Brown just got off the Shubert Theater stage – where he shared his #1 tech stock for 2021

And revealed the details behind three valuable new technologies Jeff is certain 99% of the public have never heard of.

Click Here to Watch the Presentation Now

Jeff Brown’s Next Top Penny IPO: Company Name and Details

First things first: Jeff Brown wants to send you the full name of his “next top Penny IPO,” the one you were asked to fill out letter by letter in the “$100K by May” Blueprint.

He knows some people wanted to sign up as VIPs but may not have been able to. So Jeff thinks it’s fair to send the full name to everyone who attended last night.

The full name is Sana Biotechnology.

Now, an important reminder: Please do NOT try to buy this company! It is still private. That’s why Jeff Brown refers to it as his “next” top Penny IPO. It is not public yet. You can NOT buy it today.

As he mentioned in last night’s Event, this Penny IPO is on the official “watch list” he keeps for his  Early Stage Trader members.

So, if you decide to sign up, Jeff will provide you the exact guidance on when he recommends buying Sana once it goes public.

Usually he doesn’t recommend buying on day 1. With the help of his proprietary system, he monitors and tracks the exact perfect day to get in.

If you missed any of this discussion, you can watch the replay of last night’s Event again here.

Buffett Dumps $800M Of Apple, Buys This Instead!

Penny IPOs: The “4X Window” FAQ

  • Q. How long does the 4X window last… is it just one day October 1st?
    A. The “4X Window” starts October 1st, but typically lasts until Thanksgiving. There are 3 different conferences slated for October 1st, though. And since the catalysts we are tracking could hit at any time, it’s best to take a position beforehand to play it safe.
  • Q. Who can buy Penny IPOs? Are these private deals like REG-A and things like that?
    A. No, no, no! These are NOT REG-A deals. These are PUBLIC stocks. You can buy shares in these tiny stocks just as easily as you could shares of Amazon or Apple. The only difference is: Nobody talks about these stocks. Had you heard of stocks like Synthorx and Esperion before? The mainstream media ignores them. They try to push their big-IPO narrative upon you. Don’t let them!
  • Q. The 4X window… does this mean I’ll make 4 times my money?
    A. While history has proven time and again that you can absolutely make 4X in the “4X Window” — and actually much more (a reminder again that THOR, which I recommended in the 2019 4X window, went up 5.3X. And others rose 759% in under 36 hours… and 9.9X)… The “4” in 4X refers to the fact that there are 2X as many Penny IPOs that shoot up big in conference season… and the gains are — on average — twice as high as in other parts of the year. So two times two is four. The “4X Window.”
  • Q. Why did these stocks go up in 2008 and March (earlier this year)?
    A. As Jeff Brown mentioned last night, these stocks don’t depend on the broad stock market for one important reason… Say a small biotech company comes out with a CURE for some type of cancer… will it matter that other stocks are down? Absolutely not! Such a breakthrough would send shockwaves in the investment community. And that stock would rise up. BIG. In fact, as Jeff discussed last night, it’s not rare for Penny IPOs to shoot up 1,000% — in just a matter of days! There is one Penny IPO right now in Jeff Brown’s portfolio that — any day now — he fully expects will make a ground-breaking announcement that will be on the cover of every newspaper in America. If that happens, do you think it will matter if the Nasdaq is down 1%? Not one iota. It will shoot up like nothing else you’ve ever seen.
  • Q. How will I know when to sell?
    A. Jeff Brown constantly monitors all the positions in his  Early Stage Trader model portfolio. His team and Jeff are attending conferences… they monitor key developments and catalyst… and, of course, they’re tracking prices on a daily (and hourly) basis. And — with the help of their system, often on the back of some strong price action in the market — they will issue a sell alert. You will be notified by email, or instantly by text if you choose. So you’re never “on your own.”
  • Q. How much do you recommend investing in the recs?
    A. Jeff cannot answer that question. And, of course, every person is different. What Jeff does recommend, however, is that you take whatever investing capital you have… and split it up evenly on all the Penny IPOs. That way, you won’t miss any monster winners like the big 432% he recommended.
  • Q. I am a day trader with TDA. Can I use this system with my account?
    A. Yes. Any standard brokerage account works.
  • Q. Is the 4X window guaranteed to happen?
    A. Yes! Conference season starts next Thursday… on October 1stThere are three big conferences scheduled. And just 1 key announcement made could send Jeff’s top Penny IPOs soaring. (That’s what happened last year with Karuna and their 759% rise in less than 36 hours.)
  • Q. When does this offer expire?
    A. Jeff Brown is closing down Early Stage Trader ahead of the “4X Window.” He’s monitoring how many new subscribers join the service. He has a number they’re tracking. And once they exceed that Jeff will shut off. No exceptions. The response he got last night — quite frankly — was overwhelming. So, Jeff wouldn’t be surprised if they are forced to shut down tomorrow. Even as early as today.
  • Q. Is there a payment plan available?
    A. If you have any questions regarding payment details, the best thing to do is contact Jeff Brown’s Customer Care Manager, Shanikka Dorney, or one of her team members. You can reach them at 888-344-8038. Normal working hours.


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What is Jeff Brown’s Penny IPOs: The “4X Window” Event Offer?

Here’s everything you can get by taking
advantage of your special Penny IPOs: The “4X Window” Event offer:

TWO YEARS (24 months) of Early Stage Trader

With 12-15 new Penny IPO recommendations per year… 24/7 access to a members-only website that features your full model portfolio… a complete suite of special reports… as well as weekly updates (every Friday) where you will answer our most pressing questions…

Predictable Profits: Jeff Brown’s Top 3 Penny IPOs to Buy Before October 1st, 2020

This report is critical, since it provides the names and ticker symbols of the 3 best Penny IPOs to buy ahead of the 4X Window… In last year’s window, some Penny IPOs shot up as much as 759% in 2 days. And a small stake in just 3 Penny IPOs morphed into as much as $122,000!

Special “4X Window” Video Calls

Here, you’ll discuss important conferences coming up, as well as notable Penny IPOs that could shoot up big as a result. Jeff Brown’s first 4X Window update is coming up on October 1st!

Special Report: Power Plays: A Rare Chance to 64X Your Returns!

On occasion, Jeff Brown will also have a chance to juice your returns with the special use of options.

Special Report: Jeff Brown’s Penny IPO “Watch List”

Peek over Jeff Brown’s shoulders and see the 10 stocks you’re now tracking for future recommendations—including two tiny biotech stocks backed by Bill Gates!


Every time Jeff Brown has a new buy or sell recommendation, you’ll be the first to know via your email (and optional text) alerts.

VIP: U.S.-Based Customer Support

Early Stage Trader is your most premium service. And, as a premium member, you’ll get direct access – either by email or phone – to Jeff Brown’s Florida-based member support service.




Here’s how to prepare for the biggest stock market event of the decade.

Including the name and ticker of the best-performing stock of 2020.

Click Here For Details


As a part of Penny IPOs: The “4X Window” Event offer, you can pay only $2,500… for two years!

Is There Any Guarantee or Refund Policy in Place

Jeff, these Penny IPOs MUST change my life…

In your model portfolio, you MUST show me 12 picks that go up at least 100%, on average, over the next year…

One Penny IPO you recommend MUST skyrocket 1,000%…

And, considering $5K in each position, your model portfolio must grow by $100K by May 31, 2021

Jeff, if you don’t go “3 for 3” on this guarantee, you will work an extra year for me.


But that’s not all…

I will also get A FULL 90 DAYS to review everything at my own leisure.

If I don’t like anything—anything at all…

I can receive a full 100% CREDIT toward any of your other elite services… or any research service from your partners at Legacy Research Group.

No questions asked.


The firm that called the EXACT PEAK of the Dot-Com boom
has just issued another major prediction.

If you’ve got money invested in the market – and especially in popular tech stocks – this is critical information for the days ahead…

Watch the Video

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