One Ticker Trader Review: Is Larry Benedict One Ticker Retirement Plan Legit?

Looking for more information about Larry Benedict One Ticker Trader research? I’ve put an honest One Ticker Trader Review, containing everything that we know so far about Larry Benedict One Ticker Retirement Plan and his One Ticker Trader service.

Market Wizard Larry Benedict, who predicted all indexes would be negative in 2022 shares shocking new forecast and reveals how to make all the money you need — in any market — using a single stock.

See below for the name of the ticker…

The One Ticker Retirement Plan Revealed

Forget 99% of Tickers – Just Use This One

Larry Benedict is one of the most successful investors you’ll ever meet…

But he doesn’t invest the traditional way.

His approach has nothing to do with “buy and hold.”

And it flies in the face of everything a financial planner would ever tell you.

In short: It’s a way to trade just one ticker…

And potentially make all the money you need – no matter what happens in the stock market.

Sound too good to be true?

Larry reveals everything in this interview – including the name of the ticker you need to get started.

During the interview Larry even performs an “over the shoulder” demonstration of his strategy in action. Watch it here…

What Is Larry Benedict’s One Ticker Retirement Plan?

Larry Benedict’s One Ticker Retirement Plan is perfect for today’s chaotic market.

Most people are likely to lose money this year.

But those following his work are seeing gains like:

  • 31% in 24 hours
  • 106% in three days
  • 79% in three days
  • 68% in three days
  • 120% in 11 days
  • And more…

And they’re doing this whether stocks go up or down!

The best part is, it couldn’t be more straightforward…

All you have to do is trade one ticker at a time, over and over again.

Forget about 99% of stocks… Forget about the latest “breaking news” on CNBC… None of that matters anymore.

With Larry Benedict’s one ticker method, you could make all the money you need — during up AND down markets.

In other words, the days of helplessly watching your portfolio fall… with no recourse…

Those days are over.

In bull markets and bear markets alike, you could position yourself to make massive gains month after month—just like Larry Benedict’s readers are doing right now.


Larry Benedict has been using this strategy for years. Decades, even.

As a hedge fund manager, it helped him deliver millions to his clients year after year.

That includes the 2008 financial crisis, when the stock market fell 37%.

Larry Benedict’s posted 23% gains — delivering $95 million in pure profit to his clients.

In fact, things worked out so well that Larry Benedict’s hedge fund — Banyan Capital — made Barron’s list of most successful hedge funds. It was ranked 36th in the entire world out of 10,000.

Even in today’s market, Larry Benedict is winning.

During the first half of 2022, we saw the worst market in 50 years. Yet those following Larry Benedict’s work saw double- and triple-digit growth.

This approach is a game-changer for anybody at or near retirement.

We’re talking about a recession-proof strategy, designed for everyday folks, that’s proven to work in bull and bear markets.

  • You don’t have to be a hedge fund manager.
  • You don’t need a special account — you do it right from your brokerage account.
  • And you don’t need a lot of money—even a few hundred dollars is enough to get started.

And Larry Benedict is 100% confident you could make all the money you need for a comfortable retirement — no matter what’s happening in the broader markets.

To help you get started, Larry Benedict put together a series of special reports and recommendations that you can take advantage of right now.

When you join Larry Benedict’s new research service One Ticker Trader, you’ll get immediate access to all of these reports.

Here’s everything that comes with your no-risk subscription…

What’s Included with Your One Ticker Trader Subscription?

One full year of One Ticker Trader issues and recommendations (total value $199)

One full year of One Ticker Trader issues and recommendations

Around once a week you’ll get Larry Benedict’s latest ideas. He went 20 years on Wall Street without a single losing year. He has successfully navigated multiple bear markets — including this one. Now you can have access to a steady stream of his latest ideas, beginning immediately.

Special Report – The One Ticker Trader Retirement Plan

The One Ticker Trader Retirement Plan

This guide will show you exactly how to implement Larry Benedict’s strategy — including how to use it repeatedly to potentially make all the money you need, in any market.

Bonus Report – Larry’s Guide to Trading Options

Larry’s Guide to Trading Options

Larry Benedict has been trading options since the 1980s. He and his team will walk you through the ins and outs of buying and selling, and exactly how to trade options like he does. Even if you’ve never traded an option in your life, you’ll be ready to get started.

Larry’s Open Recommendations

Larry’s Open Recommendations

As a member, you’ll have immediate access to all of Larry Benedict’s recommendations — including buy-up-to prices and full analysis.

Frequent updates

Frequent updates

As needed, Larry Benedict will send you updates on all his trades — including when to sell… as well as bonus trade recommendations.

One Ticker Trader Pricing

Normally, a one year subscription to One Ticker Trader costs $199. When you consider that, as a hedge fund manager, Larry Benedict helped folks make millions… that’s a bargain.

However, for a limited time he convinced his publisher to slash the price. With today’s special offer, you can claim an entire year’s subscription for just $19.

One Ticker Trader Pricing

That comes to just 5 cents a day.

Please be advised: This is a limited-time deal. Larry Benedict’s publisher reserves the right to raise the price at any time. The only way to guarantee this deal for One Ticker Trader — and the chance to get in on Larry’s next set of recommendations is to join right now.

To become a One Ticker Trader member and access all the research Larry Benedict prepared for you, just follow the link below.

Get Larry Benedict’s One Ticker Trader Here – Best Offer + Bonuses

One Ticker Trader Refund Policy

You’re covered by 60-Day Moneyback Guarantee.

Take two full months to try Larry Benedict’s system and if you decide it’s not for you, just call Larry’s member services team toll free at 888-206-3481 and they’ll issue you a full refund of your subscription. No questions asked. It’s that simple—and the special reports are yours to keep no matter what for trying Larry Benedict’s service today.

Bottom Line: Should You Join Larry Benedict ‘s One Ticker Trader?

Please don’t let this opportunity pass you by.

Most people — even professional investors — have been losing money.

Larry’s one of the few people who’s given his readers the chance to see tremendous gains in this market.

Now you have the chance to join him for the best deal he’s ever offered.

To me, you owe it to yourself to at least give it a try.

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