Nomi Prins’ Economic Super Convergence Event – Is It Legit?

Nomi Prins’ Economic Super Convergence Event has been scheduled to take place on Thursday, April 1st at 8PM, when Nomi is going to show you why it’s NOT too late to profit from our top reopening plays for 2021.

ATTENTION: Where do you put money to beat inflation?

What Is Nomi Prins’ Economic Super Convergence Event?

Nomi Prins’ Economic Super Convergence Event is next Thursday, April 1st at 8pm Eastern when Nomi Prins is revealing her newest prediction… and there’s every reason to expect it could be my most profitable one yet. You won’t want to miss what she’s calling “a historic opportunity of unprecedented proportions.”

The last time she saw conditions line up like this was back in 2009…And as you’re going to discover next Thursday, if you miss this chance, you may have to wait until the 2030s for another shot.

This is about so much more than just returning to normal… reopening America… or even coming out of this historic pandemic.

It’s all happening next Thursday night, LIVE, during Nomi Prins’ Economic Super Convergence Event. Don’t miss this chance to bet big on America.


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All the buzz right now is on economic reopening plays.

  • As Yahoo Finance wrote, “Re-opening trades keep ripping.”
  • JP Morgan wrote… “The reopening trade has legs as pent-up demand from healthy consumers drives the economy higher.”
  • Bloomberg said… “The Economic Reopening Trade Is Changing Everything in Markets.”

And it’s not hard to figure out why.

  • Jobs are returning at a record pace…
  • Teachers and students are going back into the classrooms…
  • The world’s largest company by market cap, Apple, has reopened all 270 of its stores…
  • Most MLB teams are welcoming fans back into the stadiums…
  • Even Disneyland has announced its opening up again.

We’re seeing all the hallmark signs of a return to better times. After the Spanish Flu pandemic ended in 1920, America experienced a decade of extraordinary growth. Millionaires like J.P. Morgan Jr., John D. Rockefeller, Henry Ford and others grew wealthier than they ever imagined.

And now we could be on the doorsteps of a similar wealth creating event.

But if you’ve missed out on the early reopening winners, which soared over the last four months…

Where does that leave you as America comes roaring back over the rest of 2021?

Well, some in the mainstream already believe it may be too late to buy these stocks…

As one CNBC analyst said… “Forget about investing in the obvious economic reopening stocks. That ship sailed weeks ago. They’ve already posted big gains, making you late to the party.”

So should investors accept they’ve missed the reopening trade entirely?


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What will Nomi Prins share through the Economic Super Convergence Event?

Nomi Prins claims: “tune out the noise.”

Because Wall Street and the media are going to cause you to miss the biggest opportunity of the year. On Thursday April 1 at 8pm Eastern, Dr. Nomi Prins is going to show you why it’s NOT too late to profit from our top reopening plays for 2021.

That night she will show you why she’s convinced these reopening stocks could generate gains 900% larger than many popular stocks in the S&P 500 over the next few years.

If you watched stocks soar last year, this is your chance to catch up on any gains you missed out on.

Dr. Nomi Prins will also tell you about her biggest prediction for the rest of 2021… and Nomi Prins’ #1 recommendation…

Plus, on stage, in front of everyone, she’s going to reveal the name and ticker of a stock that could end up being one of the most explosive winners in the near future. It’s a stock that’s perfectly positioned as America reopens over the coming weeks.

They boast a corporate client list of 120,000 customers… some huge names in the industry… and are coming off a monster quarter, “with quarterly EPS soaring 227%.

To put that in perspective, Amazon’s most recent quarter which analysts applauded for topping $100 billion in sales… saw quarterly EPS growth of only 116%.

The name of this company is just part of what Nomi Prins will be sharing on stage with everyone. It’s all going to happen during one big evening, what she’s calling “Economic Super Convergence” Event. This event couldn’t be happening at a more critical time for investors.

And make no mistake, if you miss this opportunity, you could very well be missing your final chance to bet big on America.


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Who Is Nomi Prins?

Nomi Prins is a renowned journalist, former international investment banker, author and speaker. Her book, Collusion: How Central Bankers Rigged the World, explores the recent rise of the role of central banks in the global financial and economic hierarchy.

She has appeared on numerous TV programs: internationally and nationally, including for the BBC, CNN, CNBC, MSNBC, CSPAN, Democracy Now, Fox and PBS.

Nomi has been featured on hundreds of radio shows globally. Some of them including for CNNRadio, Marketplace, NPR, BBC, and Canadian Programming. She has featured in numerous documentaries shot by international production companies, alongside prominent thought-leaders.

Back in 2004, she received critical acclaim from Barrons and The Economist for predicting the 2008 housing bubble 4 years in advance.

Last year, she warned of “turmoil” exactly 44 days before the big crash.

And Thursday at 8pm Eastern, the Wall Street legend is revealing her newest prediction… and there’s every reason to expect it could be her most profitable one yet.

You won’t want to miss what she is calling “a historic opportunity of unprecedented proportions.”

When Is Nomi Prins’ Economic Super Convergence Event?

Nomi Prins’ Economic Super Convergence Event has been scheduled to take place on Thursday, April 1st at 8PM (or 5 pm PT, 6 pm MT, and 7 pm CT). It is important to note here that this event has limited spacing, so the sooner one signs up, the more likely they are guaranteed a seat.


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How To Sign Up for Nomi Prins’ Economic Super Convergence Event?

To get access to Nomi Prins’ Economic Super Convergence Event, all individuals have to do is enter their respective emails here. Upon entering, those residing in the U.S. (or have a U.S.-based phone number) will also be presented with the chance of becoming VIPs.

The moment you do, you’ll receive FREE exclusive VIP-only access to a bonus hot-take interview with Dr. Nomi Prins on the economy and markets.

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