Nomi Prins CBDC Protection Research: Last Dollar Presentation – Legit Or No?

Nomi Prins and Distortion Report are back with a new opportunity. But could Nomi Prins CBDC Protection Package help you to put your money to a safe place that’s essentially out of the government’s reach? I’m putting the Nomi Prins “Last Dollar” presentation under the microscope to find out.


The Next Wall Street Crisis Has Officially Arrived

The world-renowned professor who called the 2008 and 2020 crashes months in advance says what’s coming will impact 20 times MORE money than the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and First Republic Bank COMBINED. He’s also giving away the name and ticker of a popular stock he believes could go BANKRUPT this summer.

Click here for full details.

Nomi Prins Last Dollar Presentation

According to Dr. Nomi Prins, the elites are rolling out a plan to overhaul the dollar, with the full backing of the White House, the Federal Reserve, and Bill Gates.

She says:

“Every American will be affected in ways that would’ve been unthinkable just a few years ago.”

Bank of America calls the overhaul ‘imminent’…

And the Federal Reserve has picked July as its target to flip the switch.

In other words, time is running out to prepare…

To show you everything you need to know, Dr. Prins has recorded a “Last Dollar” presentation with all the details.

What she has to say is controversial, but if you have more than $2,500 in an American bank or retirement fund – it’s something you absolutely MUST see.

Click here to find out what you need to do to prepare for this historic transformation.

Nomi Prins CBDC Protection Research

I don’t know about you, but as soon as I finished watching Nomi Prins’ latest presentation on Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), I wanted to get my money to a safe place that’s essentially out of the government’s reach.

That’s probably not a bad idea in any event, but you should also consider taking her up on her offer to get all of her CBDC protection research.

Click here to claim access now.

You’ve already sat through her video… you know the Federal Reserve, the Treasury, commercial banks and even credit card companies and other corporations are preparing for CBDCs.

And you might have also noticed that Nomi is steeply discounting her CBDC research for anyone who viewed her presentation.

For now, you can still claim a full 75% discount to access her work.

I don’t know how long that offer will remain.

But here’s what I recommend:

Click here now to go right back to your order – and claim a full 75% off of Nomi’s research.

We might not be able to control what the Fed and other financial institutions do next, but we can prepare ourselves and our portfolios.

Don’t wait:

Claim access now for a 75% discount.

You’re just minutes away from finding out how to protect yourself and your assets – to stay out of the reach of politicians and central banks.

What’s Included in Nomi Prins CBDC Protection Package?

As soon as you complete your order, Nomi Prins team will give you immediate access to Nomi’s special report “The Escape Plan: How to Become Your Own Banker with the World’s Hardest Asset.”

The Escape Plan: How to Become Your Own Banker with the World’s Hardest Asset

In it, Nomi Prins explains how to:

  • Buy the world’s hardest asset to escape the grasp of the legacy banking system.
  • ‘Store’ the asset in a safe location, away from the prying eyes of bureaucrats in Washington, D.C.
  • Transport as much as you want, everywhere you go, safely and securely.

But this ‘hard asset’ is only Step 1 to prepare for this massive change to the financial system…


Dan Ferris Major Market Event‘Prepare NOW for This Once-in-a-Lifetime Commodity Hypercycle’

The last time the setup was this perfect, renowned market expert Rick Rule made 1,000 times his money. Now, for the first time ever, he’s coming in front of you to show you how the setup today is potentially even more lucrative.

Click here for full details.

Throughout history, folks who have been able to see financial shocks coming have had the opportunity – over and over – to earn massive profits.

After the Federal Reserve was created in 1913, for example, the value of the dollar collapsed by more than 70% over the course of the next decade.

But between 1913 and 1920, investors who bought silver could’ve earned an incredible 120%.

A 120% gain instead of a 70% loss? Yeah, that’s a pretty big win.

But get this –

The same thing happened again in 1933.

When Franklin Roosevelt ordered the confiscation of gold, the government paid $20.67 for each ounce turned in. Then, with the stroke of his pen, he hiked the price to $35 – essentially stealing 69% of Americans’ hard-earned savings.

Meanwhile, investors who shifted some of their nest-egg into Homestake Mining beforehand could’ve captured gains of 147% in just two years.

In other words…

Instead of losing $3,100 on a $10,000 investment…

Folks who moved their money at the right time would’ve made more than $24,000!

In 1971, Nixon crushed the dollar’s value when he ended the gold standard, sending the price of everything from cars, to houses and gasoline soaring…

But once again, folks who were able to connect the dots before the shock could’ve turned a few ounces of gold into a significant nest-egg with gains as high as 5,200%.\

Already, gold is setting record highs in nearly every country.

And soon, Nomi Prins expects the same thing to happen in the United States.

In fact, as the Federal Reserve prints more and more to shore up the financial system, Nomi Prins thinks it’s virtually guaranteed gold will set new records in the days ahead.

That’s why Nomi put all the details inside a special report called The #1 Gold Stock for 2023 and Beyond.

The #1 Gold Stock for 2023 and Beyond

You can get these two reports for free when you sign up for a risk-free trial of Nomi Prins flagship research service, called Distortion Report.

What is the Distortion Report?

Distortion Report is a monthly newsletter designed to help you profit from the disconnect between the markets and the real economy.

Nomi follows the money, just as she’s done for decades. And she provides actionable investment recommendations, including an exclusive model portfolio, so you can navigate the distortions she sees coming and grow your wealth.

What Do You Get For Your Money?

To show you exactly what you need to do before cash is permanently replaced, Nomi Prins agreed to share all the details of her CBDC Protection research with you today.

She’d like to send you a copy of her newest special report revealing all the details of The Escape Plan: How to Become Your Own Banker with the World’s Hardest Asset.

If you’re willing to do something a bit different than you’ve done before… and buy even a few hundred dollars of the world’s hardest asset before the digital dollar is rolled out…

I’m convinced it will soon turn out to be one of the wisest investments you’ll ever make.

But again… you’ll want to act soon.

By the time the official announcement comes, it’ll be too late.

Throughout history, folks who understood the ramifications of these financial shocks before they happened have had the opportunity to capture huge profits.

It happened after the Fed was created in 1913, when – over the next seven years – silver jumped by 120%, even as cash holders LOST 70% of their cash value.

And again, in 1933 – when FDR confiscated Americans’ gold and immediately repriced it from $20.67 to $35 an ounce…

Folks who bought Homestake Mining could’ve made as much as 147% in the depths of the Great Depression.

And it happened one more time when Nixon took the dollar off the gold standard.

If you had bought gold before it was apparent to everyone else what was about to happen, you could’ve walked away with $520,000 for every $10,000 invested…

Today, the world’s central banks are increasingly piling into gold…

That’s why today – right now – is the best time in history to invest in the world’s favorite precious metals.

That’s why Nomi Prins put together a second special report called The #1 Gold Stock for 2023 and Beyond.

AND, when you sign up today, I’ll also send you a third report called:

The Unprintable Portfolio: 3 Profit Opportunities in the Fed’s Next Major Distortion.

The Unprintable Portfolio: 3 Profit Opportunities in the Fed’s Next Major Distortion

When you sign up today, you’ll receive all the special reports I’ve mentioned, along with Nomi Prins flagship newsletter, Distortion Report, delivered to you on the fourth Wednesday of each month.

You’ll also get Nomi Prins entire model portfolio…

Plus, instant access to the complete library of hundreds of back issues and special reports.

Distortion Report Subscription Fee

You can get 1 year of Nomi Prins Distortion Report for $49.


Protect your savings with gold and silver before it’s too late!

Bank Failure Bailout Report

Download your FREE Bank Bailout Survival Guide that will arm you with the facts you need to know.

And get this…

You could even get up to 10% in FREE SILVER while supplies last, so don’t wait!

Request your free guide today and get prepared!

Distortion Report Refund Policy

If for any reason you decide Nomi Prins Distortion Report service is not for you – just call 800-681-1765 or email within the first 60 days of your membership and they’ll refund 100% of your order, no questions asked.

Final Words

As Nomi Prins showed you today…

America’s elite are in the final stages of a scheme to take the cash out of your wallet…

And replace it with a trackable, traceable… and most importantly… controllable form of digital currency the likes of which we’ve never seen before.

This plan…

Put forth by Congress…

With the support of Bill Gates, the United Nations, and the IMF…

The Federal Reserve…

And the White House…

Represents the biggest change to our money since at least 1971, when Nixon took the dollar off the gold standard.

The hard-earned retirement savings and investments of millions of Americans are at risk.

Cash could be banished to the dustbin of history.

Soon, bureaucrats in the government – in cooperation with big tech – could deny your purchases for any reason at all…

  • They could ban you from buying soda if they decide you’re a few pounds over their limit…
  • Stop you from traveling if you say the wrong thing to the wrong person on social media…
  • Or shut off your purchasing power entirely for refusing the latest government mandate.

And it doesn’t even matter if you agree or disagree with today’s issues because they could use this power to make up new rules… and shut off access to your money for things you did in the past.

The end result of this historic shift could make Orwell’s ‘1984’ look like a children’s fairytale.

The time to prepare is right now. Because the shift to digital money is already underway.

Ready To Try Nomi Prins Distortion Report? – Click Here

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