Nick Giambruno’s Crisis Investing: Tiny Defense Supplier Could Help The U.S. Win The Trade War

What is Nick Giambruno’s Crisis Investing: Tiny Defense Supplier?

According to Nick Giambruno’s Crisis Investing, America is dependent on China to supply its military with an advanced technology known as the “kill switch”. Note that every advanced weapons system that is capable of extraordinary performance must carry this technology at its core.

Amid the trade war between the United States and China, it’s predicted that China has restricted the supply of “kill switch”. As a result, it may create a crisis for the US defense apparatus.

That’s what has led Nick Giambruno to identify a tiny company that will potentially be the next big defense supplier for the US. This company is going to be integral to national security.

Therefore, smart and careful investments in this company’s stocks can help you yield big, positive returns in the long run.

You can expect full details on this tiny company, ticker symbol, and all the details in your free research guide:

De-Fang the Red Dragon and Make 11X Your Money

It’s yours free once you sign up for a subscription to Nick Giambruno’s Crisis Investing.


The Wall Street Legend Who Picked Apple in 2003 and Bitcoin in 2016 – Shares #1 Pick for the 2020s


It’s not 5G, artificial intelligence, or the internet of things.

The answer will surprise you. And, for those who take early action, it could lead to an eventual $1.6 million payout.

See #1 Pick

What is Nick Giambruno’s Crisis Investing?

Nick Giambruno’s Crisis Investing is Casey Research high-end service. It’s priced at $3,000 a year. In a crisis, where most people only see danger, Nick Giambruno sees opportunity. Crises often allow you to buy a dollar’s worth of assets for a dime or less. Spotting these bargains is Nick’s specialty. Nick Giambruno’s Crisis Investing is a research service that provides you with all you need to know about these incredibly profitable opportunities. Many of the world’s greatest investors have made their fortunes this way… but anyone can do it.

This is the “untold” investing strategy that can unlock retirement-type gains for you and your family to live well for the rest of your life.

In short, Nick Giambruno’s Crisis Investing is one of the world’s greatest wealth-building secrets… known to history’s greatest investors. This high-end research service can help add several zeros to your bank account because it’s focused on short terms gains… Profits that you can claim within a few months… sometimes weeks.

And because of the urgency in the rare earth space… especially since rare earth stocks are surging higher…

Nick is ready to make you an unprecedented offer.

For a limited time you can sign up for a full year of Crisis Investing at a special discounted price of $1,795.


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Meet Nick Giambruno and Doug Casey – Crisis Investing Research editors

Doug Casey has been helping individual investors make smart moves with their money for more than 40 years.

Doug is a multimillionaire businessman and bestselling author who has visited more than 145 countries, invested in hundreds of business deals, and today owns more than 100,000 acres of land on three continents.

Along the way, Doug has analyzed and owned nearly every type of investment you can think of: real estate, bonds, currencies, commodities, stocks, and gold are just a few of the vehicles Doug has used to increase his wealth.

But of all the strategies Doug Casey has used, one stands head and shoulders above the rest for making huge returns in the market. It’s a strategy that helped him become very rich. Best of all, you can put it to work soon for your personal benefit. This strategy is CRISIS INVESTING.

Nick is Doug Casey’s globetrotting companion and is the Senior Editor of Casey Research’s International Man.

He writes about economics, offshore banking, second passports, surviving a financial collapse, foreign trusts and companies, geopolitics, and value investing in crisis markets, among other topics. He is also the Senior Analyst of the Crisis Investing publication.

In short, Nick’s work helps people make the most of their personal freedom and financial opportunity around the world.

America’s #1 Stock Picker Reveals Next 1,000% Winner (free)

What is included with your Nick Giambruno’s Crisis Investing subscription?

Here’s Everything You’ll Get with Your Subscription:

“De-Fang the Red Dragon and Make 11X Your Money.”

It reveals the full details on this tiny rare earth supplier, including its ticker symbol and Nick’s full “buy” details. Plus, inside this report you’ll also learn how to profit from the surge in all rare earth metals—with one investment.

You see, there are over 15 types of rare earth metals used by the military, and other technology applications like cellphones, TV, electric cars, etc. As China shuts down supplies, rare earth metals prices are exploding. Investors are already getting rich.

We’ve found a way you could capture all the upside of the rare earth industry, through one single investment…

And you can buy it now on the stock exchange with a single click of a mouse.

560% Gains as Gold Becomes “World Money”

You’ll discover a covert plan brewed between China, Russia, and OPEC to trade oil for gold… making gold the new “oil currency.”

In this free report, you’ll get the one gold investment you need to make right now. So far it has…

  • Outperformed the S&P 500 by a factor of 6, and even gold itself by nearly a factor of 2.
  • It trampled Barrick Gold, Newmont Mining, and most mining companies by nearly 400%.
  • And returned 560% to investors over the last 10 years, in bull and bear markets.

Marijuana Millionaire Master Plan

Everyday pot millionaires are being minted like no other investment boom in the history of this country…

So even if you missed out on 1,736% gains from 22nd Century Group… 3,491% in 4 months from Axim Biotechnologies… or 7,820% in 8 months from Praetorian Property, don’t worry…. Because we’ve reached a new boom phase in the marijuana industry.. . And it’s will creating new millionaires across the country.


Canada fully legalized marijuana. And over 30 U.S. states (Including Washington) followed suit.

And the tiny players are revolutionizing medical marijuana like never before.

Your free research guide reveals not one, but three pot companies that could change your financial status virtually overnight. And you’ll know why in your free report.

  • Marijuana Millionaire Stock #1: The world’s first marijuana royalty company. By law, it owns revenue streams from 15 of Canada’s leading pot companies. We’re buying under $2 a share.
  • Marijuana Millionaire Stock #2: This unique pot company collects over half a million dollars EVERY month, rain or shine. And by law, it must distribute 90%of its profits to you. It’s the most dependable income check you’ll get every quarter.
  • Marijuana Millionaire Stock #3: It’s Canada’s most diversified licensed marijuana company, with over 45 strains of medical and recreational cannabis. This company is the best way to get your slice of Canada’s $150 billion booming pot industry.

Crisis Investing Owner’s Manual

This quick and easy-to-read dossier reveals Nick and Doug’s crisis investing formula, in just 10 minutes.

  • It outlines the history of the world’s greatest wealth secret and how it can be used to juice your returns.
  • You’ll see examples of how this secret is used in modern times.
  • You’ll discover the formula used to identify a crisis and how to position yourself for massive returns.
  • Plus, you’ll see a huge error most investors make that leaves massive profits on the table.

Your subscription to Crisis Investing will also include:

12 issues (One Year) of Crisis Investing

Each month, Nick will email you the latest Crisis Investing Each issue is written in plain, easy-to-read language.

Quick Alert Emails

In case an opportunity arises in between monthly issues, Nick will send you a quick alert to lock in time-sensitive opportunities or take evasive action if necessary.

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Full Access to the Crisis Investing website

You’ll have full access to all premium reportsarchives, research videos, and open model portfolios. There are still some well-researched picks that are screaming “buy.”

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Should you have any concerns or queries about your membership, our support staff is available to you weekdays between 9 am–5 pm ET.


THE WAR ON GOLD 2020: Emergency Briefing

Hedge Fund manager and New York Times Bestselling Author details how you position your gold stock portfolio right now will have a huge impact on your wealth in the coming gold bull market.

Watch The Emergency Briefing Now

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90-Day Ironclad Guarantee

That’s Nick’s unconditional guarantee. Take the next 90 days to try Crisis Investing. If during that period you’re
not completely thrilled with Nick’s research…

Or if you think Nick’s research does not align with your financial goals…

Just call Casey Research customer service department at (800) 621-0699 and you can cancel for a full $1,795 credit. You can then use your $1,795 credit towards another Casey Research service or a service from one of their corporate affiliates – Bonner & Partners and Palm Beach Research Group.

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