NFT Wealth Builder Review – Is Joel Kruger’s Service Legit?

NFT Investor Summit is an urgent briefing where Dr. Martin D. Weiss and NFT Pioneer Joel Kruger shows you exactly what NFTs are, how they’re changing our world, and how investors have used them to build generational wealth. In addition, Joel Kruger explains his NFT Wealth Builder service.

The World’s First Quadrillion-Dollar Technology? (And $25 Lets You Play It)

What Is NFT Investor Summit?

A watercolor, was sold for $35 million. It is very famous. It has a storied history that spans 139 years. And it’s by the artist Vincent van Gogh.

Meanwhile, this other piece of art is not very famous. It does not have a long history.


In fact, it does not even exist in the physical world. It’s purely an NFT, a non-fungible token. Computer code that lives on the blockchain! But this NFT, this purely digital art, sold for $69 million. That’s nearly double the price of the van Gogh.

Is this astronomical, $69-million sale a random event? Or is it a new kind of investment vehicle with the potential to build wealth faster than virtually any other?

Is this phenomenon strictly about art? Or is it something that could transform nearly every kind of asset we own? And how can investors use it to build generational wealth?

To uncover the answers, the Weiss Ratings team decided to hold this unusual NFT Investor Summit. There, Weiss Ratings founder, Dr. Martin D. Weiss and pioneer NFT investor, Joel Kruger, present their findings.


The World’s First Quadrillion-Dollar Technology? (And $25 Lets You Play It)


LIVE ON CAMERA:The man who called #1 tech stocks of 2016, 2018, 2019 & 2020 based on return…

Reveals the details of a new tech set to grow:

  • 113X bigger than the Internet…
  • 600X bigger than 5G…
  • 2,000X BIGGER than Bitcoin

“This is the biggest investing moment in 400 years – and just $25 gets you in.”

Brown believes the rollout could be days away…

Watch Jeff’s presentation HERE before it’s too late.

What are NFTs?

Non-fungible tokens, or NFTs, are pieces of digital content linked to the blockchain, the digital database underpinning cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin and ethereum. Unlike NFTs, those assets are fungible, meaning they can be replaced or exchanged with another identical one of the same value, much like a dollar bill. NFTs, on the other hand, are unique and not mutually interchangeable, which means no two NFTs are the same.

How to buy NFTs

Essentially, any digital image can be purchased as an NFT. But there are a few things to consider when buying one, especially if you’re a newbie. You’ll need to decide what marketplace to buy from, what type of digital wallet is required to store it and what kind of cryptocurrency you’ll need to complete the sale.

But be wary of fees. Some marketplaces charge a “gas” fee, which is the energy required to complete the transaction on the blockchain. Other fees can include the costs for converting dollars into ethereum (the currency most commonly used to buy NFTs) and closing expenses.

How to sell NFTs?

NFTs are also sold on marketplaces and the process can vary from platform to platform. You’ll essentially upload your content to a marketplace then follow the instructions to turn it into an NFT. You’ll be able to include specifics such as a description of the work and suggested pricing. Most NFTs are purchased using ethereum but can also be bought with other ERC-20 tokens such as WAX and Flow.

But trading in and out of these assets is NOT a good idea. Although there IS a large market for NFTs, the best way to approach it is mostly to pick the right ones.

And that’s where Joel Kruger comes in.


“The Metaverse” – Tech’s #1 Investment for 2022?


Jeff Brown here and after 30-years as a tech insider…after calling the #1 Returning Tech Stock 4-times over…

I can say with confidence, Metaverse technologies give me the same feeling I had before I recommended Bitcoin and it shot up 27,000%… Tesla before it surged 1,400%… and NVIDIA before it spiked 3,000%…

We are on the cusp of a $33 trillion technology mega-convergence that will shake up the world.

Yahoo Finance says this is… “Big Tech’s latest obsession”

The CEO of the tech giant, NVIDIA, says, “[The Metaverse] is where we will create the future and transform how the world’s biggest industries operate”

And The World Economic Forum calls it an “Eye-opening disruption”

Grab my #1 FREE stock pick in “The Metaverse” …and discover how this technology will impact your day-to-day life… and why the world’s biggest tech leaders are “all-in”!

Click here to grab all the details before its too late.

Who Is Joel Kruger?

Joel KrugerHe is one of the world’s most astute NFT investors.

He’s senior strategist for one of the world’s largest institutional crypto exchanges, where the average trading volume is $2 billion in crypto. That’s $2 billion per DAY.

And it’s where some of the world’s largest crypto investors go for his forecasts.

Why do they turn to him? For the simple answer, just take a look at this:

The Only Crypto Forecaster With a 100% Accurate Rating

Crypto Forecaster

It’s an analysis by a well-followed crypto-research organization. They compared 16 of the leading crypto forecasters and research firms.

Among them, only ONE got it 100% on target. Only ONE hit the bullseye smack dab in the middle.

It was Joel Kruger.

Joel Kruger is on record for accurately predicting almost every major turn in the crypto market in recent years.

This track record is why he’s now become a go-to source on all things crypto. Nearly all the major media outlets go to him on a regular basis: The Wall Street Journal. Bloomberg. Forbes. The Financial Times. Reuters. Yahoo Finance.

This intimate knowledge of the market, this keen awareness of what’s happening and what’s likely to happen, is what gave Joel the ability to be one of the first analysts — and one of the first investors — in the brand new world of NFTs. When he began investing, very few had even heard of it.

Almost no one was actually investing in it. Except Joel. He was among the true pioneers. But to people unfamiliar with the technology, it was a joke. Many people laughed at him. But he got the last laugh.

Since then, individual NFTs have sold for millions of dollars each. You really can’t compare them to cryptocurrencies because they are so unique, but for an investor, that’s hundreds of times faster appreciation than Bitcoin, Ethereum or even some of the most profitable smaller cryptos.


Teeka: “This ticker could double again.”


This ticker symbol has doubled in value this past year.

Experts predict it could double again in the coming months.

And yet, former New York Stock Exchange president Thomas Farley says this asset is “the best-kept secret in the world, and maybe in the history of financial markets.”

Former hedge fund manager Teeka Tiwari reveals why here.

You’ll get the name of the ticker, for free…

Plus how it could ultimately “disrupt” $867 trillion in the capital market and deliver 10X gains in the coming months.

Click here for details.

Is It Time Now to Invest into an NFTs?

Here’s a sampling of four leading NFTs.

  • Bored Ape Yacht Club rose 839% in four months …
  • A Common Sense NFT rose 644% in three months, and …
  • CryptoPunk #7804 surged 34,900%. It took longer — four years.

But that’s still remarkable growth.

Sound good to you? Well I need to inform you that the standard currency we use to measure these values is not the US dollar.

It’s Ethereum, or ETH. And the value of ETH itself has surged dramatically. So if you measure these five NFTs in dollars, you’ll see that most have gone up far more.

For example, in dollars, the CryptoPunk NFT I just mentioned did not go 34,900%. It went up 195,547%.

All this helps explain why Joel himself is now sitting on a not-so-small NFT portfolio.

It helps explain why many others have also made a lot of money.

And why they’re not alone.

NFTs Have Recently Minted More New Millionaires Than AnyOther Asset Class.

In fact, comparing an equal number of investors in each sector, NFTs have minted more new millionaires in the last few months than cryptos have minted in the last few years.

Everyone from small investors to large investors, starving artists to random hobbyists.

Consider Nathan. He’s a 27-year-old artist who had only $2,000 in his bank account. Now he’s a millionaire in just one year’s time.

Twenty-one-year-old Jonathan Wolfe is another example. He had no discernible income. But in just five months, he earned $1.3 million with NFTs.

But if you think that’s a lot of money for a young person, look at Victor Langlois, age 18! Esquire reports that he sold $18 million worth of NFTs in just one year.

And here’s a young teenager, Nyla Hayes! Business Insider reports that she made about $6 million in NFTs in eight months. $6 million! And she’s just 12 years old.

These are young artists. They created the NFTs. And then they sold them.

But to make money in NFTs, you don’t have to be an artist, and you definitely don’t have to be young.

How To Invest in NFTs?

To help you avoid the pitfalls and guide you through the world of NFTs, Dr. Martin D. Weiss and Joel Kruger created a brand new kind of membership in a brand new kind of service, called NFT Wealth Builder.

What Is Joel Kruger’s NFT Wealth Builder?

It’s the world’s first and only serious investment research service dedicated to NFTs.

NFT Wealth Builder is not only an investment research service, but also a community of like-minded NFT enthusiasts — beginners, veterans and everyone in-between.

The NFT marketplace is now mature enough for investors to join with virtually any amount of money, small or large. And, at the same time, it’s still young enough to have almost unlimited potential to help create new wealth.

I cannot guarantee that every NFT you buy today will surge. Nor can I promise that some NFTs won’t go down. But as Joel has explained, this is not about timing the market.

It’s about finding value.

If and when market timing is a factor to consider, Joel will certainly take that into consideration.

But no matter what, I think it’s safe to say that Joel Kruger’s NFT Wealth Builder is unlike any other service you’ve ever joined.

Not only is the asset class unique, but the service itself is very different.

We want members who appreciate the brilliance of the creators — artists, scientists, engineers — and are ready to get behind their work for the long term.

That’s what Joel helps you do. Here are just six benefits of following his strategy.




Why is Jeff Brown throwing away a perfectly good $1,000 iPhone?

According to him, Apple is about to make a critical announcement that will send shockwaves through Wall Street.

If you own a smartphone, click here now…

Because this is guaranteed to affect you.

HINT: The iPhone days are coming to an end.

Click here now.

What’s Included With Your NFT Wealth Builder Subscription?

Benefit #1 – Weekly NFT Research Briefs

Benefit #1 is Joel’s Weekly NFT Research Briefs — in-depth NFT analysis that you cannot get anywhere else.

Joel not only gives you a deep appreciation of each NFTs relevance and importance, but also reveals key indicators to measure its price trend, relative popularity, market liquidity and profit potential.

All based on hard data and metrics that he has used to build his own NFT portfolio!

Joel not only picks what he believes are the best NFT collections to invest in, he also names fungible assets that you buy to participate in the NFT boom. That includes …

Cryptos you can buy like any other crypto, giving you a share in NFT galleries or auction platforms …

Cryptos that give you the equivalent of a share in larger NFT portfolios …

Not to mention the best cryptos used to buy NFTs! Like …

  • Decentraland, recently up 4,397% …
  • Sandbox, recently up 14,629%, and …
  • Gala, which recently soared 50,829%.

Gala is an extreme, outlier example, to be sure. But it gives you an idea of the great growth we’ve seen NFTs and the greater growth we predict is coming.

Like any investment, making money in never a sure bet.

The thing is, instead of spending hours scouring the Web, reading articles, and sifting through hundreds of projects, Joel does the hard work for you.

He’s been investing in NFTs since the beginning and he knows what to look for.

Benefit #2 – NFT Showcase

Benefit #2 is periodic videos with Joel showcasing the hottest upcoming NFT projects and giving members the opportunity to get in on — or near — the ground floor.

He will be your guide through gallery tours. He will give you an intimate, behind-the-scenes insights into the inner workings of each investment you might make — not only what they look like, but also the deep thinking and strategy behind each.

Benefit #3 – NFT-Grams Straight to You

You also gain access to what Joel Kruger calls “NFT-grams” — exclusive, members-only alerts to members that bypasses all other communication channels.

Joel Kruger’s NFT-grams are not emails. They’re not SMS texts. They’re messages from him straight to your mobile, your tablet or your laptop with the utmost privacy and security.

Of course, if you must get alerts in your inbox or on NFT Wealth Builder’s members-only website, that’s fine too. You’ll get Joel’s materials both via NFT-grams and the traditional way.

Benefit #4 -Exclusive Q&A Forums

Hop online to join Joel and other members via video conferencing — to ask Joel any NFT questions you may have. He will share with you freely from his thoughts and ideas, just as he has done with me at the villa in Spain.

Joel is one of the world’s top NFT experts — a man whose knowledge of the market is unsurpassed — and you’ll have a great channel of communication to him via these Q&A video calls.

Benefit #5 -Free $500 of Ethereum

This is a very special $500 bonus that Joel Kruger and Weiss Ratings team will send to your digital wallet soon after you join.

With your $500 in free Ethereum, you get detailed instructions on how to convert it into an asset that effectively gives you ownership participation in an NFT gallery.

To help establish this gallery, Mark Cuban was part of a fundraising round worth $9 million. SalesForce CEO Mark Benioff also poured in money. And the gallery has enjoyed a growth in sales volume of 31,000%. That’s 310 times growth.

So looking ahead, a growth of 20 times is not an unreasonable forecast.

Last year, it released its first digital assets and dropped them for free stake into the accounts of its artists and it was not an insignificant amount.

Since then, it has been up as much as 250%, but the wealth building potential is not only those kinds of capital gains. It’s also in the royalties it shares with token holders.

Benefit #6 – Huge Savings as
Founding Member

This is the largest immediate benefit: The huge savings you get as a Founding Member of NFT Wealth Builder.

If you join Joel Kruger today in this new frontier of the blockchain world, you’ll receive an up-front credit of more than $5,000 towards your investment in this service.

Instead of paying $10,000, your cost is $4,800. That’s a deep, deep discount of 52% off.

Benefit #7 – One-on-one NFT tech support and coaching

It’s is free with your membership.

Benefit #8 – Lock in your $5,200 savings for as long as you’re a Member

To help make sure you don’t miss out on this big discount, Weiss Ratings team will automatically renew your membership unless you tell them not to. They will always let you know ahead of time before your renewal is due. And if you wish, you can remove this benefit at any time.

Benefit #9 – Dr. Martin D. Weiss personal commitment

After your first year, if Joel’s NFT recommendations have not given you the opportunity to beat Bitcoin by at least 5-to-1, let Weiss Ratings team know and they’ll make sure you get a second year free.


His Crypto Picks Humiliate Stock Gains
(And You Can Get His New Pick Free!)


If you believe a 10-bagger – the rare investment that delivers 1,000% returns – is impressive, then check this out….


That is an actual gain from just one of Teeka Tiwari’s best crypto picks.

And you can get his next crypto pick for FREE!

Past performance is no guarantee of future results.

But a $100 investment into just this one pick would be worth over $151,000 today.

Click here for Teeka’s next top free crypto pick… no strings attached…

Bottom Line: Shoul You Join Joel Kruger’s NFT Wealth Builder?

When you join as a Founding Member, Joel and Weiss Ratings team will give you something that marks this occasion in a special way.

It’s their own unique NFT of this inaugural event for this launch.

They’ve partnered with an NFT artist to create a limited edition NFT series, only 600 in all. And as a Founding Member today, you’ll get one as a memorable gift.

This means your name, or if you wish, your secret nickname, will be registered on the blockchain and recorded for posterity.

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