Navellier Quantum Cash Project: $60K Through Income Stocks?

Louis Navellier recently revealed his new retirement GAME CHANGER. He called this income generator Quantum Cash Project, one of his greatest professional achievements. Louis presented this new approach as a way to help you see at least $60,000 in payout opportunities over the next 12 months. Read further for all the details he shared during the urgent Quantum Cash Project  briefing.

Key Takeaways

  • When looking at the average of its successful plays, The Quantum Cash Project has produced more than three extra income opportunities per month, worth about $60,000 annually.
  • It is a perfect vehicle for people with small portfolios as it does not require large investment capital. All of the examples you will see in the presentation are assuming a $7,500 investment.
  • The core of the Quantum Cash Project is a revolutionary A.I. It systematically scouring the market giving you the best income plays every month.
  • Louis Navellier’s performance promise that those who join his Accelerated Profits Research will see at least $60,000 in payout opportunities over the next 12 months.

The Secret Behind Quantum Cash?

When we talk about income investing, dividend-paying stocks is traditional line of thinking. But Quantum Cash is much more powerful.

Louis allocates opportunities that deliver systematic profits. Because these trades move quickly, you must enter as soon as possible to optimize your profits. You have to get there first.

Who is Louis Navellier?

He is the man behind The Quantum Cash Project. If you’re familiar with his work, you’ll definitely pay close attention. Because Louis has 40-plus years long career on Wall Street. During this time, he founded and directed a multi- billion money management firm. He became a proud owner of one of the longest winning streaks in Wall Street history.

His top-rated stocks have done five times better than the Nasdaq thus far.

The S&P 500 by a factor of six…

The small-cap Russell 2000 by an eight-to-one ratio.

Navellier Quantum Cash Project

Navellier has incredible track record as a stock picker. During the years he has given folks the chance to make some pretty good money. But stock gains usually take years to play out.

Furthermore, there isn’t much money coming in between the first buy and the sell. Just a large one-time payment that arrives after a few years. Which is not bad for people that have the funds and time to wait.

But now, Louis is turning his attention to income. Earning lots and lots of income.

Possibly the most significant project he has undertaken in his forty plus years in finance is demonstrating to people that they can successfully navigate the high cost of living even when they are retired and no longer employed.

Is Quantum Cash A High Risk Strategy?

During his presentation, Louis constantly referred about triple digit gains. Usually, higher returns come hand by hand with higher risk strategy.

But Louis is able to deliver all these high returns without using options, shorting stocks, or any type of complicated derivatives.

In order to understand how Quantum Cash works, you’ve got to understand a little about A.I. Because it is at the center of Quantum Cash Project.

How Quantum Cash Investing Strategy Works?

Fundamentally, AI eliminates inefficiencies and it examines trillions of data points to accomplish this.

Consider artificial intelligence as a group of algorithms that continuously search through enormous amounts of data for patterns. The more data you load, the more patterns it can spot.

Thanks to the massive breakthroughs in A.I. technology, Louis and his team were able to dump everything they could find into this A.I. to see what it would discover… Everything from weather patterns, to earnings, tech patents, etc.

They realized that a very small group of stocks produce WILD amounts of income, not just in the way most people think about earning income.

And if you are able to make repeated investments, these stocks are the best way to get a safer, steady income from the stock market. Better than dividends, better than bonds, better than options or anything else.

Among the millions of data points the artificial intelligence examined, it was reduced to eight key criteria that show which income plays are performing the best.

Louis refers to these criteria as “prerequisites” since a company is almost guaranteed to have a great income play if all eight are met.

Here are the 8 Pre-Requisites Quantum Cash Seeks Out:

  • High Return on Equity.
  • Earnings growth.
  • Increasing sales growth.
  • Positive earnings revisions.
  • Positive earnings surprises.
  • Expanding operating margins.
  • Strong cash flow.
  • And Positive Earnings Momentum.

To get started with The Quantum Cash Project you’ll refer to Accelerated Profits.

What Is Accelerated Profits?

To help people get started, Louis put together a report called “The Quantum Cash Project: Your Guide to Unlocking $60k a Year Through Hidden Income Stocks.”

The Quantum Cash Project: Guide to Unlocking $60k a Year Through Hidden Income Stocks

Inside is everything you need to know, including:

  • How the system works?
  • How it was created?
  • And when the next trade is likely to hit?

You’ll get this report when you join Navellier’s Accelerated Profits Research Service.

Here is a list of everything included with service subscription:

  • Access to their model portfolio with monthly updates,
  • Each month you’ll receive emails with 3-4 Quantum Cash picks. You will know the name and ticker, a brief synopsis of what’s going on, and the appropriate price to buy.
  • Weekly issues,
  • Flash alerts,
  • Podcasts,
  • Access to all special reports,
  • Access to members-only website,
  • Personal concierge to answer any questions.
  • Premium Report #2: The Income Secret of the 1%. This report includes valuable strategies I think everyone should know about.
  • Premium Report #3: The 5 “Grade A” Stocks That Could Deliver 10X Your Money report that focuses on big type opportunities.

Here is another surprise … For a limited time — you’ll receive everything mentioned above for just $1,799.

Is The Quantum Cash Project Legit?

First, these gains seem extraordinarily high. But it’s hard to say Navellier has pure luck after going 14 years straight without a losing year.

People need to understand that when you invest at the highest possible level, it comes to a technology race. And if you’ve got the better technology…you increase your chances to beat the market.

And now with the breakthrough in Quantum Cash, Navellier is giving average person opportunity only available to big players.

Wall Street has been convincing the public for decades that investing in dividend stocks, REITS, or CDs and settling for 2, 3, or 4% profits is the greatest way to earn income from the market.

But what this A.I. driven software has discovered is that you can make considerably greater yields. Even with a smaller account.  You only need to track when these eight prerequisites activate and focus on an elite group of income stocks that 99.9% of investors miss.

The Quantum Cash Project Verdict

This opportunity is great approach If you’re feeling a little behind in your retirement savings.  Especially if your plan is to build a second income stream (no matter the size of your portfolio).

It is good alternative for people that want a consistent income stream no matter what broader markets do.

Let’s not forget about Navellier’s $60K performance promise: His goal with The Quantum Cash System is to show his subscribers how to make at least $60,000 of hold in your hand cash in their model portfolio, based off of a position of $7,500.

If Quantum Cash doesn’t give you at least $60,000 in profit opportunities, they’ll give you another year for FREE.

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