When you read about Nathan, consider how much of his story is YOUR story. If he can become a millionaire trader, then you can too. It’s time for you to make an investment in yourself.
PROOF: New One Ticker (Weekly) Payouts
A multimillionaire stock trader’s research explains how focusing on just one ticker every week has generated payouts up to a rare 2,614% in under 11 days…
AND he’s brought proof to show the world!
What is Nathan Bear’s Picks Service?
Nathan Bear’s story of going from $37k to $1.12 million is inspiring simply because it’s the story of us ALL. You’ll meet Nathan and you’ll say ‘geez he’s a normal guy. If he can make a million bucks trading maybe I can!’ And you’d be right!
After losing $40k in 2015, Nathan joined Millionaire Roadmap in December of that year, funded his account to start 2016 with just $37k and ended with $276,497 in profits!
2017 he finished up $584,474
And in 2017, he has tipped the scales in a VERY short period of time with a whopping $373,224 (as of April 4, 2018), to push him to $1,234,195 in Trading Profits since Joining Millionaire Roadmap…Incredible!
Chart of Nathan’s Growth
Nathan’s story continues to this day as a valued member of Millionaire Roadmap where he’s able to work alongside new members and Jason to continue to help others reach and EXCEED their financial and trading goals.
Who the heck is Nathan Bear?
We’ll start from the beginning – 10 years ago with a $1000 account. “Having absolutely no idea what I was doing, I found some articles online and decided that these fine people must know what they were talking about” Boy were they BOTH wrong!
What he learned (probably like you) was not only was the advice insufficient, but in order to successfully trade, he needed greater depth of knowledge and help.
But “…despite the very small account positions, it was exciting to see even the smallest change in my favor. I was hooked!” Hard to argue with that. How many small wins got your juices flowing to open your eyes to the potential that trading had?
Then, after blowing out that account thanks to lack of focus and direction, frustration got the best of him with his current ‘job’ and he left corporate America in 2008… never to return. “This allowed me access to more freedom during the working day and built up another trading stake in 2010.”
With his new freedom, he KNEW that trading was the best way to make money outside his newly formed small business. But what he didn’t realize is that more money isn’t always the key — “I had more money, but not more knowledge.” With that lack of knowledge he lucked into his ‘champion’, CYSG. However, CYSG never climbed the way he had hoped, and after investing his WHOLE account… CYSG crashed along with his SECOND account! That’s a brutal hit no matter who you are.
It was 2012 and after blowing up 2 accounts his solution was clear: he was hooked on trading, but couldn’t do it without “…a teacher, a coach. Someone who could help me learn how to trade stocks in real companies with real products.” Jason was his man. Now, his trading didn’t “magically turn around and become instantly profitable. However, this is the beginning of what would be my transformation!”
What Jason showed him was that he needed an education that could actually PAY! That’s what Jason provided along with the rest of the students in Millionaire Roadmap.
Nathan’s knowledge and insights continued to grow under Jason’s leadership until he was ready to get serious about trading. His confidence restored, his methods sure, and the support of the Millionaire Roadmap community…now was his time to start earning serious money trading.
His resolve to become a successful trader was solidified when Jason said “anyone who can grow their account to a million dollars while in Millionaire Roadmap, I’ll buy you a Porsche!” It was go time.
This time was going to be different for him, “I committed to doing it ‘right’ and not making stupid avoidable mistakes”. In 2015 he started with a $35k account, that he steadily and comfortably grew to $45k…but nothing more. He could never REALLY get over the hump. In fact early 2016 he actually gave money back by not following alongside Jason and the Millionaire Roadmap lessons.
Then on a vacation in July 2016 Millionaire Roadmap (and his trading account) FULLY Realized It’s Value:
I’ll let Nathan take it from here…
“My family and I went on vacation for 2 weeks. I was away from my multi monitor setup and didn’t have great internet. But like most traders I wasn’t going to let THAT stop me! I decided to only take the BEST millionaire roadmap setups for the day and just enter stops.” That process continued throughout his whole vacation. A truly relaxing vacation…
“Well finally within those two weeks of patience and control my account grew! 750 miles away from my powerful computers and yet I had grown my account! I made over 10k that vacation. It was so simple that it couldn’t work, and YET IT DID!”
That vacation finally solidified what Jason has been showing him all along and it sent him into a frenzy of growth. “By this point I knew all the patterns (from Jason) and had Jason and team to lean on.’ Now that he KNEW the patterns he was able to trade alongside Jason inside Millionaire Roadmap, analyze the daily watch list, watch the charts and levels that Jason taught him, and “finished green the next 22 straight months!’
What You Gonna Get when you invest your money in Nathan Bear’s Picks?
“I hit a million dollars in lifetime trading profits on January 18th, 2018. I didn’t realize it until the day was over. I knew I was close, but I try not to focus on the numbers while I’m trading. Sometimes I even hide my p/l during the day. I tell myself every morning to focus on the process and at the end of the day the results will work themselves out. If I trade well and trade my plan, I don’t need to worry about how much money I make or lose on each trade – just that I trade the way I want. I don’t even know how I’ve done it, but so far in 2018 the total profit is up to $340k. It’s honestly just been a blur. I can look back at my tracker and read through my daily trading journal, and it’s all there.
Without the mentoring and coaching, the environment that Jason Bond and Raging Bull have created, I cannot imagine where I’d be today. Certainly, it would not be here, writing the story about how I made a million dollars in the stock market. But sitting here at my kitchen table on Saturday morning, watching my kids play and drinking coffee, I don’t remember the specifics – it just happens.”
Nathan Bear – Millionaire Roadmap Student and Self Made Millionaire
Nathan Bear Picks is now included in Millionaire Roadmap for $2999…TOTAL!
Here’s the full list of what you gonna get when you enroll in Millionaire Roadmap Program Today
Nathan Bear Picks
45 minute LIVE lesson from 7-7:45am (always archived for you), LIVE streaming my real money buys and sells from 9:30am-12pm, Regular watch list, and Email alerts on swing trades
Weekly Money Multiplier
Jeff’s Options Portfolio Streaming Live, High Conviction Option Swing Trades Aiming for 100% Wins Alerted via Text and Email, Intensive Options Course, Mastermind Video Lessons, LIVE Online Training Sessions During the Year with Jeff.
Millionaire Roadmap
Millionaire Roadmap includes Weekly Money Multiplier FREE and live trading, webinars, conferences and much, much more. Immerse yourself into my world of trading using my niche strategy; both on the long and short side.