Nathan Bear Minivan Millionaire Livestream – What Is All About?

After starting with a $37,000 account… Nathan Bear generated over $2.7 MILLION in verified trading profits in just four years. His newest goal? To do it AGAIN…

But this time, YOU are invited to watch every single trade he makes… 100% LIVE… as he seeks to grow $37K into ANOTHER million-dollar portfolio.

It all begins Wednesday, March 15, at 2 p.m. ET with his Minivan Millionaire Livestream

You’ll see how Nate hit gains like 111% in minutes – even while waiting in the minivan line to pick up his kids from school. And he will even show you a real-time trade demo!


Marc Chaikin Prediction 2023Marc Chaikin Prediction 2023

Wall Street legend Marc Chaikin is unveiling a new cash vehicle 50 years in the making… making his biggest new prediction in 50 years… and explaining how it could double or triple your money if you move your cash immediately.

Click here to watch (includes free recommendation).

Nathan Bear Minivan Millionaire Livestream – What Is It?

Nate Bear used to work long hours in construction…

Then… he discovered a trading secret that allowed him to take $37,000…

And rake in $2.7 MILLION in profits over 4 years.

He even captures 111% gains in minutes – while waiting to pick up his kids from school (surrounded by minivans).

No wonder they call him the “Minivan Millionaire.”

For years… he’s been retired.

But for the first time… he’s coming out of retirement and holding a special Minivan Millionaire Livestream (Wednesday March 15th at 2 p.m. ET).

He’ll show you the exact system he used to make millions…

But even more importantly…

You’ll see how you can follow his every LIVE trade as he seeks to turn $37K ANOTHER million dollar portfolio.

That’s right…

He’s going to do it all 100% LIVE – and let anyone who wants watch every single trade he makes.

Nathan Bear Minivan Millionaire Livestream

What will Nathan Bear share through the Minivan Millionaire Livestream?

In this one-of-a-kind livestream event you’ll:

  •  Discover the “newbie” mistakes Nate made when he got started (so you can avoid all the pitfalls he encountered along the way)
  •  Hear how Nate went from being a construction worker with just a $37,000 account… to making $2.7 million in trading profits over four years!
  •  See the proven, three-step TPS Method for finding the best trades to make consistent winners over and over again
  •  Discover how Nate found REAL trades that made him 493% in five days… 233% in six days… and even 412% same-day gains!
  •  Watch Nate make an actual trade, putting his own money on the line!
  •  Learn how you can look over his shoulder as he challenges himself to turn $37,000 into ANOTHER million-dollar trading portfolio
  •  Get the details on something Nate is calling his “Million-Dollar Club” (it’s unlike anything you’ve likely seen in the financial world!).


Must See: Incredible New Stock-Predicting AI System

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The financial industry is the next in line to be completely disrupted by artificial intelligence. And leading that charge is a groundbreaking AI algorithm called An-E.

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What Is Nathan Bear TPS System and how it works?

Nathan Bear named his system “TPS” because of the three components you need to identify.

We’re going to show you exactly how it works using visual examples below. Let’s dive into the first letter.

The “T” in TPS: Trend

The first letter stands for “trend.”

When you’re looking at a stock chart, you want to see consistent data pointing in one direction. It can be either direction – what’s important is that the trade goes in the same direction as the money flow.

You’ll see this in the example below for SunPower (Nasdaq: SPWR).


Notice the upward direction? That means money is flowing “into” the stock.

When Nate makes a trade, he wants to ride with the tide of money flow.

Beginner traders often try to predict when a stock will “hit bottom” or “break out to the upside.” This is usually a mistake.

Why? Because there’s no clear trend. Maybe they heard some speculative hot take on a finance website or news channel. But it was just speculation.

And I know from experience that trying to predict a stock’s direction without a clear trend is a losing game.

So before you even think about making a trade using this system, it’s crucial to identify a trend like you see above.

The “P” in TPS: Pattern

Next, you need a clear pattern.

Why look for a pattern? Once you’ve seen a particular pattern enough times, you have a good idea of how a stock is going to behave after it appears.

This gives you the opportunity to grow more confident in your trades.

Case in point… In the chart below, you’ll see a flag pattern on the right.

For those of you who haven’t traded before, this pattern is called a “pennant,” and it’s among the most consistent patterns you’ll see when doing chart analysis.


Other common patterns include a bearish flag, bullish flag and ascending or descending triangle.

If you don’t see a common pattern within a chart, then scrap the trade entirely. And a pattern is something that you should be able to see both quickly and clearly. If you have to spend more than five seconds looking for the pattern, there likely is no pattern!

However, if you notice a pattern that you’ve seen before and you’re confident in how the stock will behave, then you have the second letter in the TPS system.

We’re almost there. Now let’s get to the final component.

The “S” in TPS: Squeeze

The last component in the TPS system is a squeeze. And no, we’re not talking about a short squeeze.

We’re talking about an indicator. Every chart that Nathan Bear shares with you is going to have this indicator at the bottom.

See below…


See that red area circled inside the rectangle? This is known as a “squeeze indicator.”

The truth is… every stock is like a long-distance runner.

The initial move up is like the first leg of the race. The stock is moving quickly in one direction.

It also has periods when it’s resting and showing more sideways action (this is when the red dots appear).

The Squeeze Indicator

What we want to do is get into the stock during this “rest phase.” We do this because the rest period is when the volatility on the stock is compressing – and getting ready for the next “leg” of the race.

After you see a clear squeeze, you can be confident that the stock has had a chance to rest and is ready to continue along in the direction of the trend.

So when you see these red dots, you’ll know you have a squeeze.

Your TPS Checklist

Those are the three components of Nathan Bear’s TPS system. So next time you’re making a trade, follow this checklist.

First, do you have a trend?

If the chart is moving from the bottom left to the top right, it’s trending higher. If the chart is flowing from the top left to the bottom right, it’s also trending… but it’s trending lower. We can make money in both directions.

Next, do you have a big pattern? If you see a familiar pattern on the right side of the chart, then you’ve cleared the second step.

Lastly, do you have a squeeze? Do we have red dots on the squeeze indicator? If so, then boom. You have all three clear components for making a trade.

Below you’ll see an example of what all three green lights look like in one chart.

Minivan Millionaire Livestream

These are the three identifiers Nathan uses with every trade he makes.

If you want to learn more about this system and how it made him millions, then listen up…

On Wednesday at 2 p.m. ET, Nathan Bear is hosting a Minivan Millionaire Livestream event on how this TPS system works. In it, he will cover how he makes gains like 111% in minutes – even while waiting in the minivan line to pick up my kids from school.

He will even show you a real-time trade demo.

Plus… Nate will reveal his plan to turn $37,000 into $1 million AGAIN – and how you can watch every trade he makes 100% LIVE and in real time.

Who Is Nathan Bear?

Nate is NOT your typical trading success story. He doesn’t have a background working on Wall Street… or for any hedge funds.

In fact… Nate graduated from Georgia Tech in 2005 with a bachelor’s in building construction. He had a normal 9-to-5 job, and he worked hard.

Then, in 2008… he decided to give trading a shot. After struggling to get started… and losing a bit of money on his first few attempts…

He decided to give himself one last chance. He traded with a $37,000 account… which was a LOT of money for him. In 2016, he raked in over $183,000… And over the next two years… he locked in more than $1 million in profits.

In all… he banked over $2.7 MILLION from his trades over four years. Now… he wants to help others get started.

That’s why he’s excited to invite everyone to join his brand-new challenge… And look over his shoulder as he begins his quest to turn another $37,000 into a $1 million portfolio.


BREAKING NEWS: The U.S. Dollar Is ‘Going Crypto’

Days ago, the U.S. government took the first step toward creating its own cryptocurrency… a “federal bitcoin.” The U.S. Treasury and 120 banks have already signed up. If you get positioned immediately, you could make 3,050%.

Click here to learn more.

Bottom Line: Should You Attend Nathan Bear Minivan Millionaire Livestream?

Nate began his career as a full-time trader by turning $37,000 into over $1 million.

In fact… he raked in profits of over $2.7 MILLION from trading in four years.

His goal…

Do it again… 100% live…

And you can watch every single one of his trades.

If you want to build wealth…

You DON’T have to find the next Apple… or Netflix… or Tesla…

And you DON’T have to find a stock that goes straight up for the next 10 years.

You just need a winning system… and a mentor to help you use it.

And we’ve got both…

The “TPS Trading System” and multi millionaire Nathan Bear.

If you can watch a streaming video… follow a few simple directions… and make a couple of clicks on your computer…

You can start using the same strategy that helped make Nate the “Minivan Millionaire.”

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