Michael Robinson Disruptors and Dominators Review: Any Good?

Disruptors and Dominators is a stock picking independent newsletter by Weiss Ratings. Currently, the team behind it selected seven AI stocks that they share with their readers because of the very best chance to capitalize on this powerful and sustainable AI revolution.

Companies that are recommended are Nvidia “silent partners”. The reality is that Nvidia is blazing across the entire AI landscape, and Michael Robinson sees no signs that will slow down.

Key Takeaways

  • Many of the companies that partnered with Nvidia have seen their own stocks skyrocket.
  • Although Nvidia is seen as just a chip company it has been gradually growing and even changing course to focus on another profitable venture – mega data centers – that is expected to have much equal or even bigger potential. Nvidia’s CEO calls them “AI factories.”

Disruptors and Dominators Review: What’s The Most Important Stock On The Earth?

Nvidia recently became the third $2 trillion company in the world. It was the largest one-day stock gain in the history of the world. Goldman Sachs recently said that Nvidia is “The most important stock on planet earth.”

It is the only company in the world that can both produce processors with sufficient power for the most sophisticated AI applications AND do it in large enough quantities to have an impact.

Everyone has become aware of the news stories regarding Nvidia’s fast growth. But what most people don’t know is that the demand for these superchips is so great, Nvidia must rely on other companies to fulfill the orders.

Disruptors and Dominators Review: Big Data

The biggest challenge to AI these days is where to store the enormous data. More than 90% of all that data was generated in just the last two years. And it keeps going. It is anticipated that the amount of data produced by AI will rise by an additional 50% in the coming months.

Currently, data is kept in huge structures known as data centers, which are spread throughout the world. There are more than 5,400 of them just in the United States. And still, they can’t keep up with the increasing needs. New, much bigger data centers are urgently needed.

Nvidia has already developed the special servers and other technologies that’s specifically designed just for these AI mega data centers.

Nvidia’s “Silent Partners” Exposed

These businesses provide Nvidia with their high-tech know-how. They are Nvidia’s “Silent Partners.”

According to Weiss’ analysis there are three firms in that small group that are great investments right now and investors should consider them. These businesses are still unpopular even though they are crucial to Nvidia’s operations.

The first of Nvidia’s quiet partners, who may never become a household name has over 5 billion clients who directly or indirectly are using company’s technology. You can find detail information about this company and its silent partnership with Nvidia to help BUILD the massive AI data centers in a special report called “Nvidia’s Silent Partner with 5.6 billion Users.”

Disruptors and Dominators Review

Nvidia’s second silent partner is another company most people have never heard of because company’s customers are large companies.

This is one of the few businesses in the world that can provide Nvidia with the specialized assistance required to maintain all its enormous new AI data centers.

In the upcoming years, it is anticipated that the market for the company’s key component is expected to more than quadruple. All information is included in the new special report called “Nvidia’s Silent Partner That Conquered the Fortune 500.”

Disruptors and Dominators Review

Nvidia’s third silent partner has nearly 20,000 customers in a wide range of industries — autos, aerospace, energy, transportation and many others. Among them are Oracle, Porsche, Medtronic, BMW, Panasonic.

The company is helping its clients pioneer the next wave of revolutionary tech ideas. Weiss Raitings just published a report about this company. It is called “The Silent Partner that Nvidia calls 1 Million Times Better.”

Disruptors and Dominators Review

Together, these little-known businesses are a small portion of Nvidia’s size. However, as their work on AI data centers gains recognition, their stocks may also rise. Furthermore, Weiss Ratings indicates that they are all currently “buys.”

The names and ticker symbols for these stocks together with the reason why it’s best to take a position in them as soon as possible are in just-released report, “3 Under-the-Radar Companies Powering the AI Data Center Explosion.”

Disruptors and Dominators Review

All the facts you need to know on how to take a position are in these reports. You can claim them when you become member of Michael Robinson’s monthly letter, Disruptors and Dominators.

Who Is Michael Robinson?

Michael Robinson is the Director of Tech Investing Strategies at Weiss Ratings. He leads this entire project of Disruptors and Dominators.

Michael is not your average tech analyst. With a track record of being at the forefront of every major emerging technology story of the last decade, from 3D printing to artificial intelligence, he has proven again and again that he is a true expert in his field.

His investigative exposés have been featured in top publications like The Wall Street Journal and the NY Times, and he has even taken on Wall Street corruption on national television.

With unparalleled access to technology-pioneering CEOs, award-winning scientists, and industry insiders, Michael has been able to provide valuable insights and advice to high-tech startups in Silicon Valley and venture capital funds. His ability to consistently deliver investors the chance to benefit from remarkable breakthroughs has led to him beating the stock market by 300 to 500% and providing his readers with countless double- or triple-digit winners. Michael Robinson is a true giant in tech investing.

And right now, he’s all over these next-generation AI data centers.

What Is Disruptors and Dominators?

Disruptors and Dominators, as the name suggests, provides its readers with both sides of the major breakthroughs that are taking place in the world today.

It covers the recently founded and quickly growing businesses that disrupt the world for the better.

Additionally, it covers the well-known businesses that now hold the top spot in their respective industries.

Members of Disruptors and Dominators receive Michael’s tech expertise built by over 40 years in the business. His picks are backed by Weiss Ratings’ algorithms.

Members of Disruptors and Dominators also have access to the Weiss stock ratings on 12,500 stocks, and much more…

Disruptors and Dominators Review: What Is Included with Your Membership?

Here’s everything you’ll receive:

Disruptors and Dominators Review

  • 55% OFF 1 year of Disruptors & Dominators ($109 value). You’ll receive a new issue of Disruptors & Dominators with a fresh recommendation from Michael Robinson every first Friday of the month. You’ll see the top stock market investments that offer the potential for quicker, frequently rapid growth along with the security of long-term, sustainable growth.
  • BONUS Report #1: Nvidia’s Silent Partner with 5.6 billion Users. Over 70 percent of people on the planet use the technology produced by this corporation. That exceeds 5.6 billion individuals. However, a lot of investors have never heard of this company. This soon will change as a result of the collaboration with Nvidia to power the new, massive data centers.
  • BONUS Report #2: Nvidia’s Silent Partner that Conquered the Fortune 500. Large corporations around the world need the products of this company. Currently, this company is the only businesses worldwide capable of provide Nvidia the specialized assistance required to maintain its enormous new AI mega data centers operating.
  • BONUS Report #3: The Silent Partner that Nvidia Calls “1 million Times Better”. This company already has many customers in the auto, aerospace, energy and transportation industries. Now, it is adding partners like Nvidia to pioneer the next wave of revolutionary tech ideas.
  • BONUS Report #4: 3 Under-the-Radar Companies Powering the AI Data Center Explosion. Three additional companies are highlighted in this report because of their crucial role in this upcoming wave of AI data centers. They are worth keeping an eye on. They may also be at the vanguard of the rapidly expanding AI market in 2024 and beyond, as they have positioned themselves as crucial to the large data center buildout.
  • BONUS Report #5: The U.S. Government’s Favorite AI Stock. This year, cybercrime is expected to cost the global economy $9.5 trillion. The U.S. Government is not exempt from these attacks. According to reports, federal agencies lose billions of dollars annually. For this reason, in this report is included a company that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to identify over a million cyberattacks every day.
  • One Year of premium access to our 53,000 Weiss Ratings. This is completely unbiased independent ratings system. Over the past two decades it has provided an average gain of 220%.
  • FREE Weiss Ratings Daily e-letter. You will hear about all the market news through their three-times-a-week e-letter.
  • 24-7 Market Flash Alerts. Any time there are critical time-sensitive opportunities, massive swings in the market or any news, you’ll get that information as soon as possible.
  • Exclusive and confidential online briefings. Occasionally, a story will grow too large to fit in a single email or monthly issue. Rather, they will go on camera, go over everything in depth, and even address any questions you may have.
  • 365-Day Refund Policy. All new subscribers are eligible for a full refund during the first 12 months.

How Much Is Disruptors and Dominators Membership?

Premium membership includes 10 valuable benefits worth $762:

  • One full year (12 monthly issues) of Disruptors & Dominators digital-only edition (usually $109 per year).
  • One full year (12 monthly issues) of Disruptors & Dominators print edition delivered to your home or office (worth $30 extra).
  • BONUS Report #1: Nvidia’s Silent Partner with 5.6 billion Users ($79 value).
  • BONUS Report #2: Nvidia’s Silent Partner that Conquered the Fortune 500 ($79 value).
  • BONUS Report #3: The Silent Partner that Nvidia Calls “1 million Times Better” ($79 value).
  • BONUS Report #4: 3 Under-the-Radar Companies Powering the AI Data Center Explosion ($79 value).
  • BONUS Report #5: The U.S. Government’s Favorite AI Stock ($79 value).
  • EXTRA BONUS: The Private Deal Master Class.
  • One year of premium access to our 53,000 Weiss Ratings ($228 value).
  • One year membership (365 issues) to Weiss Ratings Daily e-letter (priceless).
  • 24-7 Market Flash Alerts.
  • Exclusive Access to Members-Only Online Briefings.
  • Guaranteed Lowest Regular Renewal Rate.

Currently you can subscribe for only $99.

Standard Membership is only $49 and includes 8 valuable benefits (Total value $732):

  • One full year (12 monthly issues) of Disruptors & Dominators digital-only edition (usually $109 per year).
  • BONUS Report #1: Nvidia’s Silent Partner with 5.6 billion Users ($79 value).
  • BONUS Report #2: Nvidia’s Silent Partner that Conquered the Fortune 500($79 value).
  • BONUS Report #3: The Silent Partner that Nvidia Calls “1 million Times Better ($79 value).
  • BONUS Report #4: 3 Under-the-Radar Companies Powering the AI Data Center Explosion ($79 value).
  • BONUS Report #5: The U.S. Government’s Favorite AI Stock ($79 value).
  • One year of premium access to our 53,000 Weiss Ratings ($228 value).
  • One year membership (365 issues) to Weiss Ratings Daily e-letter (priceless).
  • 24-7 Market Flash Alerts.
  • Exclusive Access to Members-Only Online Briefings.
  • Guaranteed Lowest Regular Renewal Rate.

Disruptors and Dominators Review: Is It Worth It?

Weiss Ratings was founded by Martin Weiss 53 years ago. Their goal has always been not just to keep up with Wall Street but also to do even better.

Weiss Ratings is completely independent, objective, and truly unbiased ratings company. Currently they rate about 12,500 stocks. They’ve been doing it for decades. And in the last 20 years, the average gain on their tech stock trades has been 220%, including losers.

This means investors following their ratings could have multiplied their money more than three-fold.

They rate not only stocks, but also ETFs, mutual funds, banks and insurance companies — 53,000 in all.

We really don’t want you to miss this opportunity.

Ready To Try Michael Robinson’s Disruptors and Dominators? Click here for the best price.

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