Matt McCall’s Hollywood Blockbuster Deal Event Details

Matt McCall is hosting an online event called The Hollywood Blockbuster Deal on Tuesday, November 10 at 7 p.m. ET, when he willl  open the door to an entire new world of venture capital-style deals to his readers so anyone can profit from private investing. Matt will outline the easiest way to get started building a private equity portfolio and also deliver at least one new private investment opportunity each quarter.

Matt McCall’s Hollywood Blockbuster Deal Event – Claim Your FREE Spot Here

Matt McCall’s Hollywood Blockbuster Deal – What Is It?

Hollywood investments have produced gains most Wall Street money managers would be jealous of. Gains like 8X, 9X, even 21X. So far Hollywood deals have been mostly off limits for the regular individuals. Now investing legend Matt McCall is about to change everything with his new Hollywood Blockbuster Deal opportunity…

Ever dreamed about being part of a major motion picture deal?

About collecting Hollywood-size residuals and royalties as your movie rakes in hundreds of millions — even billions — of dollars at the box office…

Just like a film financier… or A-list actor?


A major Hollywood Blockbuster Deal is currently in the making…

And thanks to investing legend Matt McCall – now YOU have the chance to make Hollywood history on Tuesday, November 10.

Don’t worry, you don’t have to know how to act or direct — or even visit Hollywood to take part. This is strictly an investment deal.

In Matt’s words: “One of the most attractive he’s uncovered in his two decades in finance.”

But it’s also a limited-time opportunity. The door is closing fast.

So, if you’re interested, we urge you to attend Matt McCall’s Hollywood Blockbuster Deal event on November 10 when he’ll lay out every last detail.

Keep in mind…

This is NOT a stock market investment of any kind.

It has nothing to do with options, bonds, cryptocurrencies, or any other traditional investment either. In fact, what Matt McCall is revealing is not an investment the average Joe normally takes part in.

That’s what makes this situation so remarkable…

Matt has gone to great lengths and gotten readers the important details about a real-life blockbuster deal. What he’s about to reveal is a chance to make Hollywood history…

While earning a huge amount of money in the rapid way that Hollywood is famous for.

Here’s the key takeaway: The business behind this Hollywood blockbuster deal averages a 16X gain on each new venture it launches.

It has created huge moneymaking deals with Hollywood franchises like Lion King… Aladdin… Street Fighter… Mega Man…

And targeted other mega-successful franchises like James Bond, Indiana Jones, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and many more.

Now its newest deal is about to begin. You can make Hollywood history while potentially setting yourself up for the rest of your life. The full details will be revealed on Tuesday, November 10 at 7pm (EST).

Matt McCall’s Hollywood Blockbuster Deal Event – Claim Your FREE Spot Here

Meet Matt McCall

Over the last two decades, whenever a major investment trend was about to break out, Matt McCall was there first.

Matt spoke at cannabis investment conferences before barely anyone was attending them. Although few believed marijuana stocks had real potential, many went to soar 500% in less than two years.

Then Matt went on Fox News in 2014 and warned viewers to buy bitcoin. Bitcoin soared 3,038% since then.

It was the same situation with 5G, genetic testing, artificial intelligence, the future of transportation, and more.

Today, Matt McCall says the #1 high-growth investment opportunity in America isn’t on Wall Street… it’s in Hollywood.

And he says this single blockbuster opportunity has the real potential to deliver 16X gains or more.

Tune in on Tuesday, November 10 at 7pm (EST) for the full details on Matt McCall’s Hollywood Blockbuster Opportunity.

When is The Hollywood Blockbuster Deal Event scheduled to take place?

The Hollywood Blockbuster Deal Event has been scheduled to take place on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, at 7 pm ET. It is important to note here that this event has limited spacing, so the sooner one signs up, the more likely they are guaranteed a seat.

How to sign up for The Hollywood Blockbuster Deal Event?

To get access to Matt McCall’s Hollywood Blockbuster Deal Event, all individuals have to do is enter their respective emails here. Upon entering, those residing in the U.S. (or have a U.S.-based phone number) will also be presented with the chance of becoming VIPs. As a VIP, you’ll receive complimentary text message reminders leading up to the event, to make sure you don’t miss a second of the action on November 10.

Final Word

A powerful new Congressional law has paved the way for one of the biggest business shifts in U.S. history. Finally, everyone can participate in the secret market of lucrative private deals … where tiny startups go from zero to $10 billion in a flash. In this new world, just one private deal can turn $2,000 into millions.

And the best part? You are now a part of that world …

2020 has been a crazy year. When we flipped the calendar 11 months ago, we had no idea the curveballs that were about to be thrown our way.

We didn’t expect to see the fastest stock market drop in history. And we certainly didn’t expect to see the best 50 trading days in history not long after.

Despite all of the craziness, we have weathered the ups and downs quite well. But I can’t say I don’t look forward to a quieter time.

That’s exactly what we’re being offered with this new secret market.

The opportunities being unleashed have massive upside potential … and they are not market dependent.

It doesn’t matter who wins the election.

It doesn’t matter if and when a COVID-19 vaccine is discovered.

It doesn’t matter what the S&P 500 … the Dow … the Nasdaq … or any international market does tomorrow.

This secret market opens up a world that individual investors have never before had access to. And it opens up the opportunity to create massive long-term wealth.

The kind of wealth that means you could go on that vacation you’ve been dreaming of … put your children through college … and possibly even never have to work again.

This isn’t an opportunity you come across every day. This is a once-in-a-lifetime chance to change your life for the better.

In the coming days, Matt McCall will lay out the opportunity ahead of us. He will ll tell you his story with these types of investments. And he will explain recent changes that give everyday investors the chance to become very, very rich.

If you’re interested, please join Matt for a special event he’s hosting called The Hollywood Blockbuster Deal on Tuesday, November 10 at 7 p.m. ET — when Matt will tell you everything you need to know and do to instantly gain access to this secret market.

It’s free to attend. All you have to do is sign up here.

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