Matt McCall’s Cas9 Briefing Details: Biggest Event?

Matt McCall doesn’t consider himself a “tech genius.” And frankly, he hates it when people call him a “prodigy.” But on May 12, after 20 years, he’s decided to publicly reveal how he’s managed to recommend 120 different stocks in his career that have more than doubled… And 22 different stocks that could have each made you 10 times your money or more.




The clock is ticking on the biggest financial event in 20 years.

And if you want to take advantage, you must position yourself now.

Click Here For Details

Matt McCall’s Cas9 Briefing – What Is It?

Matt McCall’s Cas9 urgent new briefing is scheduled to take place on May 12 when Matt McCall will share his newest prediction and an inside look at “Cas9” – medicine’s newest breakthrough – and how Phase 1 trial results could make you 500% this year.


Alex Green just dropped this BOMBSHELL in brand new O’Reilly interview

He makes a BOMBSHELL prediction about how investors will perform through the first half of the Joe Biden Presidency.

O’Reilly was blown away. I have no doubt you will be too.

Click Here For Details

What Is Cas9?

CRISPR-Cas9 is a unique technology that enables geneticists and medical researchers to edit parts of the genome by removing, adding or altering sections of the DNA sequence. It is currently the simplest, most versatile and precise method of genetic manipulation and is therefore causing a buzz in the science world.

How does it work?

The CRISPR-Cas9 system consists of two key molecules that introduce a change (mutation) into the DNA. These are:

  • an enzyme called Cas9. This acts as a pair of ‘molecular scissors’ that can cut the two strands of DNA at a specific location in the genome so that bits of DNA can then be added or removed.
  • a piece of RNA called  guide RNA (gRNA). This consists of a small piece of pre-designed RNA sequence (about 20 bases long) located within a longer RNA scaffold. The scaffold part binds to DNA and the pre-designed sequence ‘guides’ Cas9 to the right part of the genome. This makes sure that the Cas9 enzyme cuts at the right point in the genome.

For more information about Cas9, please visit:


Missed buying bitcoin in 2015? It doesn’t matter…

This is your rare second chance to get in early on world-changing crypto tech – without touching a crypto exchange or “digital wallet.” This potential market is 1,400% bigger than bitcoin, Ethereum, and Ripple. It’s all part of a bigger trend you must understand before it goes mainstream – click here for the full story.

Who is Matt McCall?

Matt McCall first made his name by calling for a massive bull market on Fox Business, back on March 21, 2009… almost the EXACT BOTTOM of the crisis. That same year, he published a book called The Next Great Bull Market… released at the start of the longest-running bull market in history.

His recommendations absolutely soared…

1,912% gains on MercadoLibre… 1,505% gains on NetEase… 1,423% gains on Ford… and dozens more.

Since then, he’s continued nailing the market’s BIGGEST moves and uncovering which stocks have the greatest potential to make you 5 times your money or more.

For example, consider 2020…

In March, the outbreak of COVID-19 took America by surprise… and caused the worst crash since the 2008 crisis.

But Matt was ready.

As far back as December 2019, Matt had already shared his top 10 predictions for 2020. Among them, he announced:

“Prediction #3: There will be at least one correction in the stock market. I look for 2020 to be a year filled with ups and down – just like every year. While I do expect a 20%+ rally at some point, I also believe we are due for a pullback of between 10% and 20%.”

Sure enough, March 2020 saw the worst correction in 12 years.

Many experts predicted a long bear market.

But not Matt.

On March 20th – just THREE DAYS before the market bottomed – Matt issued a huge public announcement:

“This sell-off is generating some of the greatest buying opportunities you may see in your lifetime… The coronavirus is a hit to the economy and stocks, no question about it. The important point is that they both will recover.”

He then published an exact roadmap of what to expect next in 2020…

Phase 1: Stocks pull back.

Phase 2: Stimulus enters the economy.

Phase 3: Stimulus causes massive rally.

Phase 4: Stocks reach new highs.

Sure enough, that’s exactly what happened…

Within 3 days of his announcement, the market bottomed… and the S&P 500 went on to see its greatest 50-day rally in history.

More importantly, Matt immediately shared an entire special model portfolio to play this roadmap… which he called “The Crisis and Opportunity” portfolio. He even aired a free briefing to discuss his recommendations.

Since then – you could have seen gains of 760%… 723%… 434%… 169%… 163%… and 113%… and 98% if you’d put aside your fear and followed him: a 100% success rate while everyone else was panicking.

And now…

On Wednesday, May 12…

Matt is sharing the BIGGEST prediction of his career… and why he believes it could see the biggest investment gain of anything he’s found in 20+ years.


$3 EV Stock Will Dominate 2021.

The International Business Times dubbed this new battery tech “The Tesla Killer.”

$3 Stock Leading the Way – Name and Ticker Here

How to Sign Up for Matt McCall’s Event?

Bookmark this page! We’ll post the link to the live event once it becomes available!

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