Martin Weiss Safe Money Report Review (I Joined!): Collapse of 2023

Weiss Ratings founder Martin Weiss has made a new presentation for Safe Money Report, warning about the expecting Collapse of 2023.

Watch Martin Weiss Collapse of 2023 presentation here

In this article you will read about:

  • Martin Weiss’ six simple steps you can take immediately to stay on the safe side.
  • What assets to buy for immediate protection.
  • Name of the land-mine stocks to dump.
  • Guide to special kinds of trades with consistent track record. Martin Weiss calls them Cash Profit Trades.

Investors who act promptly to implement Martin’s profit strategies could turn this unusual crisis into a great profit opportunity.

Martin Weiss’ Endangered list

Martin has been publishing Endangered Lists where he identifies the companies, ETFs, mutual funds, and banks that were at risk of collapse.

As a result, investors who were paying attention may have been able to profit from the falls while also avoiding suffering significant losses.

Martin and his team do more than merely issue warnings. They also publish Weiss Ratings: On almost every stock, every ETF, every mutual fund, and every bank in America, they provide a letter grade ranging from “A” to “E.”

With their ratings, they name the exact stocks that are likely to fall the most. They name the banks that are most likely to bankrupt.

Their Endangered list today includes:

  • 9,078 common stocks
  • 1,021 ETFs
  • 8,533 mutual funds and
  • 1,634 banks and other financial institutions

Of course, not all companies are in bad financial shape. There are still strong ones that Martin and his team recommend.

Here is a good place to mention that Weiss Ratings do not get paid from companies they rate. Their only source of revenue is the end user of their information – the average people who want to get safe and make some money at the same time.

What is Martin Weiss Collapse of 2023?

Here is how Martin Weiss describes the Collapse of 2023:

The Fed’s interest rate hikes have done nothing to stop the inflation from surging.

Surging inflation, which measured the way it used to be measured years ago, is already well into double digits.

Martin’s prediction is that inflation will surge at least 18%, and the Fed will have to raise interest rates to at least 25%.

How far could the stock market fall? No one can know for sure what the future can bring. But many people do not realize that, once rampant inflation gets underway like these days, the only thing that will stop it is shock therapy. Like collapsing economy and crashing stock prices.

People can avoid losing everything with inexpensive, liquid investments that anyone can buy. You can avoid collapse without going short, without a margin account and without high level of risk.

Martin Weiss Six Steps to avoid Collapse 2023

Here is the list of six steps Martin is recommending protecting yourself from the coming Collapse 2023:

  • Step 1: Avoid the Endangered stocks. If you hold stocks or stocks mutual funds, start selling the ones that are on the Endangered list.

What Martin refers to as the land-mine stocks are some of the most popular brands to sell. We’ll mention here Airbnb, American Airlines, Boeing, Budweiser, Credit Suisse, Dell, DocuSign, Expedia, PayPal, Prudential, Roku, Royal Caribbean, Walt Disney, Twitter, Uber, and United Airlines.

The Weiss Ratings Endangered List

You can find the full list in the FREE special report called The Weiss Ratings Endangered List. In it, you will find the complete list not only of all the most vulnerable stocks, but also ETFs, mutual funds, and banks. Inside are details of why his team believes they are so weak, how and when to sell them and what exactly to do to protect your portfolio.

  • Step 2: Use Weiss Ratings Endangered list to go for large crash profits. This list can make you money from investments designed especially for crash profits. The faster and deeper the market falls, the more profits investors could make.

Martin Weiss and his team identified two kinds of Crash Profit Trades. One is ideal for crash days in the market, and the other one is ideal for bear markets overall.

We would like to warn you that any kind of investing involves risk. Consider investing only money you can afford to risk.

You will use hedge like firewall that you build around your assets. Here how it works: During crisis you have assets that are falling in value. You will need to buy investments that are designed to go up precisely when your other assets are going down.

Crash Profits: How to Hedge and Make Money in Down Markets
You will find the names of these investments and the strategy how to use it in the special bonus report Crash Profits: How to Hedge and Make Money in Down Markets.

  • Step 3: Give your income a nice, big boost. This strategy is real. Mike Larson, their Safe Money Report editor, explains exactly how to do it in his special report called Instant Income Revealed.

Instant Income Revealed

  • Step 4: Own Mankind’s traditional crisis hedge – Gold. In the recent years, since Weiss Ratings began recommending gold bullion coins and bars in their monthly newsletter, gold has risen by 459%. Silver offers even greater profit potential.

The Weiss Guide to Prudent Gold & Silver Investing

You can read all the ins and outs in the third bonus report The Weiss Guide to Prudent Gold & Silver Investing.

  • Step 5: Own the best crisis stocks. Strong stocks are from companies that, despite the shaky times, have abundant capital, little debt, and good earnings. Many of them produce goods that surge the most in times of inflation. Others provide services that almost everyone needs in bad times.

The World’s Leading Resource Companies
Right now, Weiss Ratings’ favorites are in the resource sector. You will find the names in the special report, The World’s Leading Resource Companies.

  • Step 6: Stay up to date with Weiss 56,000 ratings. One of Weiss’ free services they are providing is premium access to their investment and safety ratings.

You can receive all this valuable information if you apply for a one-year subscription to Safe Money Report.

What is included in Safe Money Report subscription?

Here are the 10 wealth-building benefits you will get when you get your premium membership:

  • Benefit #1: One full year of Safe Money Report (value $129) – includes 12 electronic monthly issues with “buy” and “sell” recommendations.
  • Benefit #2: One full year of Safe Money Print Edition (value $39) delivered via first class mail.
  • Benefit #3: The Weiss Ratings Endangered stocks list (value $79) where Safe Money editor Mike Larson gives you a complete list of all the stocks, EFT-s and mutual funds with their lowest ratings.
  • Benefit #4: Instant Income Revealed (value $79) – this is an appropriate solution to overcome the terrible low yields.
  • Benefit #5: The Weiss Guide to Prudent Gold & Silver Investing (value $79) with all ins and outs of precious metals investing.
  • Benefit #6: Crash Profits: How to protect your portfolio in down markets (value $79). In this report you will learn all about crash profits. How to use them to hedge against losses in any stocks, real estate, or other assets.
  • Benefit #7: The World’s leading resource companies (value $79). In this report, you will find the names of the five best in the world.
  • Benefit #8: One year membership to Weiss Ratings daily e-letter (priceless) with analysis of the latest news. It includes access to timely video interviews with the Weiss experts and in-depth webinars.
  • Benefit #9: Premium access to 56,000 Weiss Ratings (value $228) updated daily and Weiss Safety Ratings updated quarterly. You get upgrade and downgrade alerts to your inbox on your choice of any of the 56,000 companies or investments. You also get power tools to create your own buy/sell lists and watch lists.
  • Extra Benefit #1: Guaranteed lowest renewal rate
  • Extra Benefit #2: 100% money back guarantee at any time in your first year.

You get a total value of $782 for only $68.

To learn more about Safe Money Report, to read their reviews or to subscribe, visit their website here.

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