Market Leaders Review – Is Michael Carr Black Ops Trading Strategy Legit?

Looking for more information about Mike Carr’s Market Leaders research? I’ve put an honest Market Leaders Review, containing everything that we know so far about Michael Carr’s Black Ops Trading Strategy.

Huge Recession Loophole! (See These Charts)

What Is Michael Carr Black Ops Trading Strategy?

Mike Carr is out with a new presentation: “America’s Favorite Investment Is Robbing You Blind”, where he reveals how to boost your low-yielding 401(k) with the power of a Wall Street level hedge fund, overnight.

It will cost you less than 1% of the price of investing in one of these closed-door firms. And it will be significantly less risky than investing in individual stocks, too.

He personally used this strategy when he managed money professionally.

In two years, it helped him and his staff grow their money from $80 million under management to over $200 million. That’s the equivalent of $164,000 per day.

But you don’t need $80 million … or even $100,000 to get started.

You can invest a single dollar if you like. You can invest $20,000. However much you choose to invest, is up to you.

But once you see how it works, you’re probably never going to want to invest in stocks “the old way,” ever again. The old way involves hours of painstaking research, speculating on what “might” be the leading stocks in the market.

Michael Carr’s Black Ops Trading Strategy takes him 10 minutes per month and he doesn’t need to research the markets at all.

So what is it?

You see, back when Mike Carr started managing money, a new type of investment was beginning to emerge that was rapidly taking the financial industry by storm.

In one fell swoop, it solved the greatest problem in America’s most popular investment at the time — while providing investors with more freedom and flexibility for the types of industries they wanted to invest in.

So, while most money managers were investing their clients’ money in mutual funds … Mike started purchasing these investments almost exclusively.

You might remember how mutual funds were all the rage in the ‘80s and ‘90s, because they offered an easy way for the little guy to invest in stocks without having to do a bunch of research. In fact, 45% of Americans still invest in them to this day.

And it makes me absolutely sick.

Because mutual funds are terrible investments. They underperform the market. They’re expensive. They have hidden fees that you pay every year without knowing…

And yet, just as many Americans still use them today as they did 20 years ago.

That’s why Mike Carr first took up this fight more than a decade ago.

When he took up the helm as a registered investment advisor, Mike turned to an investment that completely solves all these problems and more. This is why investors were happy to invest a minimum of six figures with Mike Carr and why he was able to nearly triple their assets under management in record time.


REVEALED: New Political Scandal Could Threaten Your Retirement

NOMI PRINS Distortion Money Matrix

Former Wall Street insider and PhD economist Nomi Prins is not afraid of controversy. As a member of the advisory board of the whistle-blowing organization ExposeFacts, she’ll do whatever it takes to get to the truth.

She even filed a couple of Freedom of Information Act requests when she was investigating ties between the Clinton family and Wall Street. And now she’s exposing a NEW scandal that could put your retirement at risk.

Click here to see the details and prepare now.

So what is it that’s so incredible about these Black Ops investments?

First, you can buy them in a standard brokerage account for as much or as little as you like. There are no minimum investment requirements. And you don’t have to ask someone permission to cash out your money. You can do it whenever you like … because you’re in charge.

Second, these Black Ops trades aren’t just 4X safer and as much as 3X more profitable. They also have 3X lower FEES. That means YOU keep more of the profits YOU make.

And I’m just talking about the advertised fees. These investments have none of the hidden fees associated with mutual funds.

These funds are also less actively managed. That may not sound like a good thing … but a shocking amount of evidence proves most active fund managers don’t know what they’re doing.

Taxes are one of the “hidden fees” investors pay in mutual funds every year … whether they cash out or not.

But perhaps Mike Carr’s favorite part about Black Ops investments is they boast enormous tax benefits.

With Black Ops trades, you only pay taxes when you go to sell … like every investment should be.

And that’s only if you buy them in a standard brokerage account.

If you invest through a 401(k), IRA or any standard retirement plan, your money is tax-deferred. That means it can compound over time, saving you tens if not hundreds of thousands in fees over the course of your life.

So, what are these incredible Black Ops investments all about?

…And that with Mike Carr’s strategy, can be used to target up to 3X better returns with 4X less risk?

It’s none other than the $10 trillion exchange-traded fund, or ETF, market.

All these reasons are why ETFs, previously a tiny corner of Wall Street, have gone from a trickle to supernova in the past decade.

The explosion in ETFs is unlike anything we’ve ever seen. Today, it’s estimated that 11.7 million Americans are invested in one or more ETFs. And it’s growing rapidly.

Incredibly, this market has been adding $1 trillion or more every year for the last three years. That’s a million million.

What’s so special about Mike Carr’s proprietary Black Ops strategy … what makes it unique from everything else out there … and what is prompting him to apply for a patent…

Is that a top-secret formula lets him rate — from top to bottom — what the top-performing ETFs are each and every month

Now, as you know … nothing in the market is guaranteed and you should never invest more than you can afford to lose. There is always risk in trading. Mike Carr’s Black Ops trading strategy is no different.

But his historical analysis proves that Mike’s proprietary Black Ops code is able to find winner after winner through “buying high and selling higher.” And also avoid the cataclysmic downturns that have plagued investors for decades.

That’s why Michael Carr just created his first investing research service designed for the general public.

It’s called Market Leaders.


The One Ticker Retirement Plan

Over the Shoulder Demo Now Available

Larry Benedict's One Ticker Trader Review

Market Wizard Larry Benedict crushed the market in 2022.

But he hasn’t done it with a “traditional” method…

For a limited time, he’s sharing a free over-the-shoulder “demo” of his strategy in action.

It takes less than 10 seconds…

Watch it here.

What Is Mike Carr’s Market Leaders research?

This revolutionary and exciting research service is unlike any other. Through it, you will be given all the tools you need to target better returns with less risk in your brokerage account, IRA or 401(k).

And you can do it without years of training or spending hours in front of your computer on a daily basis.

In it, Mike Carr will tell you exactly which ETFs to buy every month … exactly which ones to sell … as well as a high-powered options play on the No. 1-ranked ETF every month.

You can implement all of this — straight from your own trading or retirement account — with about 10 minutes’ worth of “work each month.”

Simply put, if you’re a serious person who wants the secret key to beating the market by up to TRIPLE, while slashing your exposure with each trade you make by up to 4X, then joining Mike on this journey could be the best decision you ever make.

All you have to do is follow along. And while Mike Carr will be picking the best trades for you, let me quickly explain how his selection criteria works.

The rule to picking the top-performing trades is simple. You buy the funds that score highest on relative strength and a few other proprietary metrics.

This is one of Mike’s strongest momentum indicators. Because it does more than just confirm a Black Ops trade is rising fast … it also shows him the momentum is getting stronger and the trade is about to hit warp speed.

Meaning NOW is the time to get positioned … because substantial gains are expected — starting right away.

Mike Carr’s Black Ops formula sorts the entire market from best to worst, so you have the opportunity to capture the biggest gains out there.

He starts with the universe of more than 7,500 ETFs available to the American investor…

Then he strips that down to the top 100 based on his proprietary metrics…

Pare that down to 25 with the best relative strength scores…

And finally end up with Mike’s top 10 Black Ops trades for a given month.

That means only one-tenth of one percent of all ETFs make the cut. If Mike’s Black Ops code says it doesn’t belong, he has no qualms about cutting it.

Now, while holding 10 positions every month might seem like a lot, remember…

Once an object stays in motion, it tends to remain there. Some of Mike’s holdings could stay in the portfolio six months or longer. So each month, you may only need to swap out a couple of holdings.

Don’t worry — as world events change and the economic landscape changes, so does Michael Carr’s top 10 list. As a member of Market Leaders, you’ll always know the best opportunities to be invested in. And if you want to shoot for maximum gains, Mike will tell you his No. 1 options trade on the No. 1 ETF to own that month.

That’s it. That’s the strategy. It’s simple but extremely effective.


The 44-Day Retirement Accelerator

Jeff Clark’s 44-Day Retirement Accelerator

Thanks to federal law 73-291, this strange market anomaly will give you a chance to double your money over and over again, sometimes in a matter of hours… even if stocks are crashing…

Click Here For Details

Who Is Michael Carr?

A veteran of the U.S. Air Force, Michael Carr started his career at the Pentagon, where he was instrumental in installing an early version of the modern-day internet. He was later moved to a bunker in Iceland, where he deployed state-of-the-art radar systems to track Soviet aircraft near the end of the Cold War. He went on to fulfill many other high-profile missions in our nation’s military, including coding nuclear missile launches. Mike described this experience as “a field where there is no room for error.” It is this philosophy that drives Mike’s dedication to precise investment strategies.

Mike contributes to True Options Masters every Tuesday and Friday, where he simplifies high-level technical analysis and shares a macro perspective on market events. He is also a contributor to the Journal of Technical Analysis, MoneyShow, SFO Magazine, and Futures Magazine. He is the author of two books: Smarter Investing in Any Economy: The Definitive Guide to Relative Strength Investing (2008) and Conquering the Divide: How to Use Economic Indicators to Catch Stock Market Trends (2010). He also teaches the Fundamentals of Technical Analysis and Quantitative Technical Analysis courses at the New York Institute of Finance — a.k.a., “where Wall Street goes to school.”

He currently offers three service. Precision Profits uses Mike’s proprietary Greed Gauge indicator to measure the level of investor greed and fear inside every stock in the S&P 500, signaling exactly when to buy and sell with pinpoint precision. One Trade targets 100+% gains on a single ticker, week after week. And Market Leaders gives subscribers access to the professional money management strategy Mike used back in 2010 — that’s proving to be just as profitable today.

What’s Included with Your Market Leaders Subscription?

In 2009, after the financial crisis of 2008, Mike Carr realized there was something missing from the financial landscape.
People needed an opportunity that allowed them to chase big returns while also avoiding the devastating losses that can destroy their retirement.

That’s why he decided to create one of the first-of-its-kind investment funds  designed to give people the chance to capture better returns with less risk.

They achieved that. But there was a problem.

Mike didn’t like charging high fees. And he didn’t particularly enjoy managing people’s money either.
Reason being, it had more to do with recruiting new clients, and a lot less to do with actual managing.

That’s why Mike Carr spent the last decade empowering people to take control of their financial lives through their own accounts.

Market Leaders Pricing

It’s why he also decided to make his Black Ops strategy available to the public for the equivalent of a dollar per week.

This is the same strategy he used when he managed money.

To invest with Mike Carr at the fund, you had to invest a minimum of six figures.

At a 2% fee, that meant your cost was at least $2,000.

Today, Mike Carr is cutting the cost by 90%.

A one-year subscription to MARKETLEADERS, which includes Mike Carr’s patent-pending Black Ops strategy, is only $199.

However, because this is the first time he’s making MARKETLEADERS available to the public, Mike is opening up some charter memberships at a greatly reduced rate.

The discounted price on these charter memberships is just $47.

That’s 76% off the normal price.
And it’s 97% less than the minimum investors used to pay when Mike Carr managed money.

Plus, it’s so simple to use.


Huge Recession Loophole (See These Charts)

Amid today’s market turmoil, THIS is one of the biggest and most bullish opportunities today: a red-hot sector with almost unlimited pricing power and a history of outperforming in recessions. It’s also the sector where our good friend Dr. David Eifrig spent half his professional life – meaning he’s extremely qualified to spot world-class opportunities today.

Take a look at the evidence here.

What’s Included?

Every month, Mike Carr will tell you the top areas of the market to be invested in. This way, you can always have your money invested in the top-performing sectors.

Over the last three years of backtested data, this strategy would have been able to capture all these wins and more. And the longest trade lasted just six months:

  • XLK +59.23%
  • XLY +59.08%
  • SOXX +54.80%
  • IVW +53.15%
  • XBI +49.68%
  • XRT +44.79%
  • IJK +43.49%
  • IJT +38.89%
  • IBB +29.23%
  • XLV +26.44%

Access to this strategy alone is well worth the low cost of subscription.

But Mike Carr won’t stop there.

He’s including several elite bonuses to make your decision to join MARKETLEADERS the easiest choice you’ve ever made.

You see, over the last few years, several market forces have convened to give retail investors the greatest trading opportunity of their lives.

With zero cost commissions … high frequency trading firms that can fill anyone’s order in a fraction of a second … and the introduction of tens of millions of new traders giving us endless liquidity…

Now, everyday investors can use options — Mike’s favorite investment — to boost their returns even more.

And that brings me to your first bonus.

Mike Carr is including a Black Ops Options Play on the #1 sector of the market, every month.

Based on the last three years of price data, these trades have the potential to soar as high as 260% in a month … even 437% or 471% in two months.

As for your second bonus…

When Mike managed money, he needed a soldier. Someone who could help him deploy the hundreds of millions of dollars they received into the best investments in the market.

That’s why Mke Carr recruited Amber Hestla. She had a background in military intelligence that made her well-suited to the sort of algorithmic-based trading he has been doing for 30 years.

Amber specializes in advanced options strategies focusing on income. In 2015, she won the Market Technician Association’s prestigious Dow Award.

Now, Mike Carr is teaming up with Amber again. Every week, Amber will be sending you a special type of options trade that she calls “Safety Cash.” All the details are inside your special report, SAFETY CA$H: How to Collect Steady, Low-Risk Income in Any Market Environment.

Amber tested these trades out before she included them.

As I write this, her first three trades have delivered perfect scores, delivering income of 8% in three days, 9% in two days, and 13% in one day. It’s hard to find income investments that pay you that in a year.

With Amber’s help, you could do it every week.

All told, your risk-free subscription to MARKET LEADERS includes no shortage of trading ideas for you to use:

  1. Mike Carr’s low-risk Black Ops ETF trades on the top sectors of the market, updated every month.
  2. A NEW Black Ops options trade on the #1 sector in the world, every month.
  3. NEW “Safety Cash” trades you can potentially rely on for consistent income, every week.

To help you get the most out of MARKET LEADERS, Mike Carr is also including a copy of his  Options 101 Guide. This concise overview tells you everything you need to know to start trading options immediately.

That’s not all. Mike is lso including his new, comprehensive video course, the Options Master Class. This is based on the course he teach at the New York Institute of Finance, where people fly in from all over the world and pay $1,689 to attend.

Add in the numerous special bonus reports Mike Carr is including for free with your subscription…

And the total value of MARKETLEADERS balloons to $2,085.

For a limited time, you can access all of this for just $47.


Have you seen Teeka’s new warning? It’s a shocker…

Teeka Tiwari Cypro Panic

The man who’s been recommending cryptos since 2016, is now saying we should all prepare for a historic crypto panic.

If you have any money in cryptos or you’re thinking about getting started…

Click here now and prepare for the coming panic.

Market Leaders Refund Policy

As you can see, MARKET LEADERS is packed with everything you need to start immediately investing like a tried-and-true Wall Street professional.

But Mike doesn’t want anything holding you back.

That’s why he’s including a 365-DAY PROMISE to you and anyone else who joins today.

If you aren’t satisfied with MARKET LEADERS at any time in the next 365 days, you can cancel for a full refund on your subscription fee.

That’s a 100% satisfaction guarantee.

Bottom Line: Should You Join Mike Carr’s Market Leaders?

You have nothing to lose and so much to gain by taking advantage of this offer today.

Bear in mind, Mike can’t guarantee this 76% discount for long. Since your subscription is protected by Mike Carr’s100% satisfaction guarantee, go ahead and take advantage of this special offer to join MARKET LEADERS now!

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