Luke Lango Tiny Synthetic Biology Stock Revealed

The Investor Place has launched a new marketing campaign for Luke Lango’s Innovation Investor newsletter featuring one tiny synthetic biology stock that could be the next Microsoft: The Software Firm Powering the $80 Trillion DNA Revolution.

Here, I’ll give you a summary of Luke Lango’s Synthetic Biology presentation and explain what is all about….

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Luke Lango’s Next Microsoft: The Software Firm Powering the $80 Trillion DNA Revolution

If your goal is creating wealth – the best way to do that in the stock market is to buy the “next big thing” before it goes mainstream. And according to Luke Lango – synthetic biology might just be the next big thing.

Specifically, Luke identified one tiny, $3 stock that he thinks could be the next Microsoft. It’s an early stage company that was founded by some of the smartest people on the planet. And its ground-breaking technology could fundamentally reshape society over the next few years.

It may be the most promising tech startup in the world today. And, yet, virtually no one is talking about this stock.

Luke Lango claims that the opportunity here is both enormous and urgent.

Today, we’re on the cusp of another technological revolution that could be as big as the computing revolution – if not bigger.


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The senior analyst behind 24 different triple-digit winning recommendations (as high as 849%) calls this the single best “buy” opportunity of his lifetime. It could triple quickly… and return 1,500% or more long term. And it’s the cornerstone of his dead-simple strategy for BEATING today’s sky-high inflation.

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What Is The Synthetic Biology?

Luke Lango says that in many ways, this new technological revolution is similar to the Computing Revolution 2.0. That’s because it’s basically the computing revolution of the past 40 years but applied to living things as opposed to computers.

He’s talking about rewriting the code of life through an emerging technology field called synthetic biology. That’s a much bigger undertaking than rewriting the code of machines.

It sounds crazy. But scientifically speaking, it’s entirely plausible. More than that, it is happening right now.

Structurally speaking, a biological cell is just like a computer. It’s a very powerful machine that runs on “code.” The only difference is that the code of a computer is in ones and zeros. The “code” of a bio cell is in Gs, Cs, As and Ts – or the four nucleobases in the nucleic acid of DNA.

So, in theory, we can manipulate the code of life by changing the order of those Gs, Cs, As and Ts – just like we can manipulate digital code by changing the order of ones and zeros.

Indeed, we can “code” living things in much the same way we “code” inanimate objects like phones, computers and cars.

That’s what synthetic biology is all about: Programming cells like we program computers by changing the DNA code inside of them.

Synthetic Biology’s World-Changing Potential

The emerging field of synthetic biology has world-changing potential.

Over the past 50 years, we figured out how to manipulate the code of inanimate objects. Look how much that changed the world. Now we’re figuring out how to manipulate the code of life.

Think about that. If you thought the computing revolution changed the world, you haven’t seen anything yet…

In practice, synthetic biology means we can manipulate the code of crops to be pest-resistant or the code of plants to be weather-tolerant. We can manipulate the code of cancer patients to get rid of the cancer. We can manipulate the code of yeast to produce better-tasting beer.

Indeed, synthetic biology may be the solution to the myriad of problems the world is facing today!

Take, for example, soaring gas prices. They are a byproduct of American and European reliance on Russian oil. Such a dependence could be solved with synthetic biology. By employing advanced synthetic biology techniques to manipulate the code of oil and natural gas in the U.S., we could make it far more effective and plentiful. And with these next-gen fossil fuels, we could eliminate our reliance on foreign oil and gas.

Or how about those soaring grocery prices? That, too, is a byproduct of American and European reliance on Russian wheat. Again, synthetic biology could solve that reliance. We could employ advanced synbio techniques to improve domestic wheat yields and boost domestic production. Then we’d make enough wheat stateside to end the need for imported Russian wheat. Problem solved!

The list goes on and on. Not only can — and will — synthetic biology change the world, but it has the potential to solve most current problems!


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Why Is Synthetic Biology Taking Off Now?

The universe of synthetic biology is magnitudes more infinite and complex than that of classical computing. So, while we’ve made huge advancements in programming computers over the past 40 years, we’ve made little progress programming bio cells.

Until now.

Recent advancements in AI have sped up the DNA sequencing process. And innovations in classical computing technologies have improved the accuracy of DNA synthesis and printing. This combination has enabled synthetic biology to work in the real world for the first time ever.

Right now, as you read this, food companies are leveraging synthetic biology to create pest-resistant crops. Beer companies are using synthetic biology to create higher-yielding yeast. And biotech companies are using synthetic biology to make new vaccines and medicines.

So begins the Synthetic Biology Revolution, also known as the biggest technological paradigm shift since the advent of the computer.

How To Invest in Luke Lango’s Tiny Synthetic Biology Stock?

The opportunity in this emerging industry is both enormous and urgent. And at the dead-center of this fast-moving, multi-trillion-dollar technological revolution is one tiny $3 stock with infinite potential.

It’s a company that was founded by the most pioneering experts in this field. And it’s backed by some of the biggest and most successful venture capital firms of all time.

The company has developed unique and groundbreaking technology that deals directly with the AI mechanisms that power this entire revolution.

This tech, frankly, is unrivaled. And the company is actively using it to change the world via many partnerships with big food and pharma companies.

This company, folks, is the “next big thing.” It is the Microsoft of the Synthetic Biology Revolution.

And just as a mere $10,000 investment in Microsoft in its early days would be worth millions of dollars today, Luke Lango believes that a $10,000 investment in this stock today could be worth millions in the future.

You can find out more about this potentially life-changing stock  and the world-changing technological revolution that it’s pioneering in LukeLango’s latest research titled “The Next Microsoft: The Software Firm Powering the $80 Trillion DNA Revolution.”

In this report, Luke details the company, its symbol, and his target buy price.

In order to get this report for FREE, you must subscribe to Luke Lango’s Innovation Investor newsletter.

What Is The Innovation Investor?

The Innovation Investor is Luke Lango’s premier newsletter where Luke uncovers ground-floor opportunities in explosive new megatrends, including blockchain, autonomous vehicles, and even supercomputing.

It’s your chance to get an inside look at tomorrow’s cutting-edge opportunities today.


Is This THE END of the Technology Bull Market?

Stocks are bouncing back after a rough week in the markets. But with inflation at 40-year highs and geopolitical shock escalating, chief technology analyst Matt McCall weighs in and shares his No. 1 recommendation for your money today.

Full story here.

Who Is Luke Lango?

Luke Lango has correctly predicted many of the biggest technological trends of the past decade. He’s the 25-year-old stock-picking genius who forecasted the rise of Shopify, AMD and Square before they were household names.

He forecasted the rise of mobile payments and predicted the growth of companies like Square and PayPal. His recommendations soared as high as 1,412% and 454%.

He recommended online digital education startup Chegg when it was trading for $4.34 before it soared as high as $113. His readers saw gains of up to 2,503%.

In 2017, Luke announced one of his major predictions: The coming EV boom.

His recommendation of electric vehicle maker NIO soared as high as 3,131%. In the past few years, Luke Lango has spotted 14 stocks that have soared as high as 1,000% or more in value, including EMD, Workhorse, Plug Power and many more.

Because of his predictions Luke Lango was named a #1 stock picker in 2020 by TipRanks.

Luke Lango TipRanks

What Do You Get For Your Money?

Here’s everything you will receive

Exclusive report: The Next Microsoft: The Software Company Powering the $80 Trillion DNA Revolution

Luke Lango The Next Microsoft

Inside, you’ll find all the details on the software business that will dominate as DNA sequencing technologies hit the mainstream in the months to come.

BONUS Report #1: The Next DNA Sequencing Giant

Luke Lango The Next DNA Sequencing Giant

I’m convinced this company’s patented technology will revolutionize the industry – and put you in front of my #1 pure play for the $80 trillion megatrend happening right now.

BONUS Report #2: 3 World-Changing AI Stocks to Buy NOW

Luke Lango World Changing AI Stocks

12-month risk-free subscription to Innovation Investor

Access to my daily notes, market updates, recommendations, and special research reports for a whole year. Get in on the most transformative technology investment opportunities and be there FIRST!

Innovation Investor Daily Notes

This is my daily breakdown of stock market action and updates to our model portfolio. I pack these daily notes with real insights – no B.S.! To my knowledge, there is not another newsletter research service that delivers daily value like we do.

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Innovation Investor Subscription Fee

You’ll have full access to everything included here for only $79 per year.

Luke Lango Innvovation Investor Review

Innovation Investor Refund Policy

Luke Lango’s Innovation Investor subscription is 100% risk-free for the next 365 days with his unique performance agreement. If subscribers don’t see at least five opportunities to double their money over the next year with the stock recommendations in his model portfolio – they will get back every penny of their membership.

Bottom Line: Should You Join?

Because DNA sequencing technologies are reaching the Sudden Phase as we speak…

We are witnessing an $80 trillion multidecade megatrend unfold right before our eyes.

Just like when PCs and the internet hit the Sudden Phase in the ’90s decade, the gains came fast and furious.

And folks who followed Luke Lango’s stock picks at this critical time had a chance at incredible stock gains…

  • Microsoft – 83,000%
  • Intel – 12,000%
  • Apple – 49,000%
  • Bookings Holdings – 9,300%
  • Netflix – 50,000%
  • Amazon – 19,400%

And today, it’s happening again.

But Luke believes these gains are NOTHING compared to what’s coming. Because DNA sequencing is set to grow 6,566% in the next 4 years alone. It’s clearly hitting the Sudden Phase right now…

This is one of those rare opportunities we only see once in a decade or less.

That’s why he put together a special dossier on the one company at the dead center of it all.

It’s titled: The Next Microsoft: The Software Company Powering the $80 Trillion DNA Revolution.

According to Luke Lango’s research, this company is positioned to ride the DNA sequencing Sudden Phase of growth to the very top.

That’s why it’s critical you act now…

Click Here To Try Luke Lango’s Innovation Investor newsletter

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