Louis Navellier’s Big Bet Summit Review

On January 11, Louis Navellier’s putting on a Special Summit called his Big Bet – in which he’ll reveal the next big megatrend and tell you how to get two FREE stock picks that are part of it.

Louis Navellier’s Big Bet Event – Watch The Replay Here

What Top Investors Do Differently Than The 99%?

When it comes to investing, many folks are highly focused on diversification…

But top investors know that while diversification can be good in some instances, it’s not the end all be all…

In fact, they know that more often than not… concentrating a portion of your wealth — and not diversifying — can be the ticket to great gains.

I know this runs counter to what you’re used to hearing from mainstream financial advice.

But when you study American history, you see that most rich, self-made billionaires made their money by going all in on one business… on one huge revolution.

Think Bill Gates… Jeff Bezos… John Rockefeller.

These folks and many others got truly rich by spotting one GIANT opportunity and betting BIG on it… not by diversifying.

So, what revolution, what market sector, should you be “betting” big on today?

Louis Navellier’s Big Bet Summit – What Is It?

Legendary investor Louis Navellier may have that answer.

His high-speed computer systems recently went “haywire” after they spotted a major move developing in the markets…

And as Louis dug deeper, he saw that they were pointing to a once-in-a-generation wealth opportunity that’s beginning to develop… a sector that’s poised to get red hot and usher in trillions in new wealth…

And Louis wants to tell you all about it… and the best way to play it.

To do so, on Tuesday, January 11 at 4 p.m. ET, Louis’ putting on a special event called Louis Navellier’s Big Bet.

Is It Free To Attend Louis Navellier’s Big Bet Summit?

The event is free to attend, but you have to register in advance.

During the event, Louis will tell you how to get not one but two FREE stock picks — ticker symbol and all — that are part of his Big Bet sector.

But both of these stock recommendations are only available for folks who attend the event.

After midnight on January 11, Louis will be removing one of the stock picks from his FREE recommendations… and you will only be able to access one of his stock picks for FREE.

So, be sure to watch the event on Tuesday, January 11 at 4 p.m. ET so you can receive both of Louis’ free stock recommendations.

Trust me, you don’t want to miss this.

To sign up for the event, simply click here.

Who Is Louis Navellier?

Dubbed the “King of Quants” by Forbes magazine, Louis Navellier has been analyzing the stock market using computer-based systems since the 1970s.

He got his start in college after writing an algorithm that went on to beat the S&P over one period by a factor of nearly 3-to-1…

And hasn’t looked back since.

Using quant-based systems he personally derived, he found many of today’s household-name companies when they were trading for peanuts…

Like Home Depot when it was trading for 73 cents per share…Microsoft at 38 cents…Nike at 33 cents…and Intel when it was just above $3.

As well as many 100%, 300%, 500%… even a few 1,000% winners over his career.

Because of this incredible success — Louis has earned the reputation for being one of the best individual stock pickers of our time…

But what’s been often overlooked by the media and his readers is Louis’ aptitude for finding the next big megatrend long before the mainstream.

He foresaw the rise of the PCs, the internet, and smartphones well before they changed how we communicated, shopped, worked, and traveled… and before they ushered trillions of new wealth into our economy.

And, just recently Louis’ high-speed stock computer system went “haywire” pointing him to the next world-changing market sector…

What he’s calling his Big Bet.

Click Here To Learn More About Louis Navellier’s Big Bet Summit

What Is Louis Navellier’s “Big Bet” Sector?

You see, Louis Navellier’s computer programs are operating at the speed of light. They’re crunching millions of data points on thousands of stocks every day. In this way, his systems constantly have “feelers” out there that are highly tuned to what’s going on in the financial world.

This gives Louis the rare ability to pick up on an industry’s increasing business and revenue before the financial media does, and way before stock prices do.

Well, according to Louis Navellier, the numbers are flashing again in a technology sector that will act as a springboard for exciting breakthrough innovations — and rising share prices for a select group of stocks. He will explain it all on Tuesday, January 11, at 4 p.m. ET, at his  Big Bet Summit.

Louis Navellier will share all the details on how his system works… and the sector that system has identified with huge growth (and profit) potential.

If you haven’t already, I encourage you to set aside time now to join Louis Navellier next week.

Louis Navellier’s Big Bet Event – Watch The Replay Here

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