Lou Basenese’s Top 1% Club Review: Founders Fund Portfolio

Looking for more information about Lou Basenese’s Top 1% Club? I’ve researched it to find out more and put together an honest Lou Basenese’s Top 1% Club Review, containing everything you need to know about Lou Basenese’s Founders Fund Portfolio and how to get access to Lou Basenese’s Top 1% Club Service.

Buy This One Stock Before The End Of The Year

Lou Basenese’s Founders Fund Portfolio – What Is It?

This service is designed to do THREE things:

  1. Give you the opportunity to “look over Lou Basenese’s shoulder” to see how he allocates funds towards a full portfolio of his top stock picks — the same exact picks he and his partners are investing their personal Founders Fund money into.
  2. Give you the chance to legally “front-run” the stocks in this fund, 48 hours before Lou Basenese and his partners invest in them.
  3. Give you the chance to get out of these trades, and cash in on any potential profits, 24 hours before Lou Basenese and his partners cash out.

With every Founders Fund pick, Lou will be using the same research, tools, and systems he used to generate closed-winners which averaged 112% in March and April 2020.

Just as he does with every trade Lou recommends in his newsletters, he will:

» Scour thousands of stocks.

» Get on the phone with the management teams of these companies.

» Attend key industry conferences.

» And leverage his vast network of contacts.

In short, Lou Basenese will leave no stone unturned.


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Could this be Elon Musk’s biggest breakthrough yet?

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Lou Basenese’s Founders Fund Portfolio – How It Works?

Every time Lou Basenese adds a new stock or make any trade in his Founders Fund, he will give you a heads up by email, and he will host a LIVE Zoom call for you.

Lou Basenese would like to give you ALL the details about EVERY trade he will be making in his Founders Fund 48 hours before he makes the trades!

Said a different way…

He will provide you the chance to legally “front-run” all the trades he makes, by giving you all his research about them before he makes a move.

The first time this will happen is on Monday, January 18th at 10 a.m. EST.

That’s when Lou Basenese is hosting a live Zoom call…

And during this live Zoom, he will reveal the exact details of the very first trades he will be making on behalf of his Founders Fund.

On this call, Lou Basenese will explain everything about one tiny stock — and he will explain it two days before he makes his big move into it with Founders Fund capital.

Lou Basenese will tell you the stock’s NAME and TICKER…

He will provide you with ALL HIS RESEARCH on the idea…

And furthermore, Lou will reveal exactly HOW MUCH the fund will be allocating to this trade.

Best of all…

Lou Basenese won’t just be making that single trade that day, either…

In fact, on this exact day in January, he will be making a whole series of strategic moves with his money.

More about these specific trades in just a moment…

But remember this…

You’ll get all this info on the LIVE Zoom…

And you’ll have 48 hours to “front run” Lou Basenese’s trades, before he starts buying!


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When Is The First Lou Basenese’s Founders Fund Portfolio Trade?

It all begins on Monday, January 18th at 10 a.m. EST, when Lou Basenese is hosting a special Zoom call for all new subscribers of his  Founders Fund Portfolio…

On this call, he will give you the scoop on the very first Founders Fund investments…

For example…

The first trade Lou Basenese will be making involves a tiny $9.50 per share company that could become one of the hottest biotech stocks of 2021!

This company operates in the regenerative medicine sector…

As you may know, regenerative medicine has become one of the hottest trends in biotech recently.

In fact, just a few months ago, a similar company with a regenerative breakthrough soared 1,000%+ in just over two weeks!

Could this new pick of ours return 10 times our money?

Lou Basenese absolutely believes it could — which is why he will be making it “trade #1” in his Founders Fund.

And get this… at the moment, there are NO Wall Street analysts covering this company, which will give him and you a massive edge…

Because as soon as word gets out about this company’s massive breakthrough, Wall Street could be falling over itself to…


That’s why Lou Basenese‘s plans are to positione his money early. And now you can, too…

You’ll learn the name, ticker, and full details about this trade during Lou Basenese‘s ZOOM call on January 18th at 10am.

And there’s more, too…

The second trade he’s targeting is a tiny $100 million biotech company that just went public a few months ago…

Like Lou Basenese‘s first trade, you can get into this one for about $10 per share.

And at the moment, this stock is flying completely under Wall Street’s radar…

But Lou predicts Wall Street’s ignorance won’t last much longer.

You see, this company is developing a Covid-19 therapy in conjunction with the Department of Defense.

And the Department of Defense has already gone on the record to say:

As such, this represents what Lou Basenese calls a “pandemic-proof investment.”

And in January, Lou Basenese will be putting his money into this one, too.

Lou Basenese will share the name, ticker, and full allocation he recommends during his private Zoom call on January 18th at 10am, Eastern.


“In Chaos, Comes Opportunity”


Bill O’Reilly is hosting a free summit about what to do with YOUR MONEY during this crisis.

As he says, “In chaos, comes opportunity.”

Get the full scoop here

How To Get Access To Lou Basenese’s Founders Fund Portfolio?

Lou Basenese’s partners and he discussed what the price should be to get access to their  Founders Fund Portfolio service.

Certainly, the price of admission for this kind of knowledge shouldn’t be cheap.

After all, they are setting aside up to $1 million of their personal capital for this project over the coming years.

They discussed a wide range of different prices, including $15,000 a year.

But finally, we reached a conclusion:

This service is too valuable to sell – at any price.

What I mean is, getting access to:

A completely allocated portfolio…

Backed by up to $1 million in real money over the next few years…

With a 48-hour window to “front-run” their fund’s buys, and a 24-hour window to “front-run” their fund’s sells…

This opportunity is simply too valuable to provide to the average investor.

That’s why Lou Basenese decision is to provide this service only to his  top readers.

In other words, a small group of readers who can prove they’re serious about their future, and not just looking for the next “get rich quick” thing.

A group that understands risk, and that’s willing to put in the work it takes to build the kind of wealth could potentially be sustainable over a long period of time, maybe generations.

And to serve that group with an offer that not only gives his top readers access to the Founders Fund Portfolio…

But also gives them access to ALL of Lou Basenese’s services, for life.

This would be an elite new level of service.

Well, it’s finally here…


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What Is Lou Basenese’s Top 1% Club?

Lou Basenese is calling this brand-new service Lou Basenese’s Top 1% Club

If you’re still reading this, you probably have what it takes to be a member of this club.

Keep in mind, membership will automatically put you in the “top 1%” of all Lou Basenese’s readers…

It puts you directly inside his most elite circle…

And it gives you access to ALL of Lou Basenese’s best investment ideas, for as long as he runs them.

What’s Included with Lou Basenese’s Top 1% Club Membership?

With Lou Basenese’s Top 1% Club membership:

  • You get ALL investment ideas from Lou Basenese’s paid newsletter,Trend Trader PRO
  • You get ALL investment ideas from Lou Basenese’s micro-cap trading advisory, Micro-Cap Advantage
  • You get ALL investment ideas from Lou Basenese’s biotech advisory, Biotech Breakout Alert
  • Plus, you get EXCLUSIVE access to Lou Basenese’s Founders Fund Portfoliowhich is not for sale at any price.

And here’s the best part:

Once you join Lou Basenese’s Top 1% Club

You get ALL of Lou Basenese’s research, FREE, for the rest of your life!


THE WAR ON GOLD 2020: Emergency Briefing

Hedge Fund manager and New York Times Bestselling Author details how you position your gold stock portfolio right now will have a huge impact on your wealth in the coming gold bull market.

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Lou Basenese’s Top 1% Club Pricing

As of moment of writing, you can get access to Lou Basenese’s Top 1% Club for one-time payment of just $3,500!

That’s it!

This IS NOT an annual payment. It’s “one and done.” Meaning…

Once you’re in, you’re in. That’s all you’ll ever pay for all of Lou Basenese‘s services… and you’ll get everything he does, for as long as he does it!

Ready To Get Lou Basenese’s Top 1% Club – Click Here

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