Larry Benedict Shockwave Summit – is It Legit?

Shockwave Summit is where Larry Benedict will share one of his favorite strategies, including the one ticker he is planning to use to trade this next shockwave.

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Larry Benedict Shockwave Summit – What Is All About?

Larry Benedict accurately predicted the market crashes of 2020 and 2022. But now, he’s issuing his most timely warning yet.

He’s not predicting a crash. He’s predicting something even worse – a historic “shockwave” that could throw the entire market into chaos for years.

What’s more, billionaire investors like Ray Dalio and Stanley Druckenmiller think the pain could last for a decade.

So why isn’t Larry worried?

Because when Larry worked on Wall Street, he learned a strategy for these exact moments. As a hedge fund manager he used it to make millions.

That’s why on Wednesday, March 8, Larry is hosting a special event to share this strategy with you – including how you could double your money or more in the coming days.

He’s calling it the Shockwave Summit.


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Click here to get the full story.

What Is Larry Benedict’s Shockwave on March 17?

Some people are guessing it might take a decade to recover from 2022’s bear market – like billionaires Stanley Druckenmiller and Ray Dalio.

I’m not quite that pessimistic… But no one really knows.

One thing’s for sure, though… Few of us can afford to passively sit on the sidelines with our fingers crossed.

If you’re familiar with Larry Benedict’s work, probably you know that options are his bread and butter.

And one of the reason is that they work even in rough times. Because options allow you to play the market whether it’s up… or down.

That’s a potent ability when stocks are whipsawing both ways.

Some people think options are risky…

And they’re right – if you don’t know what you’re doing.

Larry Benedict has been trading for over 35 years. And recently, he has een sharing many of his trading strategies with folks of all trading experience levels.

And that includes how to use options to control your risk… and amplify your profit potential.

Because right now, it’s more important than ever to know how to ride out these aftershocks… and come out the other side with profits in hand.

And there’s little time to lose.

Right now, Larry Benedict sees another of these shockwaves about to hit the market on March 17.

But Larry knows how to use the coming volatility to double your money – or potentially even more – if you act before that date.

That’s why he’s preparing a special event to share one of his favorite strategies… including the one ticker Larry Benedict is planning to use to trade this next shockwave.


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Goldman Sachs doesn’t know… Bank of America doesn’t know… Morningstar doesn’t know… but Marc Chaikin believes he does. He called the bottom in 2020, just 24 hours before the fastest bull market in history. Now, Marc has spotted the NEXT market bottom – and he’s sounding the alarm. Plus, he’s sharing the names of what he says will be the best- and worst-performing stocks of 2023.

Click here for the full details.

Who Is Larry Benedict?

Larry Benedict is a 35-year trading veteran. Starting from the pits at the Chicago Board Options Exchange, Larry’s skills grew along with his wealth until he was running a world-class $800 million hedge fund – where he regularly traded position sizes in the millions of dollars. He even went 20 years without a single losing year… putting his hedge fund in the top 1% of Barron’s rankings.

That’s because, from 1990 to 2010, Larry’s hedge fund never had a single losing year. (It wasn’t until 2011 that he had a losing year, and even then, the fund was down less than 1%.) In 2008, when the financial world was in upheaval, Larry and his partners had their best year ever, making $95 million for their clients.

Now though, Larry fully devotes himself to bringing his trading secrets to everyday investors – with actionable, profitable options plays and a peek behind the curtain at the secrets that made him a massive success.

Larry Benedict’s Research Services

The Opportunistic Trader

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The S&P Trader

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One Ticker Trader

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The 2/20 Report

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When Is Larry Benedict Shockwave Summit?

Larry Benedict Shockwave Summit has been scheduled to take place on Wednesday, March 8, at 8 PM ET.


Greg Diamond Get Out of Cash EventThe Man Who Nailed the 2022 Crash Issues a NEW Prediction

Get out of cash and back into the market. But it’s important you do this in a very particular way – which has nothing to do with buying stocks, bonds, cryptos, or any conventional investment. Ignore us, if you’d like… But this prediction comes from the man who called the 2022 crash a day before it began.

Click here to learn more.

How To Sign Up for Larry Benedict Shockwave Summit?

To enroll for Larry Benedict Shockwave Summit, first, you need to have a valid email address. Upon registering for the event, those who live in the U.S and have valid U.S based cell numbers will enjoy the opportunity to become a VIP.

I strongly encourage you to become a VIP by signing up for free (and optional) text message reminder service. The moment you do, Larry Benedict’s team will send you a bonus report: The #1 Investment to Avoid Today.

The #1 Investment to Avoid Today

This report highlights the most dangerous investment in America right now.

Should You Attend Larry Benedict Shockwave Summit?

On March 8th, Larry Benedict will reveal the details about a historic market event that’s about to hit the market. It’s called a “Shockwave.”

Most people have never heard of one of these rare events before, but they can be even more painful than a market crash.

If you’re unprepared, it could set your retirement back years.

What’s more, billionaires like Stanley Druckenmiller and Ray Dalio are issuing similar warnings.

In fact, some experts believe the pain that’s coming could last for decades.

The good news? Larry has the perfect plan for this difficult environment.

If you follow his lead, you could not only avoid the chaos… but use it to double your money – again and again.

Larry’s sharing all the details during an urgent briefing on Wednesday, March 8, at 8 PM ET.

I recommend showing up a few minutes early to make sure you don’t miss anything.

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