Lance Ippolito’s Blockbuster Breakouts Summit Review

Lance Ippolito’s Blockbuster Breakout Summit is airing Tuesday, April 20th at 1 p.m. EST when Lance will reveal how a unique set of “breakout dates” has shown regular traders how to spot weekly gains as high as 210% days before they happened.


When this hits headlines, it’ll be too late

Get a jump on this societal shift in investing before it hits the mainstream headlines — because when it does… It WILL be too late. Dr. Kent Moors will be uncovering the secrets to beating the pack to this new gold rush… And how you can get ahold of the four key companies he believes are at the forefront of this Revolution.

Join this exclusive event here

Lance Ippolito’s “Breakout Dates” – What Is All About?

8 Months ago Lance Ippolio shared a little market phenomenon he calls a “Breakout Date” with a small group of traders…

We’re talking pre-planned trading dates, marked on a special calendar and turning out winning trades like it’s going out of style….

And since sharing those dates, he and his traders have been able to grow their trading account by more than 500% on average, including both winners and losers…

Each trade and date is fully documented.

Disclaimer: Profits and performance Shown are not typical and do not always guarantee future results

And while these “blockbuster breakout dates” have nothing to do with earnings, they are tied to just 19% of publicly traded companies.

According to Lance, these incredible dates are the result of one little known government law passed by the 105th Congress of the United States.

And by getting in front of these powerful dates days or even weeks ahead of time…

He had his traders have routinely dug up weekly winners like:

175% on Bausch Health… 210% on Cormedix… 115% on Teva100% on Trevena and many others¹…

Now this unusual strategy is NOT for everybody.

But for the few profit-minded traders who are open to a new way to target big market moves before they happen…

He’s hosting a special training – Blockbuster Breakouts Summit – for just a handful of folks wanting to learn how to spot these dates for themselves.




The clock is ticking on the biggest financial event in 20 years.

And if you want to take advantage, you must position yourself now.

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What Is Lance Ippolito’s Blockbuster Breakouts Summit?

Thanks to the explosive power behind a simple set of pre-scheduled dates…

One small group of traders have positioned themselves in front of the biggest moves in the entire market…

Days before they’ve happened…

While most folks insist on trading “normal strategies,” a small group of Lance’s traders are targeting weekly triple-digit profits like clockwork…

Thanks to a unique market circumstance they call a “Blockbuster Breakout Date,” they’ve found themselves in position for wins like…

  • 100% on TRVN 15 days ahead of time…
  • 115% on TEVA in one day…
  • 175% on BHC in eight days…
  • 210% on CRMD 20 days beforehand…
  • 237% on EXEL in five days…

Disclaimer: The profits and performance shown are not
typical and do not guarantee future trade results.

And as they’ll tell you, it couldn’t be more straightforward…

Simply mark the date on the calendar…

Make one quick trade and let the countdown begin.

In fact, the same Breakout Date strategy Lance is sharing on Tuesday, April 20th at 1 p.m. EST has led him to an extraordinary 2,289% winner on BIIB.

Most traders don’t believe this is possible, but as you’ll discover…

One little-known law passed by the 105th Congress of the United States guarantees these explosive “breakout dates” will happen every single month.

Even though these powerful dates are only tied to 19% of publicly traded companies…

That has not stopped Lance’s traders from growing their trading portfolio by SIX TIMES in the last eight months.


Alex Green just dropped this BOMBSHELL in brand new O’Reilly interview

He makes a BOMBSHELL prediction about how investors will perform through the first half of the Joe Biden Presidency.

O’Reilly was blown away. I have no doubt you will be too.

Click Here For Details

What will Lance Ippolito share through the Blockbuster Breakouts Summit?

If you’d like to see how to tap into the profit power of these lucrative “breakout dates”…

Then you should watch Lance Ippolito’s free presentation, where he will show you:

  • How to spot these powerful dates days and even weeks in advance… and exactly when to take a position for the biggest possible profits.
  • The secret market “blip” that’s appeared before every one of Lance Ippolito’s 15 winning trades in the last eight months… and how it has accurately predicted multiple big money-doubling moves time and time again.
  • The special calendar anyone can use to spot these explosive moves days before they happen.
  • The hidden government law that has practically engineered just 19% of publicly traded companies to explode almost down to the exact day… and how you can get in front of it!
  • Plus, the little known government “flaw” that has allowed folks like you to actively predict which dates are most likely to have the biggest payouts.


System That Called RNG at $20 Has Next Pick

Now, the system that called the rise of 2020’s biggest tech stocks has a new prediction – and its creator says Americans are woefully unprepared.

Click Here For Full Details.

About Lance Ippolito

Lance Ippolito is a trader and educator. He develops trading strategies using institutional order flow, volume confirmation breakouts, and market internals.

Known as the “market detective,” Lance keeps track of the large, “fishy” orders in the options market to pinpoint company insiders.

He began his career as an analyst for various investments funds and for Citigroup’s Global Markets. As an educator, his goal is to foster a support system to help others achieve their trading goals. Lance received a B.S. in Finance from the University of South Florida.

His writing has appeared in Futures magazine, Inside Futures, Timing Research, and the Professional Traders Opinion newsletter.


25 Stocks You Should Sell Immediately

America’s #1 stock picker has been predicting winners, as well as losers, for more than a decade. Today, he’s revealing his 25 stocks to sell now.

Click here to see how to find out about these 25 stocks he says to sell immediately.

When Is Lance Ippolito’s Blockbuster Breakouts Summit?

The Blockbuster Breakouts Summit has been scheduled to take place on Tuesday, April 20th at 1 p.m. EST. It is important to note here that this event has limited spacing, so the sooner one signs up, the more likely they are guaranteed a seat.

How To Sign Up for the Blockbuster Breakouts Summit?

To get access to Lance Ippolito’s Blockbuster Breakouts Summit, all individuals have to do is enter their respective emails here. Upon entering, those residing in the U.S. (or have a U.S.-based phone number) will also be presented with the chance of becoming VIPs.

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