Kinetic Profits Review – Is Jonas Elmerraji’s Service Legit?

Kinetic Profits uses an arsenal of computing power to give you a statistical edge over Wall Street.

As a Kinetic Profits subscriber, you get access to the Kinetic Composite indicator, a proprietary tool that analyzes decades of price data to identify a stock’s strongest periods year after year. Put simply, it shows you when a stock is most likely to be in motion — thus the “Kinetic” part of the name.

In other words, it finds the best opportunities for investors to potentially enjoy a strong, persistent tail wind in a specific stock.

More importantly, this tool is laser-accurate, identifying upward moves in stocks with an unheard-of 93.5% accuracy in real-world testing over more than a decade. Right before a profitable Kinetic Window opens up in a stock, you’ll get an alert sent straight to your inbox.

Powering Kinetic Profits is Archimedes, Agora Financial’s exclusive quantitative research and trading platform. Archimedes is constantly scouring the markets for profitable opportunities that trigger under our system — and it’s able to alert you to them mechanically, with zero emotion or bias.

That means, for the first time ever, you can harness a quantitative research team to get a statistical advantage over other market participants. Now’s the time to start trading with a tail wind.

What is included in Jonas Elmerraji’s Kinetic Profits Newsletter?

Kinetic Profits is a proprietary system that can identify a stock’s strongest periods year after year. It analyzes decades of price data to show when a stock is statistically most likely to be in motion — thus the “Kinetic” part of the name.

In other words, it helps us figure out when a stock has a “tail wind.”

Frankly, I’ve never seen anything like this before…

To start off, let’s take another look at this chart for the S&P 500…


At a glance, you can see when the S&P has a tail wind each year — windows of opportunity when the stock is its strongest. You can see it moves up in January, stalls out during the summer months and then moves up again starting in September.

I call those two positive periods in the chart “Kinetic Windows.”

Put simply, its when you want to be in the market…

Over the last 20 years, only owning the big S&P 500 index during those two Kinetic Windows each year would have increased your returns over “buy and hold” by 24% every year… while also keeping you out of the market for 41% of the year.

In other words, you’re getting more reward plus less risk.

It’s as close to a no-brainer as investing gets.

And you can spot those buyable Kinetic Windows clear as day with this chart…

But with this Kinetic system we’re not limited to buying big, boring indexes like the S&P 500. Instead, we can generate a Kinetic Window chart for just about any stock on the market.

And that’s where things get really interesting.

A Powerful Predictive Signal

If we run our algorithm on every stock in the S&P 500, we end up with just about 1,300 Kinetic Windows each and every year.

That’s about 13,000 Kinetic Windows over the last decade…

We can test those 13,000 example trades to answer some very important questions: Do Kinetic Windows work? Are they a useful predictive tool? Do they beat the market?

The answers are all yes.

Here’s the bottom line: Over the last decade, buying every Kinetic Window on the market easily beats simply buying the S&P 500 every single year. And those results are statistically significant.

That’s very exciting news. You may not realize this, but nobody has done research like this before. It’s wholly new territory — and the results are conclusive.

But while we’ve proven that the Kinetic system and the windows it shows provide valid and profitable signals, you need a trading strategy to put behind it.

After all, you’re not going to buy all 1,300 Kinetic Windows each year — that would be nuts.

To create a trading strategy, we’ve got to filter our huge list of Kinetic Windows so we’re only buying the very best ones.

When we do, the results are astounding.

A 93.5% Win Rate

It turns out that there are two simple indicators that tell us whether a Kinetic Window is one that we want to buy or not.

If these two indicators match up and flash a green light, I call it a “K-Sign”

If you buy a stock when a “K-sign” triggers, the win rate on that trade is an astounding 93.5%!

I’ll be honest — the first time I saw those results, I had to rerun the backtest twice, because I didn’t believe them.

But they’re real.

By now, you’re probably wondering what this strategy looks like when money is applied.

Let me show you:

The chart above shows the growth of $10,000. The blue line on the chart is our new strategy — the grey line is the S&P 500 during that same run.

Charts don’t lie. Our strategy left the S&P in the dust.

It made 401% during that exact same time frame, turning every $10,000 invested into more than $50,000.

It even would have made money during 2008! That’s what happens when you only buy stocks that are experiencing tail winds.

Who is Jonas Elmerraji – the man behind the Kinetic Profits Newsletter?

Jonas Elmerraji is Agora Financial’s in-house “quant.” Jonas started his career working in investment operations for a mutual fund company with $617 billion in assets under management. After that, he pulled a short stint at a prestigious Big Four public accounting firm, working on financial statement audits for Fortune 500 companies. At Agora Financial, Jonas works on algorithmic trading strategies and proprietary investing tools that give retail investors a statistical edge over Wall Street. His Archimedes trading platform powers the strategies behind the Kinetic Profits newsletter. Jonas is also a senior contributor to and has been featured as an investment expert in Forbes, Investor’s Business Daily and CNBC, among others.  He holds a degree in financial economics from UMBC as well as the Chartered Market Technician designation.

What You Gonna Get when you invest your money in Kinetic Profits Newsletter?

You’ve never seen a way of making money in the markets that’s even close to this incredible new K Sign Indicator…

And neither has anyone else, anywhere — not even on Wall Street.

You’ll learn everything you need to know about the K Sign Indicator in this handbook:

It’s called The Kinetic Trading Handbook, and it’ll show you:

  • What the K Sign Indicator is — and how it could lead you to an ongoing string of wins up to 27 times your money or more
  • How our data testing proves it’s up to 93.5% accurate at revealing the Kinetic Profit Windows that could make you rich — 365 days ahead of time
  • How you could use the K Sign Indicator to make up to $2 million a year, or more — in just 10 minutes a month!

This invaluable report contains lucrative trading tactics and insights on the markets you literally could never get anywhere else

And it’s yours FREE, when you sign up for our new Kinetic Profits trading research service — run by world-renowned trader Jonas Elmerraji.

To be clear: You can keep this bonus report forever

Whether you remain a subscriber for the long haul or not.

But that’s not all you’ll get along with your subscription to Kinetic Profits — not by a long shot…

You’ll also receive:

Urgent K Sign “Buy” and “Sell” Alerts — Jonas aims to give you at least two lucrative “K Sign” trades to make every single month

And these email alerts will tell you exactly what actions to take for the greatest potential profits.

Members-only Live Teleconferences — These 60-minute events are where Jonas will bring you up to speed on a relevant topic…

On the K Signs, Kinetic Profit Windows, the algorithm, kinetic trading tips, or anything else he thinks you should know.

Options Trading the Kinetic Way — In this guidebook, Jonas will walk you through options trading the easy way…

So you can maximize your kinetic trading returns with an ongoing stream of potential wins up to 2,705% or more!

Commodity K-Signs 2018: A Full Year of Profit Chances – Jonas’ new report set for release on Monday, November 27. This report shows you ALL of 2018’s K-Sign profit chances for gold, oil, and all the most tradeable commodities!

  • The Rundown – The world is a crazy place these days. We want you to have an outlet you can trust to give you the guts of the news, on your terms. That’s why we created The Rundown, a no-holds-barred source you can turn to when you want news you can act on…and nothing else. The Rundown is delivered to your inbox every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. It won’t take you more than three minutes to read. But you’ll walk away with an unbiased view of the world around you…and how it impacts your future, your financial freedom, and your well-being. It’s direct. And it’s not always pretty. But it’s a straight look at the market and the forces all around that impact you…for better or worse…and ways you can act in an unsteady climate to protect yourself. I’m confident The Rundown will become your go-to read of the day.

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