Keith Kaplan Biggest Financial Breakthrough: Trade Cycles

TradeSmith Biggest Financial Breakthrough 2025 is where Keith Kaplan reveals the Trade Cycles: a secret new way to double your portfolio over the next 12 Months.

Keith Kaplan Biggest Financial Breakthrough
Watch Keith Kaplan Biggest Financial Breakthrough Presentation Here

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Keith Kaplan Biggest Financial Breakthrough 2025: What Is All About?

Keith Kaplan and the team at TradeSmith are inviting you to “beta test” the biggest investment breakthrough in their firm’s 20-year history – The Trade Cycles. It could double your portfolio, by predicting the biggest jumps on 5,000 stocks in 2025 – to the day – with 83% backtested accuracy.

The Trade Cycles: How it works?

In short, Keith Kaplan and the team at TradeSmith have developed a breakthrough way to pinpoint dates of the calendar when certain stocks tend to shoot up – year after year…

Producing one winning trade after another… with an 83% backtested success rate.

Including a brand-new way to apply this secret in a model portfolio that would’ve turned every $10,000 into $85,700 in their backtests – crushing the S&P 500 by an average of 99%… even during the longest bull market and the biggest selloffs.

That’s why, on Wednesday, January 8, they’ll unveil this breakthrough in full…

Invite you to “beta test” it and they ’ll explain why this new system for spotting “green days” is setting up the biggest money-making opportunity they’ve seen in two decades.

Today, we’re offering you free access to it – right here – for a simple reason.

A historic dislocation in today’s market has opened a new way to potentially double your portfolio, by foreseeing the biggest jumps on 5,000 stocks – to the day – with 83% backtested accuracy…

ALL by using a secret pioneered by a hedge fund that’s turned every $100 stake since inception into $2.1 million…

A secret they uncovered by combining the software that landed TradeSmith on CNN, CNBC, in Forbes and the Wall Street Journal… with a discovery you might find “too good to be true” at first glance.

And yet – among the small group who’ve tested the underlying idea thus far – one man has already doubled his money in 3 weeks…

Another has tripled his money on one position and doubled his money twice on two others…

And another beta tester has made 8 times his money by using a “boost” feature of this breakthrough that could forever change the way you think about the markets, and add an extra 100% to each of your positions.

On Wednesday, January 8 – as part of TradeSmith’s big new market prediction for 2025 – we invite YOU to test it next.

You can a have free look right now, in the next 60 seconds…

The Trade Cycles: Examples of Success

On Wednesday, January 8, Keith Kaplan and the team at TradeSmith will show you how to “boost” your potential gain by 100% or even higher, with every single green zone you find, on the highest-quality companies.

For example, did you know Nvidia has a green day of October 24?

Every year on that date, historically there’s a 100% success rate of the stock going up by an average of 7.8% over the following 15 days.

  • You could have boosted that gain to 152% in 28 days, back in 2018…
  • 135% in 48 hours, back in 2022, and more… ALL on Nvidia during its “green zones.”

Or consider Allient (ALNT), an auto supplier.

Its green zone begins on October 28.

You could do two things.

  • One, you could simply buy the stock…100% of the time, the stock has gone up by an average of 20% over the next 61 days. This has held true for 15 years!On a long-term basis, that’s enough to more than double your money.

OR… you could do something else.

  • In this case, you could have “boosted” your gain through a powerful new strategy Keith Kaplan and the team at TradeSmith will unveil to you in full on Wednesday, January 8…And made a 756% gain in 18 days instead.

In fact, Keith and his team found that by “boosting” your potential gains on the best green zones of the top stocks in the S&P 500, you could’ve made gains like 11,340% in just 46 days in their backtest!

Keith Kaplan and TradeSmith Biggest Financial Breakthrough Event – Claim Your Free Spot Here

Who Is Keith Kaplan?

Keith Kaplan, CEO of TradeSmith

He’s the CEO of TradeSmith, a financial technology company profiled by The EconomistThe Wall Street Journal, CNN, Forbes, and CNBC, whose innovations help 72,000 people in 86 countries track $30 billion in personal assets.

For example, Keith is best-known for an algorithm that shows you optimal dates to buy and sell any investment in your portfolio, and how much to put into each, to potentially boost your returns by 100% or more.

On Wednesday morning, January 8 at 10 am ET…

  • Keith is stepping forward with a system that takes ALL his previous work to the highest level yet.
  • A powerful new way to handle your cash in 2025… by using a simple ONLINE CALENDAR.

Keith calls it the culmination of his career and the most exciting breakthrough he and his team have ever developed.

As we kick off a New Year, Keith and his team are giving you a rare chance to try it yourself, before it rolls out to the general public.

Try Keith’s breakthrough right now here.

What will Keith Kaplan share through The Biggest Financial Breakthrough 2025?

Keith will give you:

  • The “green days” for a wide variety of different stocks.
  • His FREE recommendation for where to move your money today (a valuable giveaway, considering you could have made a 11,340% gain in just 46 days in his backtest of this new strategy.)
  • His FREE recommendation of the #1 popular stock to avoid right now (Keith’s algorithm pointed to the Covid crash and the 2022 selloff, and also nailed the decline of a popular bitcoin ETF last summer, allowing users to avoid the worst of the declines.)
  • Details on a new way of handling your money that could double your portfolio over the next 12 months. It’s all part of a powerful new strategy that Keith thinks could crush conventional buy-and-hold stock investing in 2025.

How to sign up for Keith Kaplan Biggest Financial Breakthrough?

Keith Kaplan Biggest Financial Breakthrough 2025 has been scheduled totake place on January 8th at 10 am ET.

You can simply sign up here and you’ll instantly receive a Free access to a lite version of TradeSmith’s Trade Cycles system.

There, you can type in any of 5,000 stock tickers… And see which days of 2025 the stock could jump. Valued at $5,000, this system is yours to try, FREE, when you reserve your spot here.

Upon entering, those who have a U.S.-based phone number will also be presented with the chance of becoming VIPs.

The VIP service is a complimentary concierge messaging service. When you enter your cell phone number, the team at TradeSmith will send you a free reminder just before Keith Kaplan goes live on Wednesday, January 8 at 10 am ET, to ensure you don’t miss the event.

You’ll also receive Keith Kaplan’s new report, “2 Stocks to Plug into Our Breakthrough Right Now”, when you sign up for this VIP service (free).

2 Stocks to Plug into Our Breakthrough Right Now

It shows you how his new system works, and gives you the names of 2 stocks to get you started. One of these is an AI stock that Keith predicts could soon rise in January 2025.

Final Word: Should You Attend Keith Kaplan Biggest Financial Breakthrough?

On January 8, Keith Kaplan will unveil his #1 prediction for 2025…

Why the coming days will open a new way to potentially double your portfolio… by trading high-probability “green days” pinpointed by this new strategy, with an 83% backtested success rate.

Including a brand-new way to apply this secret in a model portfolio that’s turned every $10,000 into $85,700 in his backtests – crushing the S&P 500 by an average of 99% even during the longest bull market… and the biggest selloffs.

To prepare you for this big event on Wednesday, Keith and his team at TradeSmith are giving you:

  • Free access to a lite version of the Trade Cycles system.Type in any of 5,000 different tickers to pinpoint dates of the calendar when certain stocks historically shoot up – year after year – producing one winning trade after another… with an 83% backtested success rate.You’ll see the “green day” for each stock – that is, an optimal date to buy each stock in 2025 to potentially crush conventional investing.
  • A 3-part video series to prepare.VIDEO #1: The secret of “green days.”VIDEO #2: An inside look at how this strategy works.VIDEO #3: Why this strategy even works during a crash.

This private website is yours to access, free of charge, through January 8. Inside, you’ll find 3 pages of valuable items introducing you to Keith’s breakthrough new system and why it could help you double your portfolio in 2025.

He’ll unveil the full opportunity on Wednesday, January 8 at 10 am ET.

Including 2 free recommendations!

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