Katusa’s Resource Opportunities Review

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Katusa’s Resource Opportunities Review – What Is It?

Katusa’s Resource Opportunities is one the most widely-followed research services in the business. In it hedge fund manager and legendary resource stock financier Marin Katusa reveals why he’s betting millions of dollars of his own money on 6 specific gold stocks. Not one in 10,000 investors know this hidden fact in today’s gold market.

Below, he reveals how you can make a fortune along with him, starting today.

What we’re seeing today is absolute carnage.

Never have the markets had such a shock where economies, supply chains and health have all stretched to critical mass.

What were extreme market conditions one day became instant entries in record books.

Every new day seems to bring increased panic and downside.

On a comparative basis to this market meltdown, only the 1929 crash compares. The charts look eerily similar…

Dumb Money Confidence indicators from various outlets are reaching all-time lows. This means that novice investors have all but thrown in the towel.

This past month saw the most down 90% down volume days in the history of the U.S. exchanges.

Now, this is going to be painful. And difficult to digest.

  • The worst is not yet over and we are at that critical moment. With mass panic and fear, blood is now in the streets.

You can feel it everywhere. It’s easy to talk about being a contrarian but now that it’s time to step up to the plate – many investors are paralyzed.

Wall street analysts, major banks and investment bankers are downgrading stocks faster than any time since 2008.

You are Witnessing “The Great Reset” Right In Front of Our Eyes

Businesses are closing. Institutions are shutting doors.

Entire industries will be altered.

Oil just crashed through $25 per barrel. Many oil companies are in serious trouble. Many oil service companies face a massive storm ahead.

Silver collapsed from $20 to $12. Mines are being shut down and many companies can’t make money at the current silver spot price.

Gold companies initially corrected hard. Hundreds of mines are shutting down. Stock prices of world class producers are acting like juniors.

This is the time to make bold moves.

For years, top investors have waited in the wings, cashed up, for opportunities that come around once in a decade. Or once in a generation.

But put money in the wrong place, or for the wrong time period – and you will lose.

The truth is that investing in these times is very difficult.

One person I want you to get to know is someone that’s seen a few crashes in his career – and navigated his portfolio through the storm.

How to Make a Fortune in a Market Crash – With Marin Katusa

  • In the last crash of 2008, he came out of the last Great Financial Crisis and multiplied his net worth by several times.
  • He founded Canada’s third largest copper mine at the age of 27.
  • He started a precious metals and commodities focused hedge fund before the age of 30.
  • He wrote a New York Times bestselling book, The Colder War, before the age of 35.

Marin is the real deal and puts a LOT of skin in the game. Often putting millions of dollars of his own money on the line in gold, silver and oil stocks.

And what he sees right now in the markets is unprecedented.

Marin wants you to be aware of what’s happening right now… and what could happen next.

So, he just published a special emergency briefing

He goes over everything you need to know in this market meltdown:

  • Why “Financially Transmitted Diseases” (negative rates) will take the world by storm
  • Why gold will be front and center in this panic
  • Which sectors are going broke
  • Which markets and companies are trading at values not seen in generations
  • Which group of stocks to focus on for a potential slingshot move upwards in a recovery
  • The asset class he’s most bullish on and why you should be too

In short: If you’re like most people, you might be sitting on the sidelines right now… or worried the ongoing crash could wipe out your earnings…

But when this crisis is all over, the natural resource market, in particular, will present immense opportunities for investors.

Who is behind Katusa’s Resource Opportunities Advisory?

Katusa Research is an independent investment research firm founded by professional investor Marin Katusa.

Starting from scratch, Marin has built a large personal fortune… all through his ability to find great investments. During his career, he has sat on the board of a public company, arranged over $1 billion in financings, and written the New York Times bestselling book, The Colder War.

Marin’s insight has been featured in The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Bloomberg and CNBC. He has traveled over one million air miles visiting over 500 resource projects in more than 100 countries.

Unlike some financial firms, Katusa Research does not accept money from companies in return for coverage. They turn down all offers of kickbacks, brokerage commissions, and referral fees. They have no hidden agenda and they are not for sale. They work for their subscribers, not advertisers. And the investment guidance they provide is the guidance they follow themselves.

Katusa Research is committed to helping individual investors learn how to navigate the complex investment world.

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What Do You Get For Your Money?

Beginning immediately, you’ll receive:

The Monthly Issue

You’ll be sent an electronic issue of Katusa’s Resource Opportunities straight to your inbox.

Each issue evaluates Katusa’s current open positions in the resource markets, future plays, and deep research behind the companies that his subscribers are investing in.

By the way, Katusa Research is 100% independent.

Marin Katusa accepts no outside advertising from any financial, fund, or stock companies to be recommended in Katusa’s Resource Opportunities. He acts only in the best interest of Katusa Research subscribers.

And he claimed that he puts millions of dollars of his own money on the line.

I can also say with 100% certainty the level of depth in these issues is unmatched. This is why Katusa’s Resource Opportunities is considered the premier natural resource newsletter in the game. 

With your subscription, you’ll also receive:

The 3 Best Gold Stocks to Own in 2020

This report is a very detailed report on Katusa’s top 3 gold holdings (and a bonus 4th under-the-radar company you’ve likely never heard of or read about anywhere. The founder just sold his previous gold company for under a billion dollars).

Special Reports

These reports will give you all the details on specific sectors, so you can jump in on quick money-making opportunities.

Interim Alerts

Katusa Research send out regular alerts to take advantage of quick plays and secure the kinds of gains that others would take months—even years— for others.

You could have made the money on your subscription back in just one of these plays.

With your membership, you’ll also get:

Access to Katusa’s Personal Resource Portfolio

And your chance to invest alongside Marin at the same terms and price. These are the exact companies he’s investing and speculating in with millions of dollars of his own money, his family money, and his fund.

Access to the Katusa Research Members Area

You will also receive 24/7 access to the Katusa’s Resource Opportunities website that members can access at anytime, anywhere.

Quality Customer Service

If you ever have questions about your membership, simply give one of Katusa Research’s friendly Customer Service team members a call during office hours, Pacific Time. They will be happy to walk you through anything relating to your subscription.

How much does it cost to become a member?

Katusa’s Resource Opportunities regular price is $3,495.

But for a limitted time, following this link you can lock you special rate of $1,997.

That’s how you can receive the benefits of membership in an exclusive club of professional investors in the natural resource market.

The price extends to your annual renewal as well.

What People Are Saying About Katusa’s Resource Opportunities

As far as I’m concerned Marin is the next Warren Buffett. In the resource area, there’s nobody that’s even a close second to Marin. He’s actually… I’d consider him something of a genius.

Doug Casey, Chairman of Casey Research

[Marin] has worked directly with and financed many companies of well-known individuals in the resource industry and has become one of the most trusted and well-connected dealmakers in the junior resource sector.

Rick Rule, President & CEO of Sprott U.S. Holdings

Marin Katusa is one of the few people who truly understands oil and mining from a technical, financial and operational perspective and still keeps a focus on the overlying objective, namely making money for the shareholders. He is a good friend and a person whose opinion really matters to me.

Keith Hill, CEO of Africa Oil

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