Jonathan Rose Masters In Trading Summit: Advanced Notice

Masters In Trading Summit is where Jonathan Rose will reveal how unusual options activity can indicate profitable trading opportunities, promising high returns with proper risk management.

Masters In Trading Summit – Get All The Details Here

Masters in Trading Summit Replay

The response to the Masters in Trading Summit has been incredible.

Jonathan revealed a straightforward strategy that could help you collect thousands of dollars in trading income every week.

He also revealed the three keys to trading success… and showed everyone how they could start collecting dozens of triple digit gains over the next few months… even if they don’t have a lot of time, money or experience.

We even heard from one gentleman who made over $130,000 in just 13 days thanks to Jonathan’s recommendation…

And he only put $2,500 into the trade. That’s a 50x return on his money.

Of course, this is one of Jonathan’s best returns and there is no guarantee he can do something like this again.

But if you saw the results of his live experiment, you’d know his seven recommendations posted an average gain of 125%!

Don’t worry, if you missed the summit – for a limited time – you can watch the Masters in Trading Summit replay here.

Masters In Trading Summit with Jonathan Rose – What Is All About?

Jonathan’s career is proof that you can make over $10 million from trading and investing…

Including up to $1 million a year as a professional trader…

But without having to squint at a bunch of candlestick charts, Elliott Waves, or other complex chart patterns.

What Jonathan DOES bring is:

  • Real world experience on the Chicago trading floors dating back to 1997.
  • Plus one specific indicator that helps market makers find trades that go up 90.3% of the time.

At the Masters in Trading Summit, Jonathan will present the results of his live experiment, where in six weeks he closed seven out of seven trades for an average gain of 125%.

Find out how he did it here

Over the next few days, Jonathan is going to reveal his #1 strategy for finding options plays that have the potential to soar 100%, 500%, even an extraordinary 1,000% or more… in 30 days or less… with laser like accuracy.

You see, Jonathan spent over 15 years working as a professional trader, including a four-year stint as a market maker at the #1 options exchange in the world… the Chicago Board Options Exchange.

While he was there, there was only one indicator that almost every single market maker used to make their own trades…

Something he calls Unusual Options Activity.

After a few months, he realized there was a very big reason almost every professional trader at the exchange used this one indicator…

It was lights out accurate.

And when you combine lights out accuracy with the big money potential that options provide…

You have the ultimate recipe for making $5,000, $10,000, even $14,000 or more in profits, every month.

Just ask the group of everyday folks he recently invited to try out his strategy in February of 2024.

In just six short weeks these folks had the chance to close out seven straight winning trades with an average gain of 125% across all the recommendations.

That means that anyone who put just $2,500 into each recommendation could have walked away with over $21,000 in profits… or almost $3,700 in profits every single week.

And that’s just one small example.

The fact is, over the past nine years, Jonathan has been able to train hundreds of everyday folks how to use these strategies to find trading success.

You’ll hear from many of them over the next few days.

Including one gentleman who was able to “go pro” and build his own multi-million-dollar proprietary trading firm thanks to the knowledge and wisdom he learned from following Jonathan.

Make sure you tune in to hear his full story.

Because even if you have no intention of becoming a professional trader…

The strategies and tactics Jonathan is going to share could help you find some of the BIGGEST and FASTEST profit opportunities you’ve probably ever seen.

I’m talking about gains as high as:

  • 279% in a single day on QQQ
  • 193% in three weeks on PSTG
  • 337% in 27 days on WHD
  • 650% in three days on DNN
  • 190% in 32 days on XPEV
  • 1,046% in 27 days on LEU
  • 1,900% in four days on AIRS
  • 5,327% in 13 days on SLV
  • And many more.

Which is why I suggest you clear your calendar, and make sure you attend the Masters in Trading Summit on Wednesday, May 8 at 10 am ET.

When you tune in for the Masters in Trading Summit, you’ll unlock Jonathan’s FREE three-part tutorial on his strategy, PLUS…

  • The #1 UOA indicator he uses to find trades that go up 90.3% of the time…
  • The professional strategies he uses to target gains of 197%… 317%… even 1,147% in 30 days or less
  • How to collect gains as high 2,115% even when the market is crashing…
  • The three key features of every successful, profitable trading strategy…
  • Professional risk management techniques that helped him earn up to a million dollars a year while working on the trading floor.

Who Is Jonathan Rose?

Jonathan Rose spent over 15 years as a professional trader in some of the most competitive trading environments.

He started out as a floor trader at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, making as much as $1.1 million dollars a year trading Nasdaq futures.

He went to become the Director of Trading at a multi-million-dollar proprietary trading firm, where he grew the firm to over 100 active traders.

After his firm sold to a hedge fund, he paid $300,000 to rent a seat on the Chicago Board Options Exchange, where he became a market maker for the remainder of his professional career.

And he spent the last nine years showing everyday folks like you how to become more profitable in their trading.

How to watch Jonathan Rose Masters In Trading Summit?

To get access to Jonathan’s Masters In Trading Summit, all individuals have to do is tune in here.

Masters In Trading Summit

Masters In Trading Summit – Is It Worth Your Time?

During the Masters in Trading Summit, Jonathan Rose will share the details behind one of the most consistent and lucrative trading strategies he discovered over 15 years as a professional trader.

This unique approach is based on a “quantitative” formula that’s predicted major market moves time after time. In fact, over the last three years, 90.3% of the calls Jonathan made using this formula have gone up. During the event, you’ll discover how to use this formula to find gains as high as 197%317%, or even 1,147% – all in 30 days or less.

In fact, Jonathan used this strategy recently during a live, public demonstration of his trading skills that gave a group of ordinary folks the chance to make up to $21,000 in profits in just six short weeks.

Ready to see how he did it?

Masters In Trading Summit – Watch The Replay Here

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