Joel Litman High Alpha Research Review: 2024 Perfect Stock Portfolio

Joel Litman and Valens Research are launching a brand-new research service, called High Alpha. It’ll be powered by the forensic accounting system they’ve created.

Joel Litman High Alpha Research – What Is It?

Each month, you can see exactly what they’ve uncovered with forensic analysis… without doing any of the hard work yourself. With details on their #1 stock recommendation each month that could double or triple your money.

Until today… very few everyday folks have been able to access this system… because it’s been limited to institutional investors…

These folks manage hundreds of millions to billions of dollars, make their living in the markets, and have neither the time nor the resources to do this kind of analysis on their own.

For example, consider this…

“My personal and family retirement portfolios are up more than 50% as a direct result of Joel Litman’s analysis and investment strategies. I can’t imagine investing without that advice.”

— Tom Gerencer
Award-winning journalist cited by Forbes, Fortune, BBC News, ABC, NBC, The Economist, Business Insider, and more.

Unless you work among the top 10 money management firms in America – 90% of whom follow Litman’s research – you’d probably never even guess there’s a way to see which stocks could rise 100% through forensic accounting.

  • Like the 202% potential gain this system pointed to on Mammoth (TUSK)
  • Or the 663% potential gain on Polaris (PII)

Ready To Try High Alpha? Click Here To Get Joel Litman’s High Alpha Research At Best Available Price

Joel Litman High Alpha Research – How It Works?

Read this story from Joel Litman. That’s a perfect example of how strong and accurate is this new system…

“I didn’t grow up in a wealthy background.

Our mission is to share my online system, research and recommendations with the broad public. And that’s why today, for the first time ever, we’re making an offer unlike anything we’ve ever done before…

And by the way…

I won’t EVER recommend a stock in High Alpha until we’ve analyzed the company for everything that could possibly go wrong… given that not all investments are guaranteed and past performance doesn’t equate future success.

Still, the accuracy of our system is incredible. What happened to me in the summer of 2009 is a good example.

In one week, I met with 10 major money managers, including one of the all-time top hedge funds. The market had recently crashed and they all wanted me to come up with stocks that were headed to zero.

Instead I told them to buy Middleby (MIDD), a food processing company!

They thought I was crazy… because here’s what Wall Street saw when they analyzed Middleby…

Joel Litman High Alpha Review

The company was reporting a mere 9.9% Return on Assets.

But the reality is, Middleby had $548 million in non-operating assets on its balance sheet, causing a huge earnings distortion.

When I corrected for that, here’s what the REAL, TRUE number was.

Joel Litman High Alpha Reviews

4 times higher!

But we didn’t stop our analysis there…

We always assume “the worst-case scenario” will happen.

So… in this case, we went another step further.

We ran the exact same forensic analysis all over again on Middleby’s customers… looking at every source of its cash. Restaurants, frozen dinner companies, supermarkets, you name it. Along with everyone else in the same sector.

This kind of research takes weeks, but it’s worth it.

Because you could have made 633% on Middleby – 7 times your money, and slept like a baby the whole time.

And that brings me to our newest discovery…

Right now, I’m about to recommend a stock that’s one of the most exciting opportunities we’ve seen all year…

It’s a company you’ve probably never considered before…

It’s creating an entirely new social movement among a younger generation of Americans right now…

But the company has been reporting misleading earnings that are 2.5 times less than the TRUE number. Take a look…

Here are the publicly reported Return on Assets…

High Alpha Review

10.4% in 2018… which isn’t very impressive.

But we ran our forensic analysis…

And discovered the REAL, TRUE number…

High Alpha

Almost 3 times higher… and the stock market doesn’t realize it at all.

Which means you could easily double or triple your money if you buy shares now, BEFORE this error gets corrected by the market, which we’ve seen happen in thousands of situations like this.

Most people won’t know the REAL story of this company until after the stock has potentially tripled…

But this is the first recommendation you’ll receive in our brand-new investment research service, High Alpha.

Along with a portfolio of 6 other small-cap stocks we’re recommending right now with our forensic analysis.

Each month, my team and I will analyze the entire universe of 32,000 stocks using our forensic accounting system…

…find 200 companies with major discrepancies…

…run Earnings Call Forensics on all of those… and boil it down to a list of 30 stocks with massive upside potential.

Of the top 10 to 30 stocks we uncover, we’ll pick the #1 to recommend each month… typically, a little-known small-cap stock, because those offer the highest potential gains. Along with a constantly updated portfolio of the other recommended stocks we believe could double or triple your money.

We’ll publish all the details, including exactly what discrepancies we uncovered… what form of deception, if any, we heard during our Earnings Call Forensics…

And how we recommend you proceed in your own account to take full advantage of the situation and make as much money as possible.

And to be clear…

This is the FIRST TIME we’ve made the results of our investment research available to the general public in a simple-to-read, all-in-one, new product.

We’re doing something completely new.

You see, I spent years trying to change Wall Street from the inside. And realized the problems with GAAP won’t be fixed for another two decades or more.

All the major ratings firms – Moody’s, S&P, Fitch – won’t go near this stuff because it contradicts their own business model. I’ve spoken with dozens of folks from places like this and they tell me, “Hey, it’s not my job to change the accounting rules.”

But that’s good news for you…

Because being able to see the true picture of a stock in a way 99% of the public can’t gives you an unfair advantage… and the best way we know to potentially make 100% to 500% gains each year.

But before you get started, I want to make something clear…

For the past decade, there’s almost no way you could’ve accessed our forensic research unless you’d been employed at a hedge fund, money management firm or pension fund.

Or… unless you’d worked for the FBI or CIA, and were familiar with the growing new business of uncovering deception on Wall Street.

But today, by launching High Alpha

We’re opening the doors to a powerful new way for you to access this analysis and all of our top recommendations yourself.

Beginning with a portfolio of seven small-cap stock recommendations that are among the most exciting opportunities I’ve seen in my career.

This is the kind of research most people have never seen before. But our clients love it.

For example, consider this:

“Some of the stock ideas that [Joel Litman and his team] have recommended are really incredible with huge upside, and long before the rest of the Street sees it. [This] research has brought me significant gains in my portfolio.”

— Matt Rakowksi
Former Vice President at Goldman Sachs

Each month, you’ll receive our newest stock idea at the same time as folks who manage billions of dollars.

I doubt I have to tell you what happens to a stock when billionaire managers get in…

Normally – even our most “entry-level” clients pay up to $10,000 for our research. And it’s a bargain at that price.

In fact, the very first subscriber to High Alpha is Whitney George, the Chief Investment Officer of Sprott Asset Management, which manages approximately eight billion dollars.”

Ready To Try High Alpha? Click Here To Get Joel Litman’s High Alpha Research At Best Available Price

Joel Litman High Alpha Research – What Do You Get For Your Money?

One full year of High Alpha will normally cost $5,000. That’s the price they’ll charge the general public going forward.

But if you get in right now, today, they ’ll knock 50% OFF the price.

That means you can become a charter member of Joel Litman’s new High Alpha for just $2,500.

One full year of High Alpha

Each month, Prof. Joel Litman will brief you on his latest small-cap stock recommendation, predictions, warnings, and forensic analysis. Each new recommendation will have the potential to double or triple your money or better over the long run.

Throughout each month, Prof. Litman and his team will stay in touch via email as needed to recommend any new investments and share important updates, including when to close each position.

Immediate access to five small-cap stock recommendations

And it gets even better…

Immediate access to Prof. Litman’s full “truth detecting system”

As a charter member, you’ll receive a special bonus that could help you make even more money with your subscription…

In short, they normally charge $5,000 a year to access their online system.

Investment Truth Detector

You can type in any stock… and see its TRUE earnings weeks or even months before the mass public has any idea.

With the click of a button you can see where any of 2,000+ stocks REALLY stand. Their Uniform Accounting work for “Return on Assets” and even “P/E analysis” (to see how cheap a stock REALLY is) has been built into the system.

Again, it costs $5,000 a year to access the system alone.

But you’ll receive a “lite” version of the system FREE of charge if you become a charter member today, right now, before this offer expires.

So, if you want the best possible deal, I urge you to get in now…

The first thing you’ll receive is Litman’s newest discovery… a company with a near-30% earnings distortion they ’ve uncovered through forensic analysis.

Like every stock they recommend, you’ll have the potential to make a 100% gain or better if you get in right now, BEFORE the mass public.

Remember: Every stock with a major earnings distortion is eventually “corrected” by the market, as it reports higher and higher profits each quarter.

That’s how this system has pointed to potential gains of:

  • 1,368% on Regeneron (REGN)
  • 236% on PTC Therapeutics (PTCT)
  • 1,370% on Paycom (PAYC)… and dozens more.

You’ll receive a new recommendation from Joel Litman by email every third Tuesday for the next 12 months.

In the next few minutes, you’ll receive a password to the High Alpha website, where you’ll have full access to:

New research report: The Investment Truth Detector: How to Analyze Any Stock for Hidden Gains of 100% to 500%.

Inside, you’ll learn:

  • How to predict where any stock is going next
  • The most important number you must get right when deciding whether or not to buy or sell a stock
  • Why SEC filing DEF 14A points to which stocks could fall 90% or more, and wipe you out, with very little warning… and more.

Plus – Online access to a “lite” version of their system… where you can type in any of 2,000 different stocks and see the TRUE earnings analysis.

Joel will be in touch with you throughout the month to let you know of any updates, and when to close each new position.

Just remember: This is the first time they ’ve ever offered access to their system and forensic analysis to the general public. They ’re closing this offer soon. So if you’re interested, I urge you to get in today, before it’s too late. You’ll save $2,500… and receive free access to a “lite” version of their system.

And by the way…

Joel Litman High Alpha Research Refund Policy

If you’re unhappy with High Alpha, no problem.

Simply let them known within the first 30 days… and you’ll immediately receive a FULL CREDIT REFUND in the amount you spend today – which you can apply toward any other product they’ll publish.

Ready To Try High Alpha? Click Here To Get Joel Litman’s High Alpha Research At Best Available Price

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