Jim Rickards Countdown to Crisis Review – Legit Or No?

Jim Rickards Countdown to Crisis is where you’ll learn how to prepare for a Market Meltdown.

Just days from now, Jim Rickards – a former advisor to the CIA and Pentagon, is going live with his most urgent prediction to date….

One that he says:

“Could spell disaster for America and the markets, we could see the Dow plunge by 80% or more overnight and thousands of companies could spiral into bankruptcy…This is the biggest story no one is telling, it’s bigger than China, bigger inflation, bigger even than the Ukraine…and it’s set to take place just days from now”


Marc Chaikin Prediction 2023Marc Chaikin: ‘RUN ON THE BANKS in 2023’

Last November, Marc Chaikin warned: “A major shift in our financial system could lead to a RUN ON THE BANKS in 2023.”
Sure enough, this week we saw the collapse of Silvergate Capital and Silicon Valley Bank, in the biggest failure since 2008. “That’s only the beginning,” Marc says.

Read on for the full details…

Who Is Jim Rickards?

Now if you haven’t heard of Jim yet it’s no surprise…

You see, even though he’s a best-selling author, and has appeared on several media outlets like Bloomberg, CNBC, and Fox News…

JAMES RICKARDS Countdown to Crisis

Most of the work he’s done has been behind the scenes of America working at highest levels of intelligence and finance

For instance:

  • In 1999, he worked side by side with members of the Federal Reserve to negotiate the bailout of Long Term Capital management, and save the U.S. Banking system.
  • In 2001 (just after 9/11) he was recruited by the CIA to help design a system that could track terrorist through the financial markets (One that thwarted a terrorist attack in London in 2006)
  • In late 2009, he was asked by the Pentagon to help design their financial war games to help them stress test the U.S. financial system (A war game predicted much of what we are seeing play out today)

In addition to that, he’s advised the U.S. Department of Defense, the Department of the Treasury, and helped both the Reagan and the Nixon administration avert two international crises.

Which is what makes what he is going to say on Monday March 14th at 2:00PM ET from outside the White House so important.

Jim Rickards’ Next Prediction – Executive Order Impacts US Dollar?

Jim Rickards Countdown to Crisis – What Is All About?

You see Jim has found a strange pattern that has preceded nearly every major market crash going back to 1919.

One that he says will begin to appear in an obscure market just days from now…

And once it does, it will almost certainly spell the end of the entire U.S. stock market…

Now coming from anyone else that might be too hard to believed.

But Jim has been ahead of massive calls like this before.

  • In 2006 (a full two years before the 2008 financial crisis) he warned our intelligence community of a looming financial crisis…In fact, his full thesis was so in depth that it circulated among the top brass at the CIA, and appeared in the journal “Studies in Intelligence”. Material that remains classified to this day.
  • On June 20th, 2016, he stood in front of the world and said Brexit would without a doubt happen, even though most people thought that it was impossible… Giving his followers the chance to take home a fortune.
  • That same year he went on national television to predict the election of Donald Trump. Even though most people tried to dismiss him saying things like “Hilary is ahead in every poll” … He turned out to be exactly right.
  • In 2019, he warned everyone that a global pandemic could be the cause of the next financial crisis… And that a crisis of this proportion would happen with “near 100% certainty” within the next few years… Just four months later the first case of the coronavirus was announced, and we all know what happened after that.

And the list goes on and on and on…

But on March 14th at exactly 2 p.m. he’s making the biggest prediction yet…

And when a man with these kinds of connections and this track record of success talks, I think we should all listen.

Because if things play out the way he says, I don’t think you’ll be getting any second chances.


Joel Litman Winning Sector Portfolio PicksThis Is What I Just Told the Pentagon

While everyone’s worried about inflation, cryptocurrencies, and a looming recession, professor and forensic accountant Joel Litman just delivered an even more surprising warning when he met with top military brass at the Pentagon last month. Here’s what Joel says will happen to the market over the next 90 days.

Click here to get the full story.

Bottom Line: Should You Join Jim Rickards Countdown to Crisis?

strange 3 step pattern has occurred in an obscure market before every major stock market crash going all the way back to 1919… with only 2 possible exceptions.

It appeared before the 1987 stock market crash…

When the Dow plunged 23% in a single day.

It appeared before the dot.com bubble 2000…

Just before the NASDAQ dropped 75%.

And it appeared in 2006…

Before the stock market lost more than half of its value.

And it’s set to appear again next week.

That’s why 48 hours before this pattern starts to make its appearance, former CIA and Pentagon insider Jim Rickards will host an urgent broadcast live from Washington D.C, at 2pm ET, on Monday March 14th.

Where he’ll tell you exactly what this pattern is, and what you need to do to protect yourself.


Dan Ferris Major Market EventRick Rule: ‘Prepare NOW for This Once-in-a-Lifetime Hypercycle’

The last time the setup was this perfect, renowned market expert Rick Rule made 1,000 times his money. Now, for the first time ever, he’s showing you how the setup today is potentially even more lucrative.

Click here for full details.

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