Jim Rickards’ COBRA Tactical Profits Briefing – Is It Legit?

Jim Rickards’ COBRA Tactical Profits Briefing is scheduled to take place on Wednesday, June 16th, at 1:00pm ET. In it, Jim will blow the lid off one of the biggest financial stories — and biggest profit opportunities — of the next 20 years.

From what I can gather, this briefing will expose a hidden, yet rapidly escalating global conflict that’s going to cost $9 trillion a day by 2025

Plus Jim’s new, proprietary trading system specifically designed to profit from it. If his simulations hold true in real life — this system has the potential to find average returns of 160% every 45 days

And an overall “win ratio” of as much as 90%, theoretically.

Jim Rickards’ Next Prediction – Executive Order Impacts US Dollar?

What Is Jim Rickards’ COBRA Tactical Profits Briefing?

Jim Rickards’ identified an urgent situation that needs your immediate attention…

According to Jim, there’s an “asymmetric” war where the outcome could affect everything about your finances…The stakes couldn’t be higher, with $6.6 trillion switching hands every single day in this new war…

That’s why Jim’s created C.O.B.R.A. — a system specifically identified to give you the chance to “skim” money from this war…

In back tested data, Jim’s system tracked 119 “asymmetric war” plays, with a 90% theoretical win rate and a 160% average return per “trade” in 45 days.

On June 16th @ 1 pm, Jim’s hosting a full briefing on this event to bring you up to speed…



Americans Over 60 Must Do THIS Now!

Ben Stein Inflation Debt Disaster

Thanks to lousy fiscal policies, the U.S. is experiencing rapid price increases unlike almost anything in the last 39 years.

That’s why it’s so important to ACT NOW to preserve your retirement wealth (especially if you’re over 60).

This report is 100% FREE! Download it here!

Who Is Jim Rickards?

Jim Rickards is a best-selling author of books on politics and economics… with five best-selling books.

When places like Fox, CNBC, or Bloomberg want to know what’s about to happen to the worldwide economy, Jim’s the man they call. He’s worked with the Pentagon, the CIA, and National Intelligence Director to help protect our country from external threats.

He even has the top-secret clearance to show for it. And he’s fraternized with four-star generals and NSA directors like Michael Hayden. He’s testified under oath before both the House of Representatives and the Senate.

On the national level, Jim’s formed Presidential exploratory committees, conducted presidential polling operations, been in the West Wing of the White House, and was even a member of the economic policy team for John McCain’s 2008 presidential campaign.


Have you seen Teeka’s new warning? It’s a shocker…

Teeka Tiwari Cypro Panic

The man who’s been recommending cryptos since 2016, is now saying we should all prepare for a historic crypto panic.

If you have any money in cryptos or you’re thinking about getting started…

Click here now and prepare for the coming panic.

Is It Free To Attend Jim Rickards’ C.O.B.R.A. Tactical Profits Briefing?

Despite charging up to $10,000 for speaking fees at conferences, Jim’s decided to allow you into this briefing FOR FREE. As long as you have a computer (or a smartphone) and the Internet, you can watch this briefing from the comfort of your own home.

When Is Jim Rickards’ COBRA Tactical Profits Briefing?

Jim Rickards’ COBRA Tactical Profits Briefing has been scheduled to take placeon Wednesday, June 16th, at 1:00pm ET. It is important to note here that this event has limited spacing, so the sooner one signs up, the more likely they are guaranteed a seat.


Will This Be the Worst U.S. Crisis Ever?


Wealthy 73-year-old U.S. entrepreneur retreats to one of his three European properties to issue serious warning (and 4 recommendations) for Americans.

“It falls on someone like me to warn you clearly. I’m too rich to care about money — and too old to care what anyone thinks.”

Click here to get the details.

How To Sign Up for Jim Rickards’ COBRA Tactical Profits Briefing?

To get access to Jim Rickards’ COBRA Tactical Profits Briefing, all individuals have to do is enter their respective emails here.

Now, here’s what happens next…

Each day, leading up to the full briefing on June 16th at 1:00pm ET, Jim will send you a series of emails…

To make the most out of Jim’s event you need to read each and every email carefully.

Inside the messages you’ll find notes on the same sensitive topics that Jim discusses with all his connected government and military insiders…


  • Where he expects the next shot to be fired in this war…
  • How our financial fate hangs in the outcome of this war.
  • The moves you can make, right now, to control your future.
  • And what’s at stake as more than $6.6 trillion trades hands EACH AND EVERY DAY in this new war.

And come June 16th at 1:00pm ET, during his COBRA Tactical Profits Briefing, Jim’s going to show you how to dip your hands in… and potentially skim profits from all this money movement.


Federal Order #2222 Just Unlocked A $1.2 Trillion Opportunity

Federal Law

Most Americans have probably never heard of Federal Order #2222 before, but experts are calling it…

“A Game-Changer”…

“A Landmark Ruling”…

and “The Most Significant Order Ever Issued”.

Why such the high praise?

Because Federal Order #2222 just kicked off a new tech boom poised to surge 12,100%…

Unlocking $1.2 trillion in new wealth over the coming years.

With a little-known 3-letter ticker symbol at the center of it all.

Click here now to get the details on Federal Order #2222 and the #1 Ticker Symbol For This Government-Backed Tech Boom – For FREE

Closing Remarks On Jim Rickards’ COBRA Tactical Profits Briefing

Once you confirm your registration, you’ll get full details on this event. But here are the high spots:

  • Presented by Jim Rickards — bestselling financial author, “go to” source in the money media, and former economic warfare advisor to the CIA
  • Exposing a growing “sixth domain of war” that’s already causing $6.6 trillion to change hands every single day
  • Revealing a whole new way of making money that could allow you to skim HUGE potential profits off this massive daily flow of cash

The best part: Jim’s new profit tactic has already shown the potential to find 160% returns every 45 days, on average…

With a data-proven “win ratio” of up to 90% in simulated trading.

But you won’t be able to capitalize on ANY of these profits if you don’t attend the FREE Special Profit Briefing – Jim Rickards’ COBRA Tactical Profits.

Again, it’s this coming Wednesday, June 16th at 1:00 PM…

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