Jeff Opdyke’s Global Intelligence Review – Is It Legit?

Looking for more information about Jeff Opdyke’s Global Intelligence monthly newsletter? I’ve put an honest Global Intelligence Review, containing everything we know so far for Jeff Opdyke’s Global Intelligence service.


Marc Chaikin Prediction 2023Marc Chaikin Prediction

Wall Street legend Marc Chaikin is unveiling a new cash vehicle 50 years in the making… making his biggest new prediction in 50 years… and explaining how it could double or triple your money if you move your cash immediately.

Click here to watch (includes free recommendation).

Jeff Opdyke’s Five Critical Money Move – What Is All About?

There’s no shortage of pundits lining up to make bold predictions about America’s future today…

It’s not hard to see why.

The price of everything from meat to lumber to gasoline is soaring… the national debt has exploded since the start of last year… and large parts of the economy are still on government life support.

But according to one of the best investors I know – Jeff Opdyke – a man who spent two decades on Wall Street – there’s a much more important story developing in America today.

It’s far more important than inflation… out of control government spending… or the seemingly ever increasing price of bitcoin…

And if he’s right, it’s going to change life for you in ways that you absolutely have to be prepared for.

That’s why he recently appeared on camera from his home to share the five critical money moves he recommends all Americans take with their money today.

He explains exactly what these steps are – and why you need to consider taking them right away – in this new briefing.

Not only that, he gave the name and ticker symbol of the #1 investment he recommends you make today to potentially profit from his forecast.

It’s already up nearly 300% this year. But he believes there’s a lot more to come in the very near future.


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Money move #1: Buy some bitcoin

I know there are plenty of people out there telling you to do that right now.

But think about it like this…

America is much more than ‘just’ the dollar. But if you want to actually do anything here – whether you’re investing stocks, opening a bank account or starting business – you need to own dollars first.

The same is true of the cryptoconomy. It’s much more than bitcoin. But more often than not, you do need to own some bitcoin to get started.

And right now could be the perfect time to do exactly this…

See, later this year Jeff Opdyke believes a radical decision from the banks is going to help millions of Americans become bitcoin holders.

It’s thanks to a new partnership between a payments firm called NCR and a crypto provider called NYDIG.

It’ll allow 650 different American banks and credit unions to offer bitcoin and other crypto services directly to their customers.

In one move, it’ll shift bitcoin from the fringes of the financial system… right to its very heart.

If your bank is one of the 650 institutions involved, you’ll be able to buy and sell digital currencies directly within your existing account.

And it’ll be THE moment the cryptoconomy is normalized for millions of Americans.

If the rumours are true, the banks have been forced to do this… because they’ve been watching billions of dollars flood OUT of their vaults, and into cryptocurrencies.

“A lot of these banks have seen that one of the biggest outflows from their depositors is moving money from the bank to exchanges like Coinbase,” said Yan Zhao, Nydig’s President “And so that’s part of why banks are so excited to have this capability for themselves and for their consumers.”

Almost overnight, this is going to bring the cryptoconomy to millions of new savers and investors.

That’s why Jeff Opdyke suggests you get ahead of that moveby buying bitcoin today. The good news is,he put together an easy to follow guide to getting started with bitcoin.

It’s called Why Bitcoin Will Go to $1 Million.


This is Jeff Opdyke’s bitcoin bible. Do not own bitcoin without reading this. You’re going to learn exactly why Jeff Opdyke thinks bitcoin is going to $1,050,000 by 2027…

You’re going to see how bitcoin mining really works… and how to use a wallet to store your bitcoin…

Money move #2: Open an account at one of these ‘crypto banks’ – and get paid 61x more interest than a traditional savings account (without taking big risks)

Jeff Opdyke suggestion is: open a savings account in the cryptoconomy today.

Which is why he would also like to share a step-by-step guide to getting your first account set up…

It’s called Profit From the DeFi Revolution.


If you want to join the exodus from the legacy system – and get paid a lot more money in the process – this is your essential guide.

It gives you EVERYTHING you could possibly need to get started, including:

  • What you need to do to get your account set up (Jeff Opdyke shows you screenshots of literally every step you need to take).
  • How to save in the right currency for you (you have a lot of choice – from currencies that track the dollar to bitcoin).
  • How to fund your account quickly and easily.
  • How to choose the right interest rate for you.
  • And much, much more.

Money move #3: Go ‘beyond bitcoin’ and buy these three cryptos

Jeff Opdyke says that when the SEC gives the green light to expect an tsunami of capital to flood into the cryptoconomy. It’s going to make bitcoin as easy to buy as shares in Apple or Amazon.

Think about it like this…

The global gold market is worth roughly $10 trillion. Yet the total value of bitcoin – often referred to as “digital gold” – is around $1 trillion.

In other words: for bitcoin to just match gold… it’d have to increase in value by 1,000% from here.

That’d take it to somewhere around $500,000 per bitcoin.

That might not happen overnight (though you can never be certain with bitcoin).

But it shows just how much room there is for it to grow – especially when the SEC makes it quick, easy and safe for big institutions to pour money into the market.

That’s why Jeff Opdyke recommends you grab a copy of a third report he prepared for you. It’s called Beyond Bitcoin: Three Cryptos To Buy Today.


It contains the details of three other projects that Jeff Opdyke thinks everyone needs to know about right now.

The first is a project that is building out the ‘plumbing’ of the new, alternate financial system. It’s going to be at the heart of thousands of new cryptoconomy projects in the years to come.

Buy it today and you’ll have a stake in them all.

That’s not some wild prediction, either.

This project is already being used by JP Morgan, Microsoft, Amazon  UbiSoft… plus ING Group (which manages $1.1 trillion in assets).

That’s on top of an estimated 3,000 OTHER new applications being developed by smaller companies.

Bottom line: if you want a stake in the cryptoconomy– beyond just owning bitcoin – this is the smartest move to make.

The second is a project that threatens to disrupt pretty much every bank in the world. It’s effectively a way of connecting savers and borrowers… with no need for a bank.

And it’s performing pretty well. It’s already worth more than $3 billion. It launched last year and peaked 10x higher just four months later.

But it’s still early days. There’s more opportunity here. If you’re happy taking the risk – and comfortable with volatility – there’s every chance this project could make you a small fortune in the years ahead.

You’ll also get the name of a third play I’m recommending. It’s another way of seeding your money in the new system… this time, backing a company developing something called smart contracts.

Think of smart contracts as “the law without lawyers”. They’re intelligent contracts that eliminate the need for armies of lawyers and notaries. And they have huge potential to disrupt everything from real estate to the energy market.

You’ll get a full write up when you download your copy of Beyond Bitcoin: Three Cryptos To Buy Today.

Money move #4: Dump these four toxic stocks now

It’s no good making money from the cryptoconomy if you also own the modern day equivalent of blockbuster.

That’s why Jeff Opdyke put together a new report called, Four Toxic Stocks To Avoid as DeFi Takes Over.


It pinpoints the four stocks perfectly placed to struggle with the massive disruption by the rise of the cryptoconomy… the kind of stock that likely won’t survive the decade, if current trends continue.

These are companies you could easily own in your portfolio right now… or even bank with.

In fact, more than 70 million Americans have an account with one of these companies today… but I believe that could all be about to change dramatically.

Another handles billions of dollars and has 500,000 agents worldwide – yet could easily go the way of Blockbuster in the coming years.

You’ll get the full story on all four stocks when you grab your copy of the new report, Four Toxic Stocks To Avoid as DeFi Takes Over.

Money move #5: Get ready to profit from the forever collapse of “old money”

According to Jeff Opdyke – there was one investment you could make today that – historically – provides perfect protection against rising inflation.

No – it’s not gold or silver.

But there’s something much smarter you can do with your money today, if you’re worried about inflation.

The best way to learn more about the inflation hedge – plus several other inflation profit plays – is to grab a copy of another new report Jeff Opdyke put together, called How To Profit From Out Of Control Inflation.


So how can you get hold of this report – and everything else I’ve told you about today?

That’s easy.

It all comes free when you subscribe to Jeff Opdyke’s monthly newsletter called: Global Intelligence.

What Is Jeff Opdyke’s Global Intelligence?

Jeff Opdyke’s Global Intelligence is authentic, boots-on-the-ground research and analysis. From his home base in Prague, Jeff Opdyke frequently ventures forth into the world to find the unique opportunities you are absolutely not hearing about in the mainstream (or even alternative) financial media.

Global Intelligence exists to track the biggest trends shaping your wealth and retirement today. And the rise of the cryptoconomy is probably the biggest of those trends right now.

It’s your guide to what is easily the biggest story of our lifetimes – the emergence of a whole new money system… and the collapse of the ‘legacy’ system…

In these monthly reports, Jeff Opdyke will track this story in real time. He will also share a model portfolio of stocks and other investments you can make for protection and profit potential.


Investing Experts Reveal new AI Threat

The AI Revolution Portfolio

Louis Navellier, Eric Fry, and Luke Lango just sat down for an emergency AI roundtable discussion. They revealed a new AI development with millions of retirements in its cross hair and nobody is safe.

Watch their discussion to prepare yourself.

What Do You Get With Jeff Opdyke’s Global Intelligence Subscription?

When you start your trial, you’ll get instant access to FIVE special research reports Jeff Opdyke put together:

Why Bitcoin Will Go to $1 Million

Which contains everything you need to get started investing in bitcoin and why Jeff Opdyke believes bitcoin will go to $1 million by 2027.

Profit From the DeFi Revolution

Showing you how to increase your investment income by 61x or more in 12 months, on US dollar pegged investments.

Beyond Bitcoin: Three Cryptos To Buy Today

Naming the three crypto assets to buy today to profit from the rise of the cryptoconomy.

Four Toxic Stocks To Avoid as DeFi Takes Over

Naming the four stocks you should avoid like the plague.

How To Profit From Out Of Control Inflation

Showing you several smart ways to profit from rising inflation.

Jeff Opdyke’s Global Intelligence Pricing

A one year subscription to Global Intelligence costs $49 (renews at $99 at the end of your first year).

Jeff Opdyke’s Global Intelligence Refund Policy

That small fee is FULLY REFUNDABLE for the next 90 days, by the way. If you don’t like what you see, you can simply get in touch with Jeff Opdyke’s team and you’ll get a prompt refund.


BREAKING NEWS: The U.S. Dollar Is ‘Going Crypto’

Days ago, the U.S. government took the first step toward creating its own cryptocurrency… a “federal bitcoin.” The U.S. Treasury and 120 banks have already signed up. If you get positioned immediately, you could make 3,050%.

Click here to learn more.

Bottom Line: Should You Join Jeff Opdyke’s Global Intelligence?

You are living through one of the most dangerous and exciting times to be an investor in decades. A critical moment in history: the death of the old money system… and the emergence of the cryptoconomy.

You’ve seen how Jeff Opdyke is responding with his own money. Last year he sold 90% of his stocks. And he has been investing more and more capital in the decentralised cryptoconomy.

One look at some of Jeff Opdyke’s open positions shows you how that decision is playing out:

4,320% on Cardano since May 2020… 633% on VeChain since November 2020… and 5,761% on Dero since June of 2020.

While those gains are extraordinary and rare, Jeff Opdyke believes they only scratched the surface…

The cryptoconomy is flourishing into a fully-fledged alternative financial system… and delivering the kind of returns most people never make in the legacy system.

You can already trade Apple, Tesla and many other big Wall Street stocks via the cryptoconomy. (A stake in the company behind this alternate stock market would have turned every $100 staked into $88,741 in just two years.)

This is your chance to profit from the NEXT opportunities that are emerging right now.

The good news is, you’re in exactly the right place to get everything you need to capitalise on what’s happening at the best price possible.

It all starts with your 90 day trial of Jeff Opdyke’s Global Intelligence.

Global Intelligence is your in depth guide to the biggest trends shaping your wealth today. And right now there’s nothing bigger than the emergence of the cryptoconomy.

Global Intelligence is your guide to what is easily the biggest story of our lifetimes – the emergence of a whole new money system… and the collapse of the ‘legacy’ system…

In Jeff Opdyke’s monthly reports, he will track this story in real time, along with unique opportunities you are absolutely not hearing about in the mainstream (or even alternative) financial media.

He will also share a model portfolio of stocks and other investments you can make for protection and profit potential.

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