Jeff Bishop High Octane Options Review

What Is Jeff Bishop High Octane Options?

Jeff Bishop High Octane Options is a new strategy developed around the one breakout pattern that made Jeff Bishop  a millionaire. It uses Jeff Bishop’s new proprietary “Octane Screener” that instantly scans the market and locates Jeff’s high conviction breakout pattern. Jeff Bishop High Octane Options uses covered calls and will shows investors why selling call options on stocks you already own is such a savvy a complete no brainer technique.

FREE DOWNLOAD – Download Jeff Bishop’s FREE eBook – The Traders Black Book

What Do You Get For Your Money With High Octane Options?

As of moment of writing 2 subscriptions option are available.

Unlimited Subscription includes:

  • Access to Jeff’s Octane Scanner
  • Real Time Trade alerts, Each With 100%+ Profit Potential
  • Brand New: “Octane Trade Zone” with every alert!
  • High Octane Live Streaming Portfolio
  • Access to Jeff’s Exclusive Educational Suite
  • BONUS: Access to RagingBull Chat Room

Annual Subscription includes:

Everything Below for One Year:

  • Access to Jeff’s Octane Scanner
  • Real Time Trade alerts, Each With 100%+ Profit Potential
  • Brand New: “Octane Trade Zone” with every alert!
  • High Octane Live Streaming Portfolio
  • Access to Jeff’s Exclusive Educational Suite

Jeff Bishop High Octane Options Inside

Jeff Bishop High Octane Options is a DIRECTIONAL Options Trading Service.

Directional and non-directional option trades

Maybe you have already heard about an option trade being directional or non-directional. What does it mean? In short, this distinction is about how much the trade is exposed to movement in price of the underlying security. This article explains directional trades. For non-directional option strategies, see the examples of long straddle or iron condor.

Bullish and bearish trades with stocks

Directional trades are the most common things people do in the markets. You have two basic possibilities. You can speculate on an increase in an asset’s price – in this case you say you are bullish. Or you can speculate on a fall in an asset’s price and you say you are bearish.

Here you can read about directional trades with stocks, which is pure and simple buying and selling of stocks. When you expect a stock to rise (you are bullish), you buy it and if you are right, you make money. When you expect a stock to fall (you are bearish), you sell it short and if you are right, you make money. If you are wrong and the stock goes in the other direction, you lose money. If the stock stays at the same level, you neither make nor lose any money. This is not always true with options as you will soon see.


Millionaire Trader Reveals Top Trade Idea Each Week CEO, Jeff Bishop, shares his top pick for the week each Monday, straight to your inbox.

“My strategy aims to help you pull one winner out of the market each week, regardless of market conditions!” – Jeff Bishop

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Directional trades with options

You can place similar directional trades using options. In other articles we have explained why calls tend to increase in price when the underlying stock goes up, while puts tend to appreciate when the underlying goes down. So instead of buying the underlying stock, you buy a call, which is an example of a directional trade with bullish bias. Or instead of selling the underlying stock short, you can buy a put option, which is a directional trade with bearish bias, as a put increases in price when the underlying asset goes down.

Directional trades with options vs. directional trades with stocks

When you make directional positions with stocks, bonds, and other securities which don’t have the optionality and time value embedded in them, the relationship between the asset’s price and your profit or loss is linear and very simple. Stock goes up by 5, you hold 1,000 shares, and you make 5,000 dollars. Stock goes down by 3 dollars and with 1,000 shares you lose 3,000 dollars.

Options have time value and as a result the relationship between an option’s market price (and therefore your profit or loss) and the market price of the underlying asset is usually non-linear.

Jeff Bishop’s “Octane Screener” – How it works ?

Jeff Bishop’s Octane Screener finds the best opportunities in the market and compiles them into a neat list with the click of a button.

Most great traders spent their days scouring through the market, scanning through as many stocks as humanly possible just looking for their favorite pattern and a tradeable setup. This process means missed opportunities, and imperfectly timed trades….

The days of manually sifting through as many stocks as you can just to find one or two tradeable candidates are OVER.

You can learn more about Jeff Bishop’s “Octane Screener” – when you attend the upcoming Jeff Bishop’s High Octane Options webinar.

What Will You Learn During the Jeff Bishop High Octane Options webinar?

In the upcoming High Octane Options Trading event Jeff Bishop will share:

  • Why he’s scaling into longer term positions and getting the right price
  • How he uses covered calls as part of his trading strategy and why selling call options on stocks he already own is such a savvy a complete no brainer technique
  • How to get “paid by the market” and use protective puts as a relatively low risk strategy. “Use it to pick the price you want to own a stock at,” says Jeff.
  • How to be nimble and adapt as a trader

Jeff Bishop Reveals Top Trade Idea Each Week, straight to your inbox

Is Jeff Bishop High Octane Options Webinar FREE?

Jeff Bishop High Octane Options webinar is free for anyone to attend. You can enter your email and phone number to receive a link to the June 11th webinar

By entering your email and phone number into the online form, you agree to receive marketing materials from the creators of the event.

How to attend Jeff Bishop High Octane Options Webinar?

To join Jeff Bishop High Octane Options webinar, individuals will have to reserve their spot by simply submitting their email addresses.

When will Jeff Bishop High Octane Options webinar take place?

Jeff Bishop High Octane Options webinar has been scheduled to take place on on Thursday, June 11th at 2PM ET.

FREE DOWNLOAD – Download Jeff Bishop’s FREE eBook – The Traders Black Book

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