Is Jeff Brown’s “The Tech Shock” Portfolio Legit?

Jeff Brown is out with a new presentation – “THE TECH SHOCK” – for his Near Future Report newsletter. Find out what’s Jeff Brown’s “The Tech Shock” Portfolio in this Jeff Brown’s “The Tech Shock” Portfolio Review.

What Is Jeff Brown “The Tech Shock”?

By now, you’ve no doubt seen the headlines about a global chip shortage.

GM and Toyota factories are shutting down…

Mass shortages of electronics are commonplace…

Everything from our food supply to medical device production is being strained to the breaking point.

And there is still no end in sight. As Intel reports, this shortage is set to continue for, “Several years.”

You may know it’s happening. You may know something seems to be very wrong…

But what you probably don’t yet realize–what few so far have figured out…

Is the disturbing truth behind all this.

And the fact that when chip shortages like this one happened in the past, the investors who took the right steps made 90 times their money…

… while millions of others who ignored these shortages LOST 90%.

Every time you hear about the chip crisis, remember: what we’re really witnessing isn’t some passing inconvenience or temporary trend.

What we are seeing is the most polarizing technological and financial event of our lifetimes.

One that will be a godsend for the select few investors who understand it…

And a disaster for the millions of others that are caught in its wake.

Already, behind the scenes, the realization is setting in.

  1. The world’s most important tech corporations, including Apple, Amazon, Google, and Microsoft, wrote an urgent plea to Congress, practically begging for help with this chip crisis—fast.
  2. The White House has stated this chip shortage is its “Top and immediate priority.”
  3. Rumor has it some Americans are already hoarding items that could become scarce in the weeks ahead.

Now, a former computer chip executive with over 20 years of experience, Jeff Brown is stepping forward to explain every detail about what this shortage really means for you… and what it will soon mean for our world.

To view his full presentation on this pivotal moment in history, click here.

Investors who navigated global chip shortages like this in the past saw 30… 40… and even 90 times their money. In some cases, in as little as a single year. While investors who ignored what was going on around them lost 90% of their wealth. This is here, it is serious, and you are running out of time to put yourself on the right side of history.

Click here to learn the steps you can take right now to stay safe.

Jeff Brown’s 3 steps to navigate “The Tech Shock” crisis

It’s critical you get this information right away. Because the last time something like this happened… unprepared investors lost as much as 90% of their wealth. While the few who knew what was happening and what to do had the chance to gain thirty times their money in a single year.

In first step he will guide us to identify the group of companies to become the next generation of “Tech Shock” winners. You can find their names and stock symbols in a special downloadable report, titled The “Tech Shock” Portfolio: Companies to Buy Now.

Second step is also very important. Jeff believes that damage of the current “Tech Shock” will impact more people than before. You want to pay close attention to the companies in his second report The “Tech Shock” Casualties: Companies to Avoid. Better stay away from these companies no matter how safe they look like to you now.

The third step relates to another shortage spreading alongside chip shortage. He is talking about labor shortage. Millions of people are refusing to work right now. As CNBC reports, “There are about 1 million more job openings than people looking for work.” Businesses have no other choice but automation.

Machines doing the job that people will not do. We are going back to the chips because robots need chips to operate. This will drive computer chip demand even higher. Investors who make the right investment today could make a fortune. That’s why Jeff prepared a portfolio with companies in his third research report called The Age of Automation.

To get those three reports for free, you have to sign up for Jeff Brown’s The Near Future Report.

Get Jeff Brown Tech Shock Portfolio + 2 Bonus Reports here

What Is The Near Future Report newsletter?

Founded by tech investor Jeff Brown, this publication tracks every new development in the technology industry, keeping readers on the bleeding edge of technology investing.

The Near Future Report is an investment advisory focused on identifying the trends of today – those right around the corner on the point of mass adoption.

With each monthly issue of The Near Future Report, you’ll see Jeff’s knack for identifying companies on the doorstep of enormous growth.

He’ll tell you everything you need to know about the most innovative trends out there. He’ll also spotlight new technologies he’s tracking. And most importantly, he’ll give you easy-to-follow recommendations for generating solid profits from emerging trends.

You’ll get 12 monthly issues, each with raw insights and a brand-new investment recommendation. You’ll also get full, complimentary 24/7 access to the member’s only website, featuring Jeff Brown’s model portfolio and full archives of past issues and reports.

What Do You Get For Your Money With The Near Future Report Subscription?

Here’s what you’ll get now if you order The Near Future Report through this page.

The “Tech Shock” Portfolio: Companies to Buy Now

“Tech Shocks” in the past have been a disaster for investors. But at the same time, for a select few investors who knew what to do… they’ve been a godsend.

Wise investors during the “Tech Shock” of 1999 saw 2,900% on Qualcomm in a single year… in 1988, they saw 3,700% on Micron Technology… and even a staggering 9,000% gain on Texas Instruments…

Just like before, investors who make the right moves now could see immense wealth in the fallout of today’s “Tech Shock.”

The companies in this portfolio are poised to be the “Qualcomms” and the “Texas Instruments” of tomorrow. And among their ranks is one very special company, one which may someday be known as the company that saved the world from this crisis.

  • It is the only company on the planet with the tech needed to make today’s most advanced computer chips.
  • It’s already inked deals with the top 3 biggest chip makers in the world, touching over 50% of the world’s chip supply. As the Wall Street Journal puts it, this company’s top client produces “almost all of the world’s most sophisticated chips”
  • Plus… its tech is legally fortified by over 13,000 patents.

You’ll learn its name as well as all the other potential “Tech Shock” winners in this special report.

The “Tech Shock” Casualties: Companies to Avoid

At the same time…

Today’s “Tech Shock” will destroy some of the public’s favorite stocks.

To help you avoid the dangers lurking just around the corner, Jeff has packaged a list of companies to stay away from—and sell immediately.

One of them is considered among the “safest” stocks on the market. You may own it right now. But make no mistake… Jeff believes it is a ticking time bomb.

Its name and the full list of “Tech Shock” casualties is available in this special report.

The Age of Automation

Despite employers doling out signing bonuses… and lavish benefits like pet insurance…

Another kind of shortage is emerging as we speak–a labor shortage.

As CNBC reports, “There are about 1 million more job openings than people looking for work.”

And as more Americans “opt-out” of the labor market… businesses have one real option left to keep their doors open.


From computer ordering kiosks and robotic burger flippers…

To farms operated by drones and sensors…

To “Machine Vision” replacing assembly line workers…

The automation of labor is set to drive computer chip demand even higher. And investors who position themselves in the right companies today could make a fortune. That’s why Jeff has prepared a portfolio of companies he considers the very top players in this space.

You’ll find everything inside this report.

1 Year of The Near Future Report

Your membership includes 12 full issues of Jeff Brown’s flagship financial research service—covering the latest trends in the world of technology and finance.

Jeff spent over two decades working as an executive at some of the largest tech corporations in the world, including Qualcomm, NXP Semiconductors, and Juniper Networks.

Today he is an active angel investor in early-stage tech startups. He’s participated in over 200 private deals. He has been a very early backer of five billion-dollar “Unicorn” startups to date, including Coinbase, the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange.

When you’re a member of The Near Future Report, every month, Jeff sends you at least one new investment recommendation as well as a detailed analysis on what he sees happening in the markets.

By following Jeff’s recommendations, readers have had the chance to invest in the #1 returning tech stock of 2016, 2018, 2019, and 2020.

And as of late August, every single one of Jeff’s 5G, AI, and cryptocurrency picks is up. Out of 19 positions, they are all winners. Some are already up as high as 400%… 500%… even 600%.

A Full Library of Reports on Every Major Tech Trend of Today

Every Near Future Report reader has access to an exclusive “Special Reports” collection, filled with investment recommendations in every corner of the tech world today. Some of these titles include…

  • How to Make a Tax-Free Fortune From Cryptocurrencies
  • Jeff’s #1 5G Pure Play
  • The #1 Stock “Behind” Quantum Computing

Plus, dozens of other special reports not listed here, including reports on self-driving cars, genetic editing, and precision medicine.

Unrestricted Access to The Near Future Report‘s Model Portfolio

Jeff’s model portfolio is on fire with gains as high as 345%… 422%… and 450% as of mid-2021! You’ll gain access to all the current open positions so you can get in on every single pick that is still in Jeff’s buy range.

24/7 Access to The Near Future Report’s
Members-Only Website

Here, you’ll enjoy full access to your issues, special reports, and other member benefits—entirely at your convenience. You can enjoy The Near Future Report anytime, anywhere.

Customer Support From Our Florida-Based Team

Brownstone Research professional team of experienced agents, based in Delray Beach, Florida, can help you with any questions or concerns you may have about your subscription. Simply call 888-493-3156 or email them any time Monday–Friday, 9 am–5 pm ET.

Sign Up here to access the Near Future Report now

The Near Future Report Subscription Fee

Normally The Near Future Report retails for $199.

But if you order through this page, you’ll pay just $49. That’s 75% off retail—which comes out to less than 14 cents per day.

And by trying Jeff’s research now, you risk nothing. Because your subscription is backed by Jeff’s 60-day, 100% money back guarantee.

The Near Future Report Refund Policy

If you decide The Near Future Report isn’t for you in the first two months, just give Brownstone Research team a call at 888-493-3156 and they’ll refund your order and cancel your subscription — no hard feelings.

The best part is you can keep ALL your special reports no matter what!

Jeff Brown’s “The Tech Schock”: Final Words

Investors who understood past “Tech Shocks” could have made 2,900% in a single year… 3,700%… and even over 9,000%.

While investors who ignored past “Tech Shocks” could have LOST 90% of their wealth.

It’s never been more important to hear this out.

Watch Jeff Brown’s “The Tech Shock” Presentation Here

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