Is Enrique Abeyta Perfect Battery EV Stock Legit? (Truth Revealed)

Enrique Abeyta from Empire Financial Research recently talked about a new perfect battery that is set to become the main technology of the $858 billion electric vehicle revolution.

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What Is Enrique Abeyta Perfect Battery?

“The perfect battery” is safer, over 60% cheaper, and nearly five times longer lasting than the lithium-ion batteries you will find in most electric cars today.

What Is The Company that Stays Behind The Perfect Battery?

No, it is not Tesla. But Elon Musk says “one of the world’s most talented engineering execs.”

Analysts believe it is the only automaker capable of dethroning Tesla as the EV market’s king in TWO years.

If you act today, you can buy its stock for just $12.

Who Is Enrique Abeyta?

He began his Wall Street career in 1993 as a fixed-income analyst at Lehman Brothers.

With the help of Goldman Sachs, Abeyta established his own hedge fund in 2001.

He started the business with slightly more than $500,000 in assets under management.

He increased it to $800 million over the next three years.

Throughout his Wall Street career Abeyta:

  • Helped raise more than $100 million in private equity.
  • Raised over $2 billion in investment capital.
  • Outperformed the S&P 500 across 15-years.

Feel free to make your own research, you’ll find out that his talent for predictions is well documented.

Of course, past performance is no guarantee for future returns. We can, at the very least, listen to what he has to say.

What is Enrique Abeyta’s Prediction?

His analysis indicate that these “perfect batteries” will make consumers “go electric” much faster than we expect.

His research, based on a survey of over 1,100 automotive executives from 31 countries, reveals that every year, the EV market is expected to rise by 133%.

This could be the best way to make money in the markets right now.

Master Reset of The Auto Industry

Abeyta described “Master Reset” as the period when a new technology or product emerges. It completely transforms an industry. And early investors receive ASTRONOMICAL gains.

He believes the upcoming Master Reset in the car industry will make the resets in personal computers, retail, and telecom appear TINY.

Bloomberg recently conducted a global analysis of EV adoption rates. They discovered that after EVs account for 5% of all new car sales, adoption accelerates at breakneck pace.

In Finland just four years after it crossed the 5% mark in 2018, EVs commanded 37% market share.

In Sweden it crossed the 5% mark in 2017. Today, more than half of all new cars sold in Sweden are electric.

Iceland crossed the 5% mark in 2016. Now EVs control 56% of the market!

Norway exceeded the 5% threshold in 2013. Electric vehicles now account for 88% of new vehicles sold in Norwegian dealerships.

The U.S. just crossed 5%.

If we follow Norway’s adoption rate, EVs would control 29% of the domestic auto market by 2025… and nearly 50% by 2027.

And it is not just the U.S. – South Korea, New Zealand, Germany, Italy and France have ALL recently crossed the EV tipping point. And Canada, Australia and Spain are set to hit it this year.

The reason for the “Master Reset” will be most likely because of the “perfect battery”.

And, while GM, Toyota, Volkswagen, Hyundai, and Tesla are all racing to incorporate these batteries into their product lines…

Only one automaker is installing “perfect batteries” in their vehicles and building a plant in the United States to supply them.

EV Benefits

Automobile manufacturers are investing $575 billion to ensure that they are not left behind by the Master Reset.


It is because the benefits of owning an EV will soon become so hard to ignore.

EV Benefit #1: Over the life of the vehicle, they will save you up to $28,286 in fuel, maintenance, and repair costs.

Fuel savings are just one part of the expenses. Maintenance savings are also a massive factor.

The drivetrain on a regular car contains more than 2,000 moving parts. An EV has just 20.

Spark plugs, catalytic converters, ignition coils, oxygen sensors: all the parts that make your mechanic jump for joy when they break… they are nowhere to be found in an EV.

owners savings

So, think twice before you invest into formerly “recession-proof” auto parts suppliers like O’Reilly Automotive and Advance Auto Parts.

EV Benefit #2: They Double as Backup Power Generators for Up to 10 Days.

The Department of Energy estimates that these interruptions cost the economy $150 billion a year. However, modernizing the power grid would cost a whopping $2.5 TRILLION. It probably won’t happen any time soon.

One less problem if you own EV. Because some EVs are set up for “bidirectional charging.”
That means they can not only charge their batteries with electricity, but they can also send electricity from a charged battery to a house.

PG&E and General Motors have recently joined forces to test EVs as on-demand power sources in California.

However, the top EV stock of the 2020s is far ahead of them.

This company, which trades for only $12 a share, has just released a vehicle capable of providing full power to your home for three days on a single charge.

EV Benefit #3: You may earn $5,000 each year without working or investing.

You can make money with your EV battery without lifting a finger by send electricity to the power grid using Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) technology.

Simply plug your EV into your home, and once the battery is fully charged, it will begin selling excess electricity to the grid.

You might earn up to $5,000 each year by selling during peak hours. That equates to $75,000 in risk-free passive income over the life of the vehicle.

EV Benefit #4: They Could Soon Cost the Same as Gas-Powered Vehicles

“Perfect batteries” are 61% cheaper than nickel-cobalt batteries. Implementing them could get EV in line with the price of the average car.

EV Benefit #5: You Could Soon Recharge Your EV In Less Than Five Minutes

Currently, charging an EV can take anywhere from 30 minutes to 12 hours. If you try to charge an EV faster than that, the batteries will overheat and degrade over time.

However, a team of Purdue University engineers has just invented a solution to this problem – a new charging cable. It uses an alternate cooling approach to charge a battery in less than five minutes.

This research was funded by the EV maker Abeyta is talking about.

EV Benefit #6: You will Love Driving Them

If you can save $28,286 by using EV…

It will provide you with backup power for up to ten days…

Allowing you to earn $5,000 per year while doing nothing…

In less than five minutes, you can recharge…

And being less expensive than the average car isn’t enough…

EVs are simply enjoyable to drive.

Even the most basic models have enough of torque and can accelerate from 0 to 60 mph in less than four seconds.

They provide an exceptionally smooth ride since they do not have vibrating transmissions or engines.

They are also whisper-quiet because they do not require mechanical valves, gears, or fans.

Despite the fact that the EV revolution will benefit motorists worldwide, Investors will benefit the most from this trend.

The Market Segment Projected to Grow by 1,595%

Abeyta is talking about electric trucks. A market projected to grow by 1,594% by 2026.

Electric truck makers like Nikola and Workhorse have gone up 659% and 9,514%.

However, Abeyta believes that the top EV stock of the 2020s will outsell them all. It recently electrified a line of pickups worth more than $40 billion on a good year.

Its new electric model has nearly 200,000 reservations, forcing the automaker to quadruple production to keep up with demand. This new model has many advantages, including safer “perfect battery”. 17% cheaper than its gas equivalent, fast acceleration from 0-60 mph in less than 4 seconds, officially rated to tow 10,000 pounds, and many more.

The #1 EV Stock of the 2020s

You probably cannot wait to learn the name of this company. No need to wait long. Everything you need to know about this stock can be found in Abeyta’s new investment report, “The #1 EV Stock of the 2020s.”

The #1 EV Stock of the 2020s

This document includes information:

  • Why this car manufacturer could easily triple your money.
  • How to Purchase it in any Brokerage Account.
  • How to Choose the Best Position Size.
  • And a complete breakdown of its fundamentals.

And if you act quickly, you can get in at $12, right alongside the major trading firms that are currently stockpiling shares.

The EV Investment Bible

This bonus report will give you high level overview of this shift.

The EV Investment Bible

If you think investing in EVs is all about finding the right start-up, this report is the wake-up call you’ve been looking for.

Abeyta goes over all of the many types of EV stocks, from battery producers to charging station manufacturers and beyond… and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each category.

You’ll learn why Tesla’s 50% market share in the United States could be trimmed in half (or more!) if competition in this field heats up.

Inside is included Abeyta’s “EV Watchlist,” a basket of four MUST-BUY companies on the frontlines of the auto industry’s Master Reset.

Seven EV Deathtraps

This is the name of his third bonus dossier. Inside are listed the stocks not worth your time and money.

Seven EV Deathtraps

You might be surprised by a few of the names on here.

The Best Way to Own White Gold

If you know anything about EVs, you know they run on lithium, the EV market’s “white gold.”

The Best Way to Own White Gold

The EV market makes up almost 80% of lithium-ion battery demand. As global EV sales have increased from 130,000 in 2012 to 6.6 million today, so have lithium stocks.

According to the International Energy Agency, there will be 145 million electric vehicles on the road by 2030.

Nearly 1.6 MILLION tons of lithium will be required for these vehicles.


These dossiers are the first research you will receive when you start a no-risk, trial subscription to Empire Stock Investor
. Here are few words about Enrique Abeyta’s flagship financial newsletter.

What Is Empire Stock Investor?

Subscribers of Empire Stock Investor receive newest money-making recommendations on the first Wednesday of every month.

Included is also information exactly how to allocate a portfolio across their recommendations to maximize your potential gains. This way, you’ll never be left wondering what to do with fresh stocks recommendations.

In 2020, the average annualized gain for Empire Stock Investor was 55.7%. This return measures the results achieved by all of their recommendations, scaled to a one-year period.

What is included in Empire Stock Investor?

You will receive everything you need to know for a successful start. Here is the list:

  • INVESTMENT DOSSIER: The #1 EV Stock of the 2020s
  • INVESTMENT DOSSIER: The EV Investment Bible
  • INVESTMENT DOSSIER: Seven EV Deathtraps
  • INVESTMENT DOSSIER: The Best Way to Own White Gold
  • 12 months of Empire Stock Investor
  • Two free e-letters, Empire Financial Daily and Whitney Tilson’s Daily. Every day the markets are open.
  • Full access to all archived research reports and recommendations, including a very valuable report called America’s Ultimate Crash-Proof Stock, and another detailed analysis called: The $4 Inflation Stock That Could Change Your Life.

How much does Empire Stock Investor cost?

The regular retail rate for basic membership is $199 per year but you can save 75% off the regular rate by taking advantage of this special trial subscription offer for only $49.

Deluxe subscription is reduced from $398 to $79. It includes also:

  • bonus: 1-year free, no-obligation subscription to Louis Navellier’s Growth Investor ($199 value).
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Premium subscription price is currently $129. Retail price $599. It includes everything from Premium plus A FREE electronic copy of Whitney Tilson’s new book, The Art of Playing Defense: How to Get Ahead by Not Falling Behind.

Trial subscriptions are 100% risk-free for use in the first 30 days.

Final Words

There is nothing much to lose with this generous offer.

BBC calls this shift “the biggest revolution in motoring since Henry Ford’s first production line started turning back in 1913.”

And the biggest gains could still be to come. Think about it…

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